Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 634 Mountain Ghost Army

Chapter 634 Mountain Ghost Army
"How come there are so many mountain ghosts?"

The faces of Murong Xiu and the others turned blue and white, and they trembled when they spoke.

They are also all proud and unyielding heroes of the world. Whether they faced the mighty Nirvana Realm expert or Long Hao who was in charge of God's Punishment, they never showed such fear.

Helpless, there are too many mountain ghosts.

The evil spirit soaring into the sky merged into a river surging in the void, and the tyrannical roar was like the roar of a hundred thousand thunders, which was deafening.

Looking from a distance, all over the mountains and plains, a white mist of thunder surged violently, like a chasm in the sky, blocking people in front of them.

No wonder Murong Xiu and the others turned a blind eye to Da Leiyin, which contained immortal and heavenly skills. In the face of such a terrifying terror of uncertain life and death, even the peerless divine skills seemed as light as a feather.

"It is estimated that the mountain ghosts in the entire pyramid world have flocked here, and we are in big trouble."

Ji Xingkong walked over and glanced at Long Hao, his eyes were full of heavyness.

"Long Si, what the hell is going on here?"

With a dark face, Long Hao pulled Long Si over and questioned him seriously.

"Cough cough..."

Long Si rubbed his hands together in embarrassment, and said with an ugly smile on his face, "It's probably because you forcibly seized their orthodoxy, so I came to you desperately."

Looking around, those mountain ghosts are all wearing extremely ancient costumes. There are people, demons, monks in cassocks, and dragon warriors wrapped in scales... But without exception, they were all members of the Great Thunder Sound Sect. strong.

Looking at their pupils full of hatred, Long Hao's heart also trembled.

Even if the sect is destroyed, even if they turn into delirious mountain ghosts, their subconscious minds are still sticking to their beliefs and will not allow anyone to blaspheme them.

"Since that's the case, how about returning the God's Punishment Sword now?"

Ji Xingkong asked in a deep voice.

However, Long Si gave him a blank look like an idiot, pouted and said, "Do you think they will discuss it with you?"

Turning his head to look at those wild and ferocious mountain ghosts, Ji Xingkong only felt his scalp go numb.

These mountain ghosts have already lost their minds, and they just guard their sect with a little obsession. Once they meet, they will kill any intruders without hesitation, and they will never stop dying.

"Then what should we do now?"

Ji Xingkong has no idea at all, the scene in front of him has completely exceeded the limit that everyone can control.

Every mountain ghost here has the combat power of the Faxiang Realm, and the best among them are not much weaker than them. There are thousands of them on a large scale, and many mountain ghosts continue to come from all directions.

In particular, the bodies of those mountain ghosts are filled with terrifying white divine thunders, which have great destructive power to the living beings' bodies and souls.

If there is a head-on conflict, even the strong in Nirvana will be blasted to pieces.

But everyone also knew that Long Si had an extraordinary background, was well-informed, had lived here all his life, and was familiar with many secrets of this place, so they all looked over with bold faces.

"Hmph, now I know how to ask your fourth master for help, ouch..."

Under the attention of everyone, Long Si still wanted to be embarrassed, but Long Hao mercilessly knocked him on the head, so he was more honest.

"There are only two ways now, either stay in Zhentian Valley, they will never dare to approach..."

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads directly. They are all outstanding people in the world, the pride of the Holy Land, and they have the ambition to rule the world, how could they stay in one place all the time.

"Otherwise, we have to kill a bloody road before they surround this place to death."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people present all changed, and their eyes were full of entanglement.

Facing a huge number of mountain ghosts with strong combat power, it is almost life and death to charge now.

But stay here and try to improve your strength, wait for the opportunity, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.


Suddenly, Lu Yao stepped forward, looked at Long Hao solemnly and said, "I have something very important to do, I must hurry back to the Holy Land now!"

Looking at Lu Yao with a serious face, Long Hao understood that she wanted to go back as soon as possible to hand over the Great Leiyin Token to Leiyin. After all, Leiyin has shown signs of becoming obsessed and may die at any time. They can't delay. rise.

"In that case, let's give it a go!"

Turning around and looking at the countless mountain ghosts, Long Hao also had an infinite fighting spirit to swallow mountains and rivers.

For a long time, Long Hao has always wanted to be free and has great ambitions. Naturally, he doesn't want to stay here forever, and if he stays, he may not be able to live. If he fights hard, there may be hope.

"Okay, if we join forces, we may not be able to kill a bloody path."

Ji Xingkong bears a bloody feud, so naturally he doesn't want to stay and wait for death.

"Hehe, as the flower protector of the fairy, I, Murong Xiu, naturally cannot fall behind." After speaking, Murong Xiu gave Long Hao a proud look.

Long Hao didn't bother to talk to him now, his eyes fixed on a mountain ridge not far away, and said in a deep voice: "It's not too late, the number of mountain ghosts around that valley is the least, we will break out from there!"

There was no objection from everyone, and they left immediately.

They also know that the longer the delay, the less hope of getting out.


The moment he rushed out of Tianzhen Valley, the terrifying evil spirit rushed like a frenzy, making people shudder, and the complex roar was like the roar of war drums, hitting the soul directly.

But everyone didn't back down, and crazy colors even burst out in their eyes.

Boom boom boom...

When the two sides were thousands of feet away, streaks of white lightning began to surge, pouring down like a torrential rain, and bombarded the earth, mountains and rivers in an instant, riddled with holes.

Long Hao and the others did not evade, but activated their defensive supernatural powers, withstood countless terrifying attacks, and rushed over at the fastest speed.


When he finally got close, without saying a word, Long Hao swung the God's Punishment Sword in all directions with one hand, and with the other he struck out the Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand and pushed across.

Heavenly Tribulation and God's Punishment came at the same time, like two giant dragons, instantly swept away a large number of mountain ghosts in front of them, and many mountain ghosts exploded in the void and turned into dust.

"Get out of here!"

Ji Xingkong's heart was full of hatred, and the attack was extremely fierce. There was a big white jade seal on his head, and more than a hundred Taiyin True Thunder Swords evolved around his body, like a huge meat grinder, pushing forward crazily.

Murong Xiu and the other three did not hide at this time, they were all at full strength.

In this battle, they have no conflict of interest, they just want to survive.

Under the threat of death, people are often able to erupt with infinite power, which is most vividly reflected in everyone.

roar roar...

However, there are too many mountain ghosts.

When Long Hao and others launched an attack, the surrounding mountain ghosts also frantically surrounded them, densely packed and endless.

Moreover, they were not afraid of death, and launched fierce attacks continuously. The terrifying white divine thunder formed a layer of thunder curtains, blocking Long Hao and others.

(End of this chapter)

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