Chapter 67
A huge green dragon lay across the ground like a mountain.

Around the bright green scales covering the body, there are also huge pustules bulging one by one. From a distance, it looks like a dense layer of vegetation covering the mountains.

At this moment, some pustules have ruptured, and a viscous green liquid flows out of them, corroding the ground into large pits...

The green dragon stood up, its thick limbs were like meteorites, shaking the ground trembling.

"He's not dead yet?" Long Hao was quite shocked.

Just now he clearly saw Long Er's iron claws piercing into the opponent's chest, he thought that the dragon demon lord would be torn to pieces immediately.

Unexpectedly, the vitality of the demon is so strong.

At this moment, the green dragon turned its head, and it actually had three heads.

The three ferocious faces were twisted together like buns, and they were also covered with bulging pustules, and a foul-smelling green liquid continued to flow out of the pustules, as if a group of maggots were crawling on them.

"This is the body of the dragon demon lord..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, a strong gust of wind came in, and Long Hao's face turned green immediately, and he lay on the ground and vomited.

Not only Long Hao, but after seeing the true face of the dragon demon lord, everyone felt nauseated.

Especially Lu Qianyuan, who had a weak breath, finally calmed down and prepared to adjust his breath, but accidentally coughed up a lot of blood, and almost spit out all his bile.

"No, let me faint for a while..." After speaking, Lu Qianyuan fell to the ground like a corpse.

The ugly face of the dragon demon lord is too lethal.

If it were any normal person, let alone going to fight, if he took a look at it, he would probably be too sick to get up.

"hold head high……"

The dragon demon lord looked up to the sky and roared, the sound waves were like thunder, shaking the sky and the earth.

The huge and ferocious Longwei swept over like a hurricane, causing the demon army to tremble and collapse on the ground.

"not good!"

"The lord is going crazy, run!"

I don't know who yelled, and the menacing demon army immediately dropped the guy in their hands, and ran away in the distance.

"Escape, run away!"

"If you don't escape, you will die!"

The demon army was in a mess, stumbling along the way, throwing away their helmets and armor.

Many strong demons stumbled to the ground, and were soon trampled into pieces by a large number of demons behind.

They seemed to have a premonition of the great horror that was about to happen!
"Go crazy..."

With a light snort, Long Hao straightened up, but couldn't help feeling nauseated again.

But immediately after he discovered the anomaly.

At this moment, with the resounding dragon chant shaking the heavens and the earth, the dragon demon lord's whole body began to congest, especially the bulging pustules on his body, which burst one after another.

And those ruptured pustules were constantly wriggling, like ferocious magic eyes opened.

Followed by green lights, they lit up like ghostly ghost lights.


Lu Yao suddenly let out an exclamation, as if feeling nauseous, and then said after a pause, "The Dragon Demon Lord is using his natal supernatural power!"

"Natural supernatural power?" Long Hao's expression changed.

He knew that some special creatures would have some terrible inherited magical powers born in their blood.

The reason why it is said to be terrifying is that this kind of supernatural power can only be displayed with the help of one's own blood soul. The more blood souls are burned, the stronger the destructive power of the explosion will be.

This kind of move that kills one thousand enemies and self-damages eight hundred will not be easily used by any strong person.

But once it is displayed, it will definitely be a doomsday disaster.

Obviously, after suffering heavy injuries one after another, the dragon demon lord has been pushed to the limit, and he did not hesitate to burn his blood and soul to kill everyone.

Even the demon army under him didn't care.

At this moment, on the huge body of the dragon demon lord, those pustules containing highly poisonous pustules are densely packed, and once they are all sprayed out, it will definitely form a torrential rain, corroding everything in this world into ashes.

At that time, even if Long Hao's Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue can restrain the poison, it will not be able to refine it at all.

"Ma Dan, it's okay to be ugly, but you're still so crazy..."

"It's so ugly!"

With a loud curse, Long Hao quickly issued orders: "Long Er, kill him quickly!"

But this time, dense green light eyes squirmed out of the dragon demon lord's body in shock, and the terrible poisonous gas had seeped out, corroding the air into bursts of white smoke.

However, Long Er, who has always been obedient to orders, did not move, standing there like a sculpture.

"Madan, I've run out of energy." Long Hao's head froze and he almost fell down.

Puff Chi Chi...

At the same time, a large amount of green light rain sprayed out, more and more, densely packed like a thousand streams returning to the source, like a river rolling backwards, covering the sky.

"Haha, die, die... all die!"

The dragon demon lord let out a maddened roar, and his ferocious eyes had turned blood red, like a madman and a ghost.

At this moment, Zhan Puppet Dragon II's energy was exhausted, and it was too late to replenish it.

Lu Yao suffered heavy injuries, and only [-] to [-]% of her combat power was left.

Even Qin Wuji, who had shown his supernatural power by relying on the organ palace at the beginning, had already run away when he saw that the situation was not good just now.

Now, who else can deal with the mad dragon demon lord?

"Only this guy is unreliable." Yun Rong couldn't help cursing secretly, looking at the sky full of light and rain, her face paled.

"Brother, don't fall asleep, wake up..." The little girl had no choice but to shake Lu Qianyuan violently, who was lying dead.

At the critical moment, even Lu Yao's face became extremely pale.

Long Xiaomiao also lost her hippie smile, her hair was blown up all over her body, and she stared fiercely at the dragon demon lord, wishing she could turn into a sky-swallowing demon collar and swallow that old loach.

"I'm going to fuck you, I really think I'm at the end of my rope..."

Cursing inwardly, Long Hao finally used his last trump card, flipped his hands and took out a square gold brick.

"Supernatural powers—"

However, that piece of gold brick was too heavy, a stagger almost made Long Hao fall down.


"Supernatural powers? He he he... actually mastered supernatural powers?"

Everyone looked at Long Hao in unison.

The embarrassing Long Hao also went crazy at this time, pouring all the true energy in his body into the gold brick, and finally stabilized his body.

Then he shouted angrily, and knocked out the gold brick.

"Supernatural powers—bricks from the sky!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.


However, before the torrential rain fell, a large group of golden light rose slowly, dazzling like the sun.

That ball of golden light, square and square with distinct water chestnuts, was like a brick, but it was extremely huge, horizontally above the sky, like a giant town being crushed down.

"Holy shit, there are effects of size and size as desired?" Long Hao who was running wildly turned his head to look, he was stunned, and then became ecstatic.

(End of this chapter)

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