Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 657 The Ambition of the Xu Clan

Chapter 657 The Ambition of the Xu Clan

The red flames filled the sky, and there was a crisp sound of birdsong.

At the same time, the fist that came from the sky hit the black-armored man head-on.

This punch was powerful and heavy, carrying Yan Lin's overwhelming anger, like a burning comet, it collapsed the large void in front of it.

"Hmph, be angry, growl... this will be your last madness!"

With a sneer, the black-armored man looked down at Yan Lin who was rushing forward, his mouth full of sarcasm.

When the blazing punch struck, the void was instantly evaporated, and then twisted crazily under the squeeze of the general trend of heaven and earth.

chi chi chi...

The dark sword light suddenly appeared, like a black thunderstorm, directly tearing the twisted void, and the violent sword energy flew across the sky, colliding with the fist force, causing a huge earthquake in the world.

The two sides retreated separately, but the two general trends continued to collide.

"All along, you disciples of the Holy Land have been conceited to be superior to others, looking down on the world, now it seems that it is just a vain name!"

The man in black armor flicked the battle sword in his hand, and his aura rose sharply, like thunder going upstream, oppressing the world.

"This person's cultivation is definitely above the third level of Nirvana Realm, and he can arouse the general trend of the world for thousands of miles."

Looking at the fire in Long Haodong, he found that the black-armored man's skills and swordsmanship were very ordinary, not even a king-level skill. The reason why he was able to attack Yan Lin head-on without losing the wind was entirely due to the suppression of his cultivation level That's all.

However, not only the black-armored man, but also the Nirvana Realm powerhouses from the Xu family also showed the same proud attitude.

"Hmph, the so-called Yaoguang Holy Land doesn't even have a great emperor now, and it's not much stronger than those sects. Even these disciples are nothing more than rotten fish and stinky shrimp."

"Haha, when my clan of the Xu clan wipes out the Great Yan Kingdoms and expands its strength, it may not be impossible to replace them in the future!"

Those powerful members of the Xu clan stood tall in the sky, their staring eyes full of ambition and mockery.

"It's just a big family power, not even a saint, why is it so ambitious?"

Scanning the powerful members of the Xu clan, Long Hao found that deep in their eyes, there was a strong fanaticism and excitement, not like Zai Yelang's arrogance.

As for Yan Lin, he didn't say a word, only hatred and killing intent in his eyes.


In between breaths, Yanlin's hands formed hundreds of mysterious seals, and the inscription patterns all over the sky rose into the sky, tearing apart the sky.

The next moment, the boundless gust of wind drove the sky-shattering flames, and the vast power of the sky came down. There was a tendency to burn the sky and boil the sea, which was as terrifying as the legendary catastrophe.

Supernatural powers - wind and fire catastrophe!
"Be careful, it's a supernatural power!"

The power of destroying heaven and earth that poured down from the sky shocked everyone present. The black-armored man let out a loud roar, pushing his sword to the extreme and stabbing the sky.

The sword light soared into the sky, like a black dragon, baring its teeth and claws, with extraordinary momentum.

However, when the strong wind and fire came down, it swept across the world like a storm, smashing the sword light to pieces.

"Hmph, he's only at the first level of Nirvana, don't be afraid, let's kill him together!"

After a brief shock, the other five Nirvana Realm also shot one after another, hitting the sky with powerful magical powers.

Boom boom boom...

Leaving aside the level of supernatural powers of these Nirvana powerhouses, they have mastered and used the general trend of heaven and earth after many years of practice, and they have reached the point of driving their arms. Completely crashed.

"These trash can't even master the supernatural powers. I really don't know where the confidence comes from." Long Hao saw it in his eyes and despised it in his heart.

Even in the secular world, the strength of the aristocratic family can only be regarded as second-rate. Compared with a holy place, the gap is far beyond heaven and earth.

At this moment, they were only able to suppress Yan Lin by relying on their numbers and their continuous onslaught.

Now Long Hao finally understands why the Xu Clan has dispatched so many strong men against Yanque and Huanli, who are only in the Dharma Aspect Realm, if there are too few, they are really no match for those two girls.

Among other things, Huanli's innate blood is extremely powerful, and he has also cultivated the Six Ancient Demonic Sutras given by Long Hao. Challenges are as simple as drinking water and eating, and he is not even a little bit stronger than these powerful people from aristocratic families. .

"Death to me!"

Like a vicious poisonous snake, the man in black armor suddenly launched a surprise attack from Yanlin's flanks, and the jet-black sword light appeared like thunder, shattering Yanlin's bodyguard and wounding him.

"Hmph, the next strike will kill you!"

Seeing Yan Lin being traumatized, the man in black armor was invigorated, and a large amount of thunder light gushed out from his body, like a prehistoric giant beast swallowing up the world, arousing the power of the world for thousands of miles.

With a sword aroused, the majestic power of the sky is mighty, and the terrain is like a tide, rolling over.

"Get out of here!"

With a roar, Yanlin's body revived with bursts of divine flames, raging around like a storm, crushing the sword light, and forcing the black armored man back.

"Nine Transformations of Suzaku, the first layer of seal—open!"

Staring viciously at the powerful members of the Xu clan, Yan Lin spoke word by word, with a cold tone as if coming from the mouth of death: "You... all deserve to die!"

The next moment, the aura on Yan Lin's body rose sharply, red divine flames gushed out from his body, and a divine bird with magnificent wings hovered above his head, causing the world with a radius of thousands of miles to boil completely.


"The practice of Suzaku Nine Changes is really not an ordinary holy-level exercise. It seems that Yan Zu is definitely not an ordinary person in the world!"

Seeing Yan Lin perform this exercise again, Long Hao's eyes lit up immediately.

The improvement of his cultivation base even made his vision and senses completely different, and he was able to see things at a deeper level than before.

It's a pity that the strong men of the Xu clan are really stupid enough.

"Hmph, the trapped beast is still fighting!"

The man in the black armor sneered, he didn't notice any changes in Yan Lin's body at all, and he was still commanding everyone triumphantly: "You all set up a net of all phenomena around you, and you must not let him escape!"


There was a burst of shouting, roaring like a war drum.

Immediately, a series of figures with powerful aura roared out from behind, and at the same time formed a magic seal, connected the heaven and the earth, and arranged a magic circle.

More than a hundred experts in the Faxiang Realm set up the formation at the same time, and the power is still extremely powerful, especially the Vientiane Net Formation, which contains all kinds of changes and snares the world. It is not easy for those who want to stand out.

Of course, Long Hao would not stand by and watch, his body was shaken, and the whole body suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he rushed towards those who set up the formation like a swimming dragon.

"Ants in the realm of law, dare to be presumptuous here!"

The red-robed old man who was repelled by Yan Lin before suddenly came across the sky, staring at Long Hao with sinister eyes, it seemed that he wanted to find a place on Long Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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