Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 641? Sword Maru Slashes Nirvana

Chapter 641 Sword Maru Slashes Nirvana

Thunder filled the void, and a bolt of true purple sky thunder fell, blazing like no other, exuding a force that shattered everything.

The general trend of heaven and earth aroused by the four powerful Nirvana realms at the same time is too strong, coupled with the destructive aura emanating from the supreme supernatural power, sweeping like a raging wave, it seems to crush people into the air.

"Fight them!"

The magic power of Murong Xiu and the others surged, or they sacrificed their Dharma images, or took out their magic weapons... There was a crazy light in their eyes, and they already had the will to die.

"Don't be so anxious, Ma Liuer, step aside and watch my performance!"

A cold light flashed in Long Hao's eyes, and he stepped forward with a vast and unparalleled aura exuding from his whole body.

"This guy, why are you pretending to be special at this time?" Huo Tian looked disdainful.


A trace of Zixiao Zhenlei fell, and the surrounding rocks were crushed and turned into a piece of fly ash. Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they felt a threat of death that made their scalps tingle.

"Pretending to be struck by lightning, the ancients never deceived me." The short-haired man in the blood robe sighed and shook his head.

"Long Hao, with our current strength, there may still be a glimmer of hope to break out of the encirclement together, and fighting alone will only lead to death." Murong Xiu's face became solemn.

"Junior Brother Long..." Lu Yao also narrowed her beautiful eyes, revealing a trace of worry.

However, Long Hao waved his hands without looking back, and said in a very relaxed tone: "It's okay, take a good look at this."

After finishing speaking, Long Hao stepped out into the void, and confronted many strong men from the Sky Thunder Sect.

The people below all looked ashen, and they didn't understand where Long Hao's self-confidence came from.

"This kid wants to single us out!"

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

The voice of the four strong Nirvana Realm was cold, as if he had been greatly insulted, and there was a fierce murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"This guy, does he have any tricks?"

Looking at the confident Long Hao, Murong Xiu's eyes became suspicious.

"Hehe, I didn't want to expose it at first, but unfortunately now I'm very angry, so I can only show my cards..."

The blazing golden glow surged, blood vibrating in the void, Long Hao walked like a dragon, stepped in the air, and stood alone in front of many Heavenly Thunder Sect powerhouses, with a kind of domineering air in his eyes.

"Today, you all have to die!"

The cold voice seemed to come from the Nine Serenity Hell, with a strong murderous aura.

"Could it be that he wants to use that thing?" Suddenly, Long Si shivered subconsciously, and deep fear emerged in his pupils.

Seeing his strange appearance, everyone was shocked.

Ji Xingkong's cold eyes also lit up, his frowning brows relaxed, he stepped aside and folded his arms, as if watching a play.


"Look, I suppressed you first!"

After finishing speaking, the four great Nirvana Realm powerhouses immediately spread out, and stretched their hands towards the sky. A large number of inscription patterns surged out and turned into dharma plates, as if they were welcoming something.


Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake in the sky, and the dark clouds were scattered, and a large piece of purple mist surged in, gathering into a thick robbery cloud, in which there were thick purple lightning churning, exuding a destructive atmosphere.

"Isn't this the unique skill of Zixiao Holy Land—Zixiao Tianleiyin?"

This supreme supernatural power, as the signature stunt of Zixiao Holy Land passed down through the ages, has a great reputation in the whole Xuanhuang world, and everyone present recognized it at a glance.

"Huh, how can a thousand-year-old sect have any foundation, it just grew stronger by relying on the Holy Land of Zixiao." Ji Xingkong has long been familiar with this, and even his tone is full of contempt.

"No, the four great Nirvana-level powerhouses teamed up to display this supernatural power, and the Zixiao Zhenlei triggered is boundless and terrifying. Even the old-fashioned Nirvana-level powerhouses may not be able to resist it, and they will be killed directly!"

The faces of the people were extremely ugly. Under the rolling thunder, they felt a sense of fear of the end of the world.

The lightning is like a dragon, dazzling, continuously falling from the sky, falling on the surrounding mountains, with a loud bang, deafening, the earth collapses, surging like a vast ocean, many huge rocks and endless sand, being beaten and flying into the sky Thousands of meters high.

The destructive atmosphere was raging, and it was a scene of doomsday.

"Tips for carving insects."

While speaking, the storage ring in Long Hao's hand flashed, and a milky white bullet rolled out.

"What is that?"

"It's such a strong sword energy, even the sword intent is solidified. Could it be that Long Hao is still a highly accomplished sword cultivator?"

That kind of sword intent, indomitable and vast, like the moon above the nine heavens, exuded an extremely cold aura, which shocked everyone.

In an instant, a vast, mysterious, ancient and fierce aura erupted, the sky and the earth trembled violently, the wind howled, and a radiant divine light pierced through the void like a sharp sword.

"Shengwei, it's Shengwei!"

A strong man in Nirvana let out a rapid roar, and his suddenly dilated pupils were bloodshot.

"Does this guy have a magic weapon of the holy way?"

"No, let's do it together!"

Several other Nirvana realm powerhouses also let out ghost screams one after another, and the terrifying holy power came mightily, like a mountain crushing everything, making them terrified.


The four powerful Nirvana Realm powerhouses struck out a palm at the same time without even thinking about it, and thunder rolled down from the sky, like a purple Milky Way, piercing through the four poles of heaven and earth, blasting down towards Long Hao with terrifying destructive power .

"Quick, shoot!"

The disciples of Tianlei Sect in the rear were also shocked.

More than a hundred strong men came to kill them, all of them were at the level of the Faxiang Realm. They formed a battle formation with each other, and evolved into a giant dragon of Tiangang to kill the world, and there was a hint of madness in their eyes.

Unfortunately, everything is too late.

"Let you all experience, my fluct light's unique skill!"

Scanning the strong Tianlei Sect opposite, Long Hao's mouth revealed a trace of rage and playfulness, and then flicked his fingers, and Jianwan flew away in the air.

The sword pill exploded in the void, and the majestic holy power poured out, vaguely manifesting a peerless sword fairy in white clothes and white hair. The sword energy came across the sky, bursting out billions of bright rays of light, cutting the world apart.

"Sword Master, Sword Master!"

The four powerful Nirvana Realm powerhouses who were invincible just now are all stiff at this moment, completely suffocated under the power of the vast and incomparable Sword Master, and their facial features are suddenly protruding, ferocious and terrifying.

On the contrary, the smile on Long Hao's face gradually became thicker, and his bright eyes were full of anticipation.

"How terrifying is the [-]% power of the Juggernaut?"

The milky white sword energy traverses the sky, like an eternal galaxy, containing mysterious, domineering and ancient power, destroying everything!
(End of this chapter)

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