Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 648 ? The Fall of the King

Chapter 648 The Fall of the King


I don't know if it was because he felt Qin Wuji's anger soaring, the metal pillars on the ground also erupted with strong brilliance, forming bursts of light curtains to seal off the world.

"That avenger is back again." Long Hao sighed in his heart.

Qin Wuji gave him a very strange feeling, on the surface he looks like a sunny boy, but in fact he has a deep heart, he also values ​​love and righteousness, and keeps his promises, only when facing enemies, he will become ferocious like a ghost , Ruthless as a demon god.

He has been through hardships since he was a child, and he is an extremely complicated person.

In the void, the wind was rumbling, and the light was shining.

The Baji King with a livid face felt a sense of anxiety in his heart.

"It's just a mere battle, and you want to stop this king?" Baji King said in a stern voice, and when he raised his big hand, his mana suddenly rose, and once again gathered into a huge black hole, showing the general trend of swallowing the starry sky.

"Things who don't know how to live or die, go down and reunite with your people."

The power of the king exploded, making everyone tremble and pale.

It is not a lie that the king of one party suppresses the world.

Although he was severely injured by Dugujue's sword before, Bajiwang is still a peak king, and his combat power is earth-shattering.

"Supernatural powers - Universe Star Devouring Palm!"

The evil spirit in Baji King's eyes boiled, and he slapped out with a palm. The terrifying palm print was like a terrifying nebula, exuding an incomparable aura that devoured the sky and the earth, as if even the galaxy world above the nine heavens was about to be swallowed. Shocking.

"After all, the Baji King is the pinnacle king. With a full blow, it is almost comparable to the explosion of holy power, piercing through the heavens and the earth, and destroying the law. Such a terrible attack, Qin Wuji's mechanism alone, may not be able to stop it?"

"If he can't stop it, even if he has the body of a puppet, he will be beaten to pieces, and he will die."

The most powerful blow of the Baji King contained the divine power of suppressing the eight desolations, which surprised everyone.

Even Long Hao's nerves became tense, holding the sword pill in one hand and the big teleportation talisman in the other, ready to strike at any time to intercept and kill the Baji King.

However, different from everyone else, Qin Wuji, who faced the king's general situation directly, was not in a hurry.

However, under that calm appearance, there is a stormy sea of ​​hatred and anger buried.

"Organs are like shadows, puppets accompany you, and mantras manifest... Town!"

The thick syllables fell, the sky suddenly exploded, and a pitch-black sacred mountain was suppressed.

"It's the puppet palace."

Long Hao looked up, his eyes brightened.


While the puppet palace was still high in the sky, a huge change took place. The mechanism turned, the divine light appeared, and it transformed into a steel giant in an instant, with thousands of arms protruding from its back.

The inscription pattern on the thousand arms flickered, like a god's hand pressing down, and connected with the metal pillars on the ground, turning into pillars supporting the sky, suppressing the world and completely isolating this world.

"What kind of puppet is this? It's so domineering!" the short-haired blood-robed man couldn't help exclaiming.

"The five-character mantra of the organ puppet, change, suppress, destroy, control, and trap, was actually used by him with ease, even those old antiques in Dayan Holy Land are no more than that, what a genius!" Murong Xiu's eyes It was also full of unbelievable expressions.

These five-character mantras are the essence of the organ puppet, and each mantra represents a kind of ultimate, comparable to the great way.

Just when people were amazed, the eight sacred mountains around the Baji King overlapped together, and finally gathered in his palm, forming a huge vortex, which slammed into the mechanism trap fiercely.

The heavens and the earth were shaken violently, and the terrifying twisting power strangled everything and completely submerged the void.

bang bang bang...

Qin Wuji let out a muffled snort, and flew back upside down. His divine gold-like body was completely cracked, and a large number of inscription patterns were disillusioned, almost completely collapsing.

The body of the puppet was extremely powerful, but the all-out attack of the peak king was too terrifying, and even Qin Wuji, who was only in the Nirvana state, could hardly resist the dissipated counter-shock force, and was directly blasted away.

Even so, Qin Wuji did not back down, and tried his best to support the trap, his eyes filled with madness.


The trap trembled violently, but the light curtains emanating from the pillars of the sky were always as thick and indestructible as the barriers of the world.

"What?" The Baji King flicked his sleeves to disperse the brilliance in the sky, but he froze there suddenly, with a terrified expression on his face.

"As expected of a puppet's treasure!" Long Hao exclaimed.

This puppet treasure was taken back from the depths of the abyss by the thousand puppet kings regardless of life and death. It possesses all kinds of magical abilities, its power is astonishing, and its defense is as unshakable as a sacred mountain. Hit with all your might.

Although after this blow, Qin Wuji also suffered heavy injuries, and his puppet body was about to collapse, but he laughed out loud, ferocious and crazy.

On the contrary, Baji King felt that he was not well at the moment, staring coldly at Qin Wuji who was laughing loudly, he seemed to have been greatly humiliated, and his anger rose.

But unfortunately, he missed his last chance.

Da da da……

The sound of low footsteps came from behind, and the cold murderous aura stretched over like a thousand-year glacier, freezing the void.

Baji King's back felt a chill, and his scalp felt numb. Turning his head, he found that Dugu Jue had raised his sword to kill him, with a cold smile on his mouth, like an evil killing god.

"If you want to kill me, don't even think about living well!"

In an instant, fear turned into anger, and the crazy light burned in the eyes of the Octopus King.

The void exploded, and a rusty cyan copper plate appeared out of thin air, as heavy as a sacred mountain, crushing a large area of ​​the void, and at the same time exuding an earth-shattering coercion.


"Could it be that the bronze plate is a magic weapon of the holy way?"

The terrifying majesty of the holy way made everyone present feel trembling, and a strong fear surged from the depths of their souls.

The Baji King poured all the energy in his body into it, and finally activated the bronze plate, and for a while, the divine light shone brightly, stirring up the heavens.

"No, it should be an incomplete holy artifact, only half of it is left, and the law is incomplete, full of rust, and almost collapsed." Long Hao's eyes were like a torch, and he finally understood the confidence of Baji King.

With this incomplete holy artifact in his hand, with the sword pill of [-]% holy power, he really couldn't kill him.


Suddenly, there was a cold snort like the sound of death.

Dugujue suddenly flew across the sky, and the sword in his hand left a black crack in the void, and he slashed through it with an overwhelming force.

That gray sword light seemed to contain an endless breath of death. It was extremely cold and could cut off all life in the world. It suddenly appeared and then disappeared, extremely fierce and swift.

"This is the unique skill in the Seven Killing Sword Sutra, the sword of killing life!"

This is the unique technique that even the Seven Killing Sword Emperors are proud of. Using killing to strengthen the power of the sword move, the more creatures killed and the stronger the strength, the stronger the power of this sword will be.

In Dugujue's hands, this sword is like a long river of death across the sky, in which countless creatures scream, millions of dead bodies rise and fall, and the aura of killing penetrates the universe.

Above the nine heavens, the sword light of death collided with the bronze plate, and the sky trembled, as if countless big stars were shaking, and the sky and the earth would completely return to nothingness.

However, the sword light cut off all vitality, even the holy power.

The bronze plate, which was already full of cracks, was split open, the holy light collapsed, the law was shattered, and the sword light swept across the nine heavens, splitting the whole world.

The Octopus King fell silently.

(End of this chapter)

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