Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 662? Ancient Battle Spirit

Chapter 662 Ancient War Spirit
Long Hao, who came suddenly from the sky, was shaped like a tyrannosaurus, not only as fast as lightning, but also with infinite power, which shocked even the strong Xu family.

"Quick, form an array to fight!"

Under the temptation of huge benefits, these strong members of the Xu family also worked desperately.

On the other side, the black-armored man broke out quickly, and it only took a moment to extract the dragon marrow of the earth veins, and then they could retreat calmly.

The miraculous effect of the supreme treasure of the earth vein dragon marrow is not only to help people break through the nirvana state, but also has great benefits for the strong in the nirvana state and even the king state.

Boom boom boom!
Waves of surges of mana radiated out, and all the disciples of the Xu family took action, acting in unison with each other, casting countless seals, and condensing a tall King Kong giant, blocking Long Hao like mountains.

The vajra giant is infinitely powerful, oppressing the earth, and can shake the sky with his palms, and he slaps it at the same time, like a mountain of gods suppressing the sky and the earth.


In a fit of rage, Long Hao sacrificed the divine dragon's form, his giant tail swept across the sky, and immediately blasted all the King Kong giants away.

Quite a number of Xu's strong men spurted blood, their eyes terrified, as if they were really hit by a dragon at that moment.

However, the defensive power of those King Kong giants was also like an iron wall. After Long Hao's blow, they did not collapse. There were countless inscriptions on the body surface, and they vaguely evolved into a pair of fairy armor.


The flames of the gods broke out, and the heat wave rolled in.

"Junior Brother Long, I will help you block them!"

Yanlin bathed in divine flames, and the evolutionary bird swept across the sky. The terrifying high temperature made the giant King Kong's body distort and tend to melt.

"Thank you." With a thank you, Long Hao stepped forward, across the sky and earth, stretched out a powerful dragon claw, and grabbed the black armored man.

"No, stop him!"

The three Nirvana state powerhouses of the Xu family hurriedly followed, mobilizing the world to suppress Long Hao.

"Do you really think I can't kill you?"

Being blocked many times, Long Hao's eyes were full of murderous intentions, divine lines and divine thunder revived in his palms, and the terrifying aura of divine punishment raged.

However, those Xu family's strong men have long been dazzled by the treasure in front of them, and they are also very conceited. Although Long Hao's strength crushes them, but the Nirvana state strong man's body is natural, and it is not so easy to be beheaded.

Seeing that the black-armored man had already rushed into the ground, and was very close to the earth vein dragon marrow, Long Hao, furious, no longer hid his clumsiness, and prepared to take out the God's Punishment Sword to kill all directions.

However, before he could make a move, the ground under his feet shook again.

Boom boom boom!
The surface of the earth is tumbling, and the universe is reversed.

The man in black armor who was about to grab the dragon marrow of the earth veins suddenly froze the smile on his face. He found that he was getting farther and farther away from the treasure, and his body turned around.

At the same time, an extremely violent evil spirit revived, causing him to lose his soul.

Suddenly, bright brilliance spewed out from the ground and shot straight into the sky.

Everyone was startled, and when they turned their heads, they were shocked to find that 28 beams of light suddenly lit up around the deep pit in front of them, like 28 stars, echoing the 28 constellations above the sky, emitting a bright light.

The earth once again experienced a large-scale collapse, a huge shock wave, like the Milky Way rewinding.

The people around were all shaken back, but the man in the black armor who was underground was the worst. He was rushed to the sky, the armor on his body completely collapsed, and he almost lost his body and spirit.

"What's going on, is there another treasure born?"

The land under our feet is, after all, the ancient emperor's court, the center of heaven and earth, covered with countless mysteries. Although time has passed and the situation has changed, it has become barren, but no one can tell what kind of treasures will be hidden.

"This is an opportunity for my Xu family to rise up, don't miss it!"

A large group of Xu's strong men scrambled to surround them, and some Xu's disciples in the Faxiang Realm even developed a will to die, burned their mana, and would rather self-destruct than stop Long Hao and Yan Lin.

However, the excitement and madness on their faces were completely replaced by fear the next moment.

The huge roar shook the heavens and the earth, as if an ancient giant beast was about to crawl out from the depths of the earth, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

The mysterious and yellow air filled the air, and an ancient, mysterious, and vast aura erupted. It was as if a mysterious world hole had opened in the constantly collapsing earth, and a monstrous figure walked out of it!

A powerful and unparalleled murderous aura rushed towards the face, making everyone feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.


"This this this..."

The expressions of all the powerful members of the Xu clan changed drastically. Facing this imposing figure made him feel like kneeling down to worship, just like facing the invincible Supreme who swept the world. .

There is no shocking treasure, it is clearly a peerless killing god!
The next moment, the golden aurora swept across the void, showing a peerless sharpness that could tear the sky and the earth.

"No, hurry up..."

Each of the strong Xu clan was terrified, screaming and trying to escape.

It's a pity that they were too active before, and they couldn't react at all under the panic at the moment. When the golden aurora passed through the void, a giant King Kong was cut open.

The fierce and unparalleled sharp edge raged like a thousand swords tearing the sky.

After the King Kong giants collapsed, a large number of Xu's strong men could not avoid it, and their bodies were connected to the void and turned into blood dances.

With just one blow, the six Nirvana Realm powerhouses were severely injured, and more than half of Xu's disciples in the Faxiang Realm fell.

"Hiss... so terrifying and murderous!"

Yan Lin retreated far away, still couldn't help but gasped.

Only at this moment did he realize that what appeared in front of him was a giant in golden armor, nine feet high, holding a spear in his hand, standing there like a god, giving people a sense of invincible fear.

"Those who approach the dragon veins, die!"

The thick voice seemed to come from the mouth of a god, and it contained an irresistible majesty.

"Is this an ancient war spirit?"

Unbelievable shock appeared in Yan Lin's eyes, and he exclaimed.

The golden-armored giant in front of him was not a real entity, but he was no different from a real person. He was wearing a simple battle armor, and his whole body was full of powerful fighting spirit.

A war spirit is a strange existence left behind after a strong man dies in battle with a condensed fighting spirit intertwined with the avenue of heaven and earth. A wave of will.

"It should have been transformed by the warriors who guarded the dragon's veins in ancient times. Now that it has recovered, is it really the dragon's veins that have continued?"

If the Xuanhuang Dragon Vein really revives, it will be a great thing for the entire Xuanhuang Realm. At that time, the aura of heaven and earth will be several times stronger, countless treasures of heaven and earth will be born, and even the laws of heaven will become clear...

Of course, it will also trigger an earth-shattering war.

At that time, no matter the Ten Great Sacred Lands, the Six Great Demon Sects, the Tiannan Demon Clan, or even the Abyss Demon Clan, many other powerful outsiders will crazily compete for it.

(End of this chapter)

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