Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 629 - The Might of One Sword

Chapter 629 The Power of a Sword

boom! boom! boom!
A blood-colored divine figure stands above the boundless blood river, blessed by the power of the ten saints all over its body, every palm strike has infinite power manifested, with the potential to crush the world, bombarding on a silver light curtain, constantly There was a violent roar.

There are countless inscription patterns on the silver light curtain connecting the world, like a world barrier, separating that piece of world.


"This guy's strength is estimated to be almost the same as that of Long Hao. Fortunately, he doesn't have such treasures as the Boundary Breaking Shuttle, otherwise, just the three of us can't trap him!"

Faced with the constant violent bombardment of the blood-colored god shadow, the three Yun Hongfeng who presided over the big formation turned blue and white, and their blood was churning. One of them coughed up blood due to the huge impact.

"Hmph, this guy who sees sex and forgets profit, when the elders kill Lu Yao and Long Hao, he will die!"

Yun Hongfeng had a ferocious expression, and his whole body was full of evil spirits, like a ferocious monster. Murong Xiu's rebellion made him angry.

Otherwise, under the violent attack of a group of them, they would have killed Long Hao long ago.

Wan Zhongshan and his party took a huge blow to his self-esteem, and he was defeated by Master Shenxiu and Long Hao successively. Now even Lu Yao who was seriously injured was difficult to deal with, which can be said to be a shame.

Helpless, in order to make a quick decision, they had no choice but to change their strategy and use a space blockade formation to trap Murong Xiu, while the silver-haired old man in Nirvana quickly attacked and killed Lu Yao, taking the opportunity to secure the victory.

chi chi chi...

The bright knife light cuts the sky and the earth like a rainbow, with the destructive power to tear everything apart, everything is unstoppable.

The sword light shattered, and blood spattered.

Lu Yao, who was already seriously injured, was unable to withstand the fierce attack of the Nirvana-level powerhouse. After resisting a few moves with difficulty, she was severely injured again.

The beauty half-kneeled in the void, her thin white clothes were soaked in blood, her body swaying in the wind was already extremely weak, it looked distressing.


Murong Xiu kept blasting the barriers that sealed off the space, with eager eyes.

Although he has sacrificed the blood god's form, it is not possible to shatter the space blockade formation with brute force.

And Lu Yao in the void was already on the verge of falling, obviously unable to hold on.

On the other side of the battlefield, Long Si's spirit also appeared to be sluggish, the four fairy leaves were getting darker and darker, and the Huangquan Rising Dragon Formation laid down was about to collapse.

The hall, which was originally chaotic, suddenly became quiet at this moment, but behind the quiet, there was a tidal wave of murderous intent.


Taking a deep breath, Lu Yao brushed away her sweaty hair and stood up tremblingly again. Even though the hand holding the sword had been cracked countless bloody holes, she still refused to let go.

"Hmph, the youngest true disciple of Yaoguang, the disciple of Sacred King Zixiao, I have to admit that your talent is rare throughout the ages. Like Long Hao, you can be called the arrogance of the world, and the powerful man who will shake the world in the future. Where the hope of the light lies..."

The silver-haired old man supported the golden wheel with one hand, and put the other hand behind his back, with fierce eyes and a powerful tone, he suppressed it with infinite force.

"Beheading all of you today and severing all hope of Yaoguang is enough to warn the world that I, Zixiao Holy Land, are the masters of this land!"

The silver-haired old man's eyes were teasing, and he was in a very good mood.

As long as Lu Yao is beheaded, the remaining Long Hao is no match for them at all.

At that time, they will not only be able to seize all the treasures here, but also get rid of two potential threats, which is also a great achievement for Zixiao Holy Land.


"Those like you who are timid and fearful of the enemy externally, but domineering and domineering internally are not worthy of being masters at all. I will fight to the end even if everyone dies!"

Holding the battle sword tightly, Lu Yao let out a soul-shaking cry regardless of her seriously injured body.

Although she looks cold and ruthless on the surface, she has blood in her chest and morality in her heart, and her moral heart is unshakable!

"Bitch, court death!"

The fig leaf was ruthlessly exposed, making the silver-haired old man furious.

With a big wave of his hand, the golden wheel flew into the air like a round of divine sun exploding, endless inscription patterns erupted, and the terrifying fluctuations pressed down like mountains and seas, making Lu Yao spit out a mouthful of blood as if being bitten by lightning.

However, relying on her tenacious will and fearless Dao heart, she never fell down, and her immortal will shot straight into the sky like a ray of light.


Stared at by those eyes full of determination and coldness, the silver-haired old man felt his scalp tingle, and he couldn't stand it any longer after his embarrassment turned into anger. He hit the golden wheel and crushed Lu Yao's thin body like a mighty divine sun.


The incomparable sword light shook the nine heavens, accompanied by the blazing golden light, like a divine punishment, with a general trend of suppressing and crushing everything, splitting the mighty Shenyang.

The violent explosion changed the color of the world.

It was as if a sun really exploded, and the endless glare blinded people's eyes, and the terrifying energy tide formed a huge black hole, swallowing the sky and the earth.


The silver-haired old man vomited blood and flew backwards. He suffered a huge backlash. His skin and flesh were withered, his vitality and blood were shattered, and he looked like a zombie.

"The elder's talisman was actually chopped into pieces?"

"That is the ultimate magic weapon, forged from the pure gold of Nine Suns, who can destroy it if the king doesn't come out?"

Yun Hongfeng and the others all stared wide-eyed, as if they had seen a ghost, their hearts beating wildly.

A burst of strong light swept across, and the young man in white stood above the void, his black hair flying, and the aura around him was so violent that it seemed to be able to open the sky.

"Long Hao!"

Seeing the appearance of the young man in white, everyone's pupils shrank, especially the violent and incomparable blood in Long Hao's body, which was like the revival of an ancient real dragon.

"Are you bullying me that there is no one else?"

The young man in white stood up in the air, shouted loudly, like a murderous god smashing the world, and the boiling murderous aura swept across the four directions.

Suddenly there was a mysterious aura emanating from Long Hao's body, unparalleled in sharpness, containing a murderous aura that suppressed everything and crushed everything, as if it wanted to shatter the sky, earth and sky, and make all spirits extinct.

Everyone's pupils trembled, and only now did they realize that there was a golden sword in Long Hao's hand.

The bright sword blade is completely condensed by golden thunder, and the myth flickers. Once it appears in the void, the unparalleled sharpness instantly shatters the surrounding void.

"That... what kind of sword?"

"Peerless magic weapon doesn't have such terrifying power, is it a magic weapon of the holy way?"

Everyone showed a look of incomparable fear, and the fierce swords reflected in their eyes, as if a terrible divine punishment fell from the sky, hitting their souls directly.

Even the silver-haired old man in Nirvana felt his scalp tingling for a while, and he felt a threat of death, as if a wisp of light from the war sword could cut him into pieces.

This terrifying power is beyond their imagination.

"It's that metal stick, isn't it really a sacred object?"

It was this treasure that shattered the best magic weapon that the silver-haired old man had sacrificed for many years in one blow.

(End of this chapter)

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