Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 676 The Secret of the Xu Clan

Chapter 676 The Secret of the Xu Clan

"Junior Brother Long, although I really want to destroy the Xu clan, you should know that the two of us have special identities, and we cannot casually kill people in the secular world on a large scale."

Yanlin sighed.

The Xu clan has been passed down for more than a thousand years at least, and they control several countries. The number of powerful people is more than one hundred thousand. If they go to attack and kill for no reason, they will definitely be condemned by the inspectors of the Tiangong. Otherwise, with Yan Lin's fiery temper, he would have killed him long ago.

"Brother Long, this time the Xu Clan has lost many powerful people, and there is also an ancestor of the King Realm. His vitality must have been seriously injured, and the remaining things can be handled by Yanque."

Yanque was also afraid that Long Hao would be punished by inspecting the Tiangong because of his impulsiveness, so he hurried forward and said.

However, they all underestimated Long Hao.

Although Long Hao acts perversely and does not respect etiquette on weekdays, he is not a narrow-minded person, and he is quite arrogant in his bones.

He was too lazy to deal with secular second-rate forces like the Xu clan. What really disturbed him was the abyssal demon clan behind the Xu clan.

"Do you really believe the crazy words of that old man before he died?"

For this, Yan Lin was even more disdainful.

"A mere family member of the Xu family wants to attack my Waxlight Holy Land. It's just a dream. Even if they have the support of the abyss demons, they will never be able to gather enough people to attack the Waxlight Holy Land with the Demon Town and Patrol Heavenly Palace. strength."

Yan Lin has served as the demon guard all year round. He knows very well that once there is any change in the abyssal demons, the patrolling Tiangong will suppress them immediately, and those who fled into the Xuanhuang world are just spies, just like big fish and small shrimps. It's just that, it can't make much trouble at all.

Long Hao also understood what Yan Lin said, but he was still very uneasy.

In particular, what happened to the Canglong Islands made him understand that the way for the abyssal demons to infiltrate into the Xuanhuang Realm is not just the Abyss of Suppressing Demons.

"In this case, let's go and have a look, but it's just a detour."

Yanque still trusts Long Hao's intuition.

In this regard, Yan Lin no longer has any objections. Anyway, the journey of tens of millions of miles will not take long for a strong man like him in the Nirvana state.

After walking out of the Holy Imperial City, Flame Sparrow took a deep look at the surroundings, then waved his long sleeves, and suddenly a mysterious force emerged, descending like a dense cloud, covering the Holy Imperial City.

The surging dragon veins and earth energy soon calmed down, and the wind and sand gradually danced, making this magical land become dilapidated and desolate again.

Even with Long Hao's eyesight, he could no longer observe the abnormalities here.

It is better not to expose such a supreme treasure land before it has the ability to protect it.

"I hope that when you come back next time, you will already rule the world and let this land regain its ancient glory." Long Hao said to Yanque meaningfully.

Since Yanque wanted to clarify the universe and establish a unified and powerful dynasty, this is undoubtedly the most suitable place to establish its capital.

"Definitely!" Yanque replied solemnly.


Xusheng City was built on an isolated mountain surrounded by six ancient kingdoms. The terrain is unique and the construction is quite magnificent.

This is where the family of the Xu clan resides, and it is also a sacred place in the hearts of the people of the six surrounding ancient countries.

There used to be a huge number of people coming and going here, but now it suddenly became rare. There are many strong Xu clan patrolling around, looking heavily guarded.

"Did they know we were coming?" Yan Lin asked in surprise.

Long Hao stroked his chin and said, "A strong man like the ancestor of the Xu family must have a soul card left in the family. They should have gotten the news a long time ago."

"In this case, will they directly attack Dayan Capital?" Yanque became a little worried.

But Long Hao directly shook his head: "I have confirmed with Long Si on the way, except for a few Nirvana-level powerhouses near the capital who occasionally go to attack and test, there is no sign of large-scale powerhouses dispatching."

Because of the magic seal of the Heavenly Dao Seed, Long Hao can still communicate with Long Si even if they are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

"This is really weird."

Yan Lin shook his head, frowned and said: "It stands to reason that after we leave, the capital will be empty, so it should be their best time to attack."

"I don't know, maybe they have other plans."

After coming here, Long Hao discovered that the various behaviors of the Xu clan were quite weird, and he couldn't help but want to find out.

"Get ready for the illusion, let's dive in first."

Hearing this, Huanli nodded obediently, then signed a seal, and spread out a field of illusion.

The Illusion Heart Demon Clan's Illusion Heart Dafa is a super illusion method that directly points to the soul. In this illusion field, Huan Li can penetrate into the hearts of all people, so as to perform illusion camouflage.

Therefore, Long Hao and others walked over in a grand manner. In the eyes of those strong Xu family members, they were all acquaintances, and they were completely unsuspecting.

In this way, the four of them traveled unimpeded all the way, and finally came to a magnificent hall.

Scanning the hall in front of him, Yan Lin's nerves also tensed up: "This is already the core area of ​​the Xu clan, the front of the hall is heavily guarded, and there is a big formation, there must be secrets inside."

"Xiao Li, is there any demon energy remaining here?" Yanque asked.

After carefully sensing for a while, Huanli nodded uneasily. She indeed sensed the faint residual magic energy, and it was very familiar.

"In this way, there must be strong people from the abyssal demons here."

Yan Lin clenched his fists, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he sneered, "In this case, even if we kill them all, we won't be able to blame us for inspecting the Tiangong."

In the Xuanhuang Great World, colluding with the abyssal demons is definitely a felony, as long as the evidence is solid, everyone can be punished.

"Don't be impulsive, go in and have a look first."

Long Hao always felt that things were not as simple as they seemed, and the dead ancestor of the Xu family did not seem to be talking nonsense, and the family of the Xu family must still be hiding some big secret.

At this time, there happened to be a group of strong Xu clan escorting some young men and women in a trance to the main hall. Long Hao and others took the opportunity to follow, and with the help of the illusion domain, sneaked in without anyone noticing.

Following the team of strong Xu family members, Long Hao and others entered the underground palace of His Royal Highness, and the devilish energy here suddenly became stronger, and anyone could sense it.

"With such a strong demonic energy, it seems that there are quite a few demons hiding here." Yan Lin said coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

In the underground palace, a middle-aged man in a fine attire walked towards him, his breath was billowing like a tide, his face was majestic and cold, and his pupils were full of sinister and evil.

"King Realm!"

After seeing the other party, Yan Lin's pupils shrank and he was startled.

"Same as the ancestor of the Xu family, he just broke through after filling his body with demonic energy."

Everyone was shocked, holding their breath and concentrating, for fear of being noticed by the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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