Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 637? The most pure and simple way!

Chapter 637 The most pure and simple way!
The resplendent divine sword spread across the sky, emitting a terrifying murderous aura, gathering together, forming a terrifying and destructive aura.

Long Hao slashed through the void with his sword, opening and closing, like a war god, bathed in divine brilliance, making the sky tremble. Even if there were thousands of swords fighting and thunder roaring in front of him, it was impossible to stop his footsteps.

Boom boom boom...

The sword light is like a rainbow, piercing through the heaven and earth, and the sky is dazzling.

Three thousand sword shadows and ten thousand thunders were all crushed by him. This is the supreme power of divine punishment from the emperor of heaven!

The three thousand thunder sound sword array was shattered, countless mountain ghosts were wiped out by the sword glow in the vast sky, and even more mountain ghosts were swept away by the sword energy and fell like raindrops into the golden sea of ​​bitterness below.

The sky was emptied in an instant, and the evil spirit dissipated, making everyone's pressure disappear.

"Take this opportunity and rush out!"

Long Hao took a deep breath, although his pale face was full of exhaustion, his voice was still thunderous.

Arousing the extreme power of the God's Punishment Sword just now consumed a lot of mana and energy, no less than ten life-and-death fights.

If it were someone else, I am afraid that the energy and blood would have decayed, and the energy would have been exhausted and died.

It is really not something that can be controlled casually.

However, Long Hao's efforts were not in vain, the surrounding mountain ghosts were swept away, and everyone took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, turning into blazing rainbows, running through the entire valley.

The remaining mountain ghosts were still in shock, and they were defeated without any fierce resistance.


"so close!"

The people who finally broke through the siege and saw the light of day were panting violently, feeling as if they had passed away.

"Fortunately, the monk came in time, and also fortunately for Long Hao's majestic mana, which stimulated the ultimate power of the divine sword. Otherwise, this time it would have been a disaster."

Murong Xiu and the others were all in awe.

"It's strange to say that the monk's methods are against the sky, and he cooperates seamlessly with Long Hao. The thousand-handed Buddha shakes the foundation of the formation, and the divine punishment descends to wipe out everything. He can't even defeat the three thousand Thunder Sound Sword Formation. It's like a heart-to-heart Well, joining hands, we can be called invincible!"

Although they had various prejudices against Long Hao and Master Shenxiu, they had to admit that if Long Hao and the two hadn't turned out to wipe out countless mountain ghosts just now, they would never have escaped.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has the heart.

Standing in the void, Lu Yao's beautiful eyes swept across Long Hao and Master Shenxiu, flashing with strange colors.

"Not good, those mountain ghosts are chasing them again, let's go."

"It's really haunted."

Almost all the mountain ghosts in the entire pyramid world were attracted, and the number exceeded the [-] mark. Although many were killed by Long Hao and Master Shenxiu, the number of remaining mountain ghosts is still not to be underestimated.

In particular, these mountain ghosts are not afraid of death. The horror scene just now can't scare them at all, and now they gather together into a torrent again.

Seeing this, everyone dared not be careless, and urged their movements to flee far away.

"This time I owe my master another favor, and I will repay it in the future." Long Hao solemnly thanked him.

But Master Shenxiu just smiled gently: "It is the duty of a poor monk to help the world. You don't have to be polite, Long Benefactor, you'd better leave quickly."

Long Hao nodded, then frowned again, looked at Master Shenxiu, who was motionless and overlooking the ground, and asked in surprise, "Master isn't leaving?"

Not far behind them, countless mountain ghosts turned into a vast expanse of white thunder, and the void collapsed wherever they passed, and the earth fell. The scene was extremely terrifying.

Facing these thousands of mountain ghosts, even the strong in Nirvana would feel numb and be completely crushed by the terrifying torrent.

However, Master Shenxiu looked solemnly, facing the surging terrifying evil spirit, his brows were full of compassion and sadness.

"These mountain ghosts used to be innocent creatures, and it is also the duty of a poor monk to save them."

Seeing the devastated land covered with bones, Master Shenxiu's eyes were reddish, revealing a feeling of grief.

Even though he didn't know these creatures before, the pity and benevolence exuded by Master Shenxiu was so real.

Long Hao understands that Master Shenxiu is a person who does not covet wealth, chances to inherit, and does not compete fiercely with others...

Her purpose of coming to Ten Thousand Mountains is simple and simple, just to save the undead, to save the mountain ghosts, to make this world less ferocious and more harmonious.

"Master, take care!"

After solemnly bowing his fists, Long Hao didn't say much, turned around and walked away.

To save sentient beings is the way Master Shenxiu pursued all his life. He should not and is not qualified to dictate.


The holy Buddha's light illuminated the sky and the earth, and the golden sea of ​​bitterness surged once again, spreading into the void.

Master Shenxiu's expression was calm and compassionate, stepping on the sea of ​​bitterness and turning back to the oncoming torrent of countless mountain ghosts, every step was so solemn.

At that moment, Taoist and sacred Buddha shadows appeared, overlapping with Master Shenxiu's back, making people feel in a trance.

"Thousands of years ago, Emperor Tianxie went against the same direction and went to hell alone?"

Looking at the steadfast figure of Master Shenxiu, Long Hao suddenly thought of the proud goddess who had vowed to quell all the evil spirits in the sky.

"This monk, is she crazy?"

Huo Tian's eyes were fixed, and he was extremely surprised.

With so many people joining forces, they were almost wiped out in the torrent. Now that they finally rushed out, Master Shenxiu walked back alone. That is no different from courting death.

"Hey, the old problem happened again."

Ji Xingkong sighed, a trace of unbearable flashed in his cold eyes.

Although they all knew that Master Shenxiu's methods were against the sky and had a great restraint effect on the mountain ghosts, but those mountain ghosts were extremely powerful, and no one could guarantee that she would be able to escape unscathed.

No one understands what kind of persistence and belief this is.

However, no matter if they were any of them, they would not hesitate to sacrifice their lives in order to save those strangers.

"Tsk tsk, this little monk is different from those old bald donkeys who are full of benevolence and morality, but are actually full of selfish desires."

At this moment, even Long Si, who is unruly and mean, has greatly changed his view of Master Shenxiu.

"Hehe, if all Buddhist cultivators in the world are like her, how can there be so many evil spirits in the world!"

Murong Xiu said it from the scriptures, as if he had forgotten that he was also from the Demon Cult.

Facing everyone's strange gazes, he didn't care at all, and just said to Lu Yao: "Although we are demon cultivators, we also have love and righteousness. You have a clear vision, so you won't be the same as those old antiques who yell about the incompatibility of Dao and Demon all day long?"

Hearing this, Lu Yao couldn't help but cast a glance at the open-minded Murong Xiugao, but her temper was as cold as hers, and she didn't respond in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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