Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 651? When we meet again, we will be rivals

Chapter 651

After the war, a very strange scene appeared on the scene.

Long Hao and Qin Wuji stood together and murmured, while Ji Xingkong walked up to Dugujue, as if accepting some kind of ceremony, they were surrounded by sound-proof formations, quite mysterious.

"Tsk tsk..."

Looking at the resentful Ji Xingkong, Dugujue showed an evil smile on his face: "I don't know how many people like you I have met, but in the end most of them died without a place to bury..."

"Forget it, since you are so confident, then I will fulfill you."

After finishing speaking, Dugujue raised his hand and pointed, and a fierce sword light suddenly appeared, piercing Ji Xingkong's eyebrows, as if it penetrated into the soul.

The severe pain made Ji Xingkong's entire face completely distorted, becoming as ferocious as a ghost.


A drop of crimson blood rolled out with the sword light, and dripped on the black lacquered token.


In an instant, the blood was shining brightly, illuminating the Nine Heavens.

"what happened?"

People were extremely surprised, and immediately looked at Murong Xiu and the other three.

However, Murong Xiu and the other three also spread their hands in a dazed expression, looking at the sky and the earth that seemed to have been soaked in blood, their pupils trembled: "What a terrifying evil spirit!"

Under that scene of deep blood, even the three top geniuses from the Blood Prison Demon Sect felt the fear originating from their souls.

"Unknown, unknown!"

The feeling of fear was indescribable to them.

And under the bloody light, there seemed to be a divine chain of order appearing, bombarding the token in front of Ji Xingkong one after another.

In an instant, the originally dark and extremely rough token glowed with bursts of strange light, as if it had been tempered thousands of times, like forged from black fine gold, that kind of darkness is the ultimate in the world, and even light can swallow it.

With the bloody light from the sky blending into it, strange lines suddenly formed on the dark token, like the combination of the divine chain of order, outlining a strange lotus flower.

However, that lotus flower was deep in color, not only did it not have a hint of holiness, but it was also filled with a sense of evil, like the face of a devil, silent in the dark universe, devouring everything.

"The power of your blood soul is imprinted in the token. You must protect it like you protect your life. If you have the token, you will be there. If you don't have the token, you will die!"

Dugujue said indifferently, and handed the token into Ji Xingkong's hands.

"Give your soul to the darkness. Now, you have officially become one of us, and you will be protected by the God of the Great Dao and gain eternal life!"

After finishing speaking, Dugu Jue waved his big hand, and countless black inscription patterns lit up on Ji Xingkong's body, like a road connecting each other, interweaving each other into a dark robe.

The pitch-black robe, like the token, is also a kind of extreme darkness, like the dead universe, where a blood-colored lotus blooms and swallows the heavens.

Such a strange pattern and color combination are extremely eye-catching, and people will never forget it once they see it once. It seems to be branded in the depths of the soul, and it will bring a kind of unspeakable terror to eternity.

"Are you one of them too?"

As early as when Dugujue and Qin Wuji arrived, Long Hao discovered that the standard robes they were wearing were the same as those worn by Ji Xingkong.

Especially after Ji Xingkong put on that magic robe, his demeanor became more aloof and indifferent, and there was even a trace of evil, as if he had changed into a different person.

"What kind of organization is this trying to win over the world's heroes?"

Needless to say Dugu Jue, who received the inheritance of the Seven Killing Sword Emperor, Qin Wuji, the heir of the puppet Tiangong, and Ji Xingkong, who received the inheritance of the Great Thunder Sound Sect and mastered the true thunder of the Taiyin, they are all rare talents in ancient times. Hao and others are not bad at all.

"Alas...Brother Long, it's better not to know some things, lest you worry about it and end up getting tired of it."

Qin Wuji, who was extremely excited because of the holy keel just now, suddenly put on a deep posture, and let out a long sigh, and his words were full of deep meaning.

After finishing speaking, Qin Wuji seemed to be afraid of Long Hao's further questioning, so he walked away directly.

At this time, Ji Xingkong also turned around suddenly, his eyes met Long Hao's, and there was a strong fighting spirit in it.

"Long Hao, take care, we may meet again."

Looking at Dugujue with an indifferent face, coupled with Qin Wuji's meaningful words, Long Hao always had a bad feeling in his heart, looked at Ji Xingkong full of fighting spirit and said: "Maybe when we meet again, it will be enemy!"

"What he said is good, remember him well, maybe he will be your opponent in a short time."

After glancing at Qin Wuji and Ji Xingkong, Dugujue said in a cold and deep voice.


When Dugujue led the two of them to disappear into the sky, the murderous aura between the heaven and the earth gradually faded away.


Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, the murderous aura on Dugu Jue's body was too terrifying, they couldn't breathe out of the suppressed all the time.

"It's so dangerous, I thought I was going to die this time." Huo Tian swallowed, his clothes were completely wet with sweat.

"Fairy Lu Yao, how is your body? Can you still support it?" Murong Xiu walked over and asked with concern.

Lu Yao shook her head, her beautiful eyes looked out into the sky, as deep as water: "He probably hasn't fully grasped the true meaning of the Seven Killing Sword Sutra, otherwise, no grass will grow wherever he passes, and we won't be able to escape."

"What the fairy said is true, but after all this guy has mastered the Seven Killing Sword Sutra, I'm afraid he won't be so lucky if we meet again in the future." Murong Xiu echoed.

Everyone sighed.

Every time they think that there may be another Seven Killing Sword Emperor who will wreak havoc on Xuanhuang in the future, each of them feels their scalps go numb.

At this time, Long Hao fell from mid-air, crushing the ground with one foot.

"Everyone is gone, you can get out."

Glancing at Long Si who sprang out from the cracked ground, Long Hao said with contempt: "Counsel."

"Are you really gone?" Long Si put his hands on his chest, a trace of joy flashed in his eyes, but when he heard Long Hao's ridicule, he became arrogant again: "Who is hiding, fourth master, I'm just waiting for my attack in the ground , ready to give them a fatal blow at any time."

"Fortunately, they ran fast, otherwise fourth master would have given them a taste of the power of the dragon's claws."

However, his self-confidence has no basis, only attracted a burst of ridicule.

"However, I have to say that this old guy's ability to hide his aura is not weak. If Dugujue finds out, it will be a disaster." Murong Xiu said with a smile.

A elixir of immortality, even the emperor is jealous, even if Dugujue is sober and indifferent, he can't ignore it, and he will definitely snatch it.

"That's right, fourth master, I am a generation of Dragon Emperor. I once ruled the world and was powerful in the heavens. Although the dragon swims in the shallows today, it is no problem to fly to the sky and escape from the ground. How could it be that mere kings don't pay attention at all..."

Long Si is a typical bachelor character who behaves like a good boy when he gets a bargain, and opens a dyeing workshop if he gets three points of color.

However, after he made such a fuss, the gloom in everyone's hearts eased a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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