Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 632? Self-destruct puppet

Chapter 632 Self-destruct puppet

Just when people were amazed at the thrilling battle just now, no one realized that a shadow had quietly enveloped Long Hao.

"Long Hao, go to hell!"

The gloomy voice was filled with endless hatred and ruthlessness, like the roar of a monster, suddenly rang out from the void, making one's scalp tingle.

Before people could react, a blood-colored monster with a strange shape suddenly fell from the sky and expanded at an astonishing speed. The whole world seemed to be filled into the blood-colored monster's belly, and it became like a mountain in the blink of an eye. huge.

On the surface of the blood-colored monster, there are countless inscriptions flickering rapidly. As the size expands, the frequency becomes faster and faster, and waves of destructive aura rage out from it, as if it contains a world that is about to collapse. risk.

"Yun Hongfeng." Lu Yao frowned, feeling a bad premonition in her heart.

"What the hell is that, the breath is even more terrifying than the Nirvana Realm powerhouse?" Ji Xingkong's expression also changed drastically.

Not only him, but even the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Long Si showed a terrified expression like a rabbit whose fur had been fried.

"Self-exploding puppet, how can there be such a terrifying thing in the mortal world?"

Seeing this guy's expression of seeing the devil, Long Hao's heart moved: "Explode the puppet? It must be the product of the puppet's heavenly skill again."

When he fought with Yun Hongfeng before, he had felt this kind of boundless terror and annihilation aura more than once from the opponent's body, now it seems that it came from this self-destruct puppet.

But Long Hao didn't panic, he was prepared for Yun Hongfeng's despicable methods.

"Jumping Clown!"

Even though he was fighting fiercely with the two Nirvana Realm powerhouses, Long Hao had been watching Yun Hongfeng's every move, so when Yun Hongfeng attacked from behind, he reacted instantly.

"Supernatural power - space ban!"

A burst of inscription patterns flickered, and the domineering power of space surged like a tide, completely freezing the surrounding world.

At the same time, with an indifferent expression on his face, Long Hao raised the God's Punishment Sword in his hand, and stabbed at Yun Hongfeng in a swift and swift manner.

During this period of time, Yun Hongfeng was like a tarsal maggot, causing him unbearable annoyance. This time, he would never let him escape again, and would definitely kill him.

"How can you dare to speak out loudly when you are about to die, and the mere space is blocked, how can you stop my self-destructing puppet?"

Yun Hongfeng had been preparing for the attack in secret for a long time, but when he broke out suddenly, he was naturally fully prepared.

While Long Hao and the others were fighting fiercely, he had already accumulated majestic energy for the self-destruct puppet. His huge body seemed to contain a small world, and it was still expanding, quickly shattering the space blockade.

This piece of world has become a huge powder keg.

"Hmph, your treasure, your ambition, and your woman... will all be inherited by me!"

"You can die in peace, I will be the king of the world in the future, and I will definitely be grateful to you."

As she said that, Yun Hongfeng's face suddenly became ferocious, and she looked like a demon with a ferocious smile. At the same time, she aroused the seal that had already been formed, and shouted: "Explosion!"

"not good!"

Long Si screamed and ran away.

At the same time, the radiant sword light struck the huge puppet like a thunderbolt, and a force of destructive force instantly submerged everything.

Under the impact of that terrifying and destructive force, a purple-gold pagoda with rich precious light and the real dragon flying fire cover both exploded, and even the surrounding space was shattered.

In the void, the rays of light were shining brightly, intertwined with sharp edges, obscuring everyone's perception.

"Is Long Hao dead?"

Huo Tiandu and the short-haired man in the blood robe had looks of great anticipation in their eyes.

Ji Xingkong and Lu Yao both looked nervous and worried.

"It's over, it's over, fourth master, I still want to go out for a walk, this guy is dead, fourth master, don't I want to sleep in this dark place again?"

Long Si used teleportation supernatural powers one after another, almost escaped from being chased by the terrifying power that destroyed everything, and fell down in the void, with a depressed expression on his face.

Because he found that the soul connection between himself and Long Hao suddenly disappeared.

The energy accumulated in the self-explosive puppet is like a small world, such a close-range explosion, even a strong person in the Nirvana realm, will be hard to resist, and will be blown into flying ash, destroying both body and spirit.


Suddenly, he raised his head, and was surprised to see that in the crumbling void, one after another bright divine patterns lit up, like shields made of divine gold, surrounded and airtight.

Despite the impact of waves of turbulent destructive force, it remained motionless.

"The divine pattern of power actually manifested itself, what's going on!"

In an instant, Long Si only felt an incomparably vast dragon's power appear, which made his dragon soul tremble, but the surroundings of the power lines were full of hazy chaotic brilliance, which made him unable to see clearly.

And in the center of the destruction storm, Long Hao had the Dao Orb above his head, wisps of misty chaotic divine light emerged, as if isolating him from the surrounding world.

"The self-exploding puppet is really terrifying. If it doesn't have the protection of the Dao Orb, it will be really troublesome this time."

Although the God's Punishment Sword has amazing attack power, it is not as comprehensive as the Dao Orb. As more and more powers and gods awaken, the various magical abilities of the Dao Orb are also revealed.


The people around didn't know why, but they all thought that no one could survive such a terrible explosion.

"Junior Brother Long..."

Lu Yao stood up tremblingly, her eyes were slightly red.

"Let's take action together to suppress that elixir, otherwise we will have no chance when Yun Hongfeng masters that divine sword."

Huo Tian took a deep breath and had already started to use his mana, his eyes were full of excitement.

call out!
Suddenly, a bright aurora pierced through the shattered void, like a divine thunder struck by the Nine Heavens God Realm, across the sky.

The next moment, the ferocious laughter stopped abruptly, and a headless corpse fell from the void, spraying blood, dyeing the sky red.

"Yun Hongfeng?"

And when everyone saw the headless corpse, they were all stunned!

At this time, the void exploded again, and a bright divine light surged out.

Everyone suddenly looked into the void.

There, a tall and straight figure came slowly, with an indifferent expression, holding a bright sword tightly in his hand, like a peerless sword fairy, with an aura soaring to the sky.

It is also like an emperor who overwhelms the heavens, exuding a majestic spirit that surpasses the heavens and the earth.

"How on earth did he do it?"

"Not only attacking Wushuang, but also defense is invincible?"

The situation was reversed too quickly, and everyone felt as if they had passed away, and couldn't believe their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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