Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 64 A Hero Is Beautiful

Chapter 64 A Hero Is Beautiful
The cold wind howled in the sky, and the surrounding demon energy was billowing.

Lu Qianyuan lay in Yunrong's arms, his consciousness gradually fainted.

And Yunrong also lost his combat power due to excessive consumption of true energy.

Lu Yao, whose white clothes were stained with blood, struggled to support her body, and her cold eyes also revealed a trace of despair and unwillingness.

Originally, with her strength, she could indeed compete with ordinary supernatural powers.

But now, the dragon demon lord unexpectedly broke through and mastered even more powerful supernatural powers. The strengths of the two sides are no longer on the same level.

At this moment, there are dragon demon lords suppressing the Quartet inside, and the demon army outside is watching, everyone's hearts are suspended, and the threat of death is approaching.

Such a well-planned plan, I didn't expect it to fall short in the end!
"Jie Jie..."

Looking at the people who looked desperate, the dragon demon lord let out a sinister smile, his face was full of joy and pride: "Bitch woman, in order to repay you, I will send you back to the west first!"

Before the words were finished, the dragon demon lord showed his murderous intentions. With a flick of his finger, a green aurora shot out, approaching Lu Yao's eyebrows.

Although it was just a casual blow, Lu Yao, who was seriously injured at the moment, couldn't even support her true energy to protect her body, and couldn't resist at all.

"Are you going to die?" Lu Yao was very unwilling.

She has shown extraordinary talents since she was a child, and she has obtained miraculous opportunities, and has cultivated the fragments of the Beidou Tiangong that even the giants of the Holy Land can hardly break through.

In addition, she also showed an amazing alchemy talent, was valued by a giant of the Holy Land, and was about to become the youngest true disciple in the history of the Holy Land of Shaking Light!
She is proud, she is indifferent, she seeks the way to reach the sky wholeheartedly, and rejects people thousands of miles away...

There was a bright road ahead, but it was unexpected that it would fall here today.

Sure enough, the sky is jealous of a beauty, and it is easy to break a demon!
This time, she assassinated the dragon demon lord by herself in order to obtain his dragon blood, dragon marrow, dragon balls... to refine treasure pills, so as to break through the realm of supernatural powers.

Watching the green aurora that came from the attack continue to enlarge, Lu Yao recalled that the giant of the holy land told her not to rush for quick success, and then secretly apologized, and closed her eyes in despair.

"Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand!"

A terrifying thunder force erupted, as if thousands of dragons were roaring.

Vaguely, there is an ancient thunder dragon traversing the world, looking down at the common people, and with one claw, it unleashes the terrifying power to destroy the world.

chi chi chi...

A lightning-flashing dragon claw brazenly bombarded the green aurora corroding the void, like two comets colliding together, bursting out astonishing waves of destruction.


Seeing a large amount of white smoke rising and the power of the green aurora weakening sharply, the dragon demon lord couldn't help but frown in surprise.

He was very surprised that the genuine energy of a mere human being in the Transcendent Realm was able to restrain his Thousand Absolute Poison.

The poison of Qianjue evolved from the supernatural power he mastered - Qianjue's spirit devouring.

Known as the absolute heaven and earth, exterminate the soul of true energy...

It stands to reason that as long as a trace of the fragile true energy of the Transcendent Realm touches it, it is like setting fire to one's body, and the body and soul will be corroded into ashes.

"What kind of zhenqi is this?" The dragon demon lord was very surprised. From the fluctuation of zhenqi, he sensed an earth-shattering mighty dragon power.


"Break it for me!"

Immediately there was a roar, like the roar of an ancestral dragon, the terrifying power of the dragon spread out, and the lightning-flashing dragon claws were like breaking through bamboo all the way, unexpectedly bursting out with amazing power, and shattered together with the green aurora.

Sensing the sudden disappearance of the threat of death, Lu Yao opened her eyes in shock.

A young man in Tsing Yi came into view immediately, standing on the ground like a mountain, still maintaining the posture of making moves.

The body is not tall, but it is extremely tall and straight, like a door god standing upright, blocking the overwhelming attack.

"It's him?"

Lu Yao muttered to herself, her beautiful eyes shone with astonishment.

At the critical moment, she never would have imagined that the young man who had just broken through to the Transcendent Realm actually withstood the terrifying coercion of the Heavenly Demon and blocked a fatal blow for her!
"Junior Brother Long? He..."

"That unreliable little rascal..."

Lu Qianyuan and Yun Rong, who were on the side, were shocked at the moment, and they all showed incredulous eyes.

As powerful as Lu Yao, she was defeated by the dragon demon lord, but Long Hao, who had just broken through to the Transcendent Realm, dared to challenge him head-on!
Not to mention, the terrifying power erupted by the dragon claw hand just now, just the fearlessness and courage to face the demon alone, is beyond the reach of ordinary Transcendent Realm powerhouses.

"This human kid..."

The killing blow was blocked by an ant in the Transcendent Realm, the dragon demon lord was quite surprised, and stared ferociously at the young man in Tsing Yi who suddenly appeared in front of him.

The dragon demon lord never paid attention to this ant who insulted him earlier.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, he actually had the courage to stand up and challenge himself.

"Arrogant boy..."

Long Hao's provocative behavior successfully aroused the monstrous anger of the dragon demon lord.

Especially the pure and mighty dragon power that was released from the dragon claw's hand just now made him feel a kind of fear of encountering a superior person.

But in the face of a weakling, this fear quickly turned into anger.

The surging magic power was released, like a shocking wave blowing up, making the people present all of a sudden turn into a raft of boats in the vast ocean.

"Junior Brother Long..." Lu Qianyuan was extremely worried, but just as he opened his mouth, he coughed up a lot of blood and almost passed out.

"Long Hao, what are you pretending to be? If you want to be a hero, you have to do what you can..."

Perhaps touched by Long Hao's behavior just now, Junior Sister Yunrong is actually worried about Long Hao at this moment.

"Hey, I just can't get used to that old loach's look...cough cough..."

Grinning, Long Hao suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Although he barely blocked the blow of the dragon demon lord just now, the violent impact still made his viscera vibrate and his whole body was tingling.

A supernatural powerhouse, even a casual blow, cannot be resisted by an ordinary supernatural powerhouse.

It wasn't until this moment that Long Hao realized the horror of a supernatural being.

But he is not afraid, his body is still straight, his eyes are full of light, and the battle blood in his body is burning...

But the more heroic he acted, the angrier the dragonlord became.

"you wanna die!"

With a long roar, the dragon demon lord released monstrous magic power, and the mighty magic power gathered into a huge magic hand, which suddenly slapped over.

Supernatural powers - Heavenly Demon Mahamudra!

The huge demonic hand covered the sky and the sun, and possessed amazing and destructive power, causing the entire world to tremble.


"Get out of the way!"


Everyone and Long Xiaomiao exclaimed in unison, feeling the power to destroy everything in that demon's hand, and their hearts tugged.

(End of this chapter)

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