Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 697? The legendary mother-in-law

Chapter 697 The Legendary Mother-in-Law

Outside the capital of Dayan Kingdom.

Tens of thousands of people and demons are fighting fiercely, the power of heaven and earth is completely boiling, and there are constantly powerful kings sweeping the four poles.

Bang bang bang!
This is a tragic battle, on a grand scale, with countless strong men showing what they have learned, fighting fiercely, piercing the sky and cracking the earth.

The roar of war weapons, the roar of monsters, and the endless screams...

The strong fell continuously, and some even blew themselves up, like stars exploding, and the terrifying destructive power engulfed one piece of void after another, causing a large number of casualties.

Originally, the Yaoguang Holy Land side, relying on the number of people, the power of many magic weapons and secret techniques, and even the cooperation of the two starry space battleships, has suppressed the invading demon army and began to advance towards the capital of Dayan.

However, the arrival of the saints from the demon world completely overturned the battle situation.

The holy prestige pervaded the world, as if there were more than twenty huge magic stars oppressing it.

"Capture Xuanhuang, today!"

"Stupid human beings, surrender!"

All the saints in the demon world let out excited roars, shaking the world.

Countless Fluctlight powerhouses were severely injured and their aura dropped sharply under the power of the terrifying Demon Saint.

"Sage Demon, if you dare to offend my Shaking Holy Land, you will never come back!"

Suddenly, at the end of the world on the other side, a dazzling divine light also bloomed, like a round of purple scorching sun rising into the sky, reflecting the world.

A graceful figure, stunning temperament, peerless elegance, like a fairy flying from the sky, stepping thousands of miles, coming from the sky.


Lu Yao and Ling Shu looked over at the same time, with strong surprise in their beautiful eyes.

"Elder Ziyan Taishang, I didn't expect that she rushed back first!" The other Yaoguang disciples also showed great joy.

Elder Ziyan Taishang is a holy king, an extremely powerful person at the level of the holy way. With her in charge, all the powerful shake lights feel quite at ease.

"The Holy Master and the Sword Saint are both outside the domain. Fortunately, Senior Sister Ziyan is discussing the Dao with the Liuli Holy King in Qianyuan Mountain. The distance is not far, otherwise it would be really troublesome."

Kong Shengdan, who was fighting fiercely with a demon saint, breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the figure that floated like a fairy, a trace of admiration flashed in his deep eyes.

The holy light lit up in the distant sky, as bright as stars, and the saints who waved the light rushed over as long as they were not far away. Roughly, there were more than ten of them.

And beside the Ziyan Sage King, there is another woman, whose body is filled with colored glaze, as bright as divine jade, and the power of the sage exuding is no less than that of the Ziyan Sacred King.

"There is another holy king, who is that?"

All the people and demons present were shocked.

Even many strong men in the Holy Land of Shaking Light were stunned. They had never seen the female holy king whose temperament and appearance were not inferior to the purple-faced holy king.

"Idiot, you don't even know the Glazed Sage King?"

"Her old man is one of our five great saint kings!"

Some veteran true disciples recognized them, with enthusiasm in their eyes, and reprimanded those ignorant juniors.

Seeing the arrival of the Glazed Sage King, even Xinghun shrank his neck subconsciously, but the depths of his eyes were full of excitement, revealing a strange expression.

"Third Senior Brother, you are really daring, even the Sage King of Liuli..."

Knowing that this third senior brother is unreliable, he didn't expect that even the majestic holy king would dare to covet him frivolously, and this taste was a bit serious.

The Glazed King looks young and beautiful, but in fact they are hundreds of years old. On the other hand, Xinghun looks like a little kid, and it is too inharmonious to put them together.

Xinghun's face darkened when he heard the words, and he cursed angrily: "You know nothing, fourth child, she is the mother-in-law in the hearts of all our Yaoguang male disciples!"

"Mother-in-law?" Hearing Xinghun's sound transmission, Long Hao couldn't help being stunned: "What the hell?"

The Glazed Sacred King naturally knew that although she did not cultivate in Tianyuxing, but opened up a dojo in Qianyuan Mountain, she was indeed one of the Five Sacred Kings of Yaoguang, who mastered the Glazed Sacred Pagoda, and her strength was unparalleled.

"Don't you know that the Sacred King of Glazed Glass has a good daughter, who is so beautiful and has an immortal temperament?" Xinghun said through voice transmission with a bit of hatred for iron.

"Peerless elegance, with an immortal temperament?" Long Hao frowned and said, "Could it be Senior Sister Lu Yao?"

But how he looked at it, there was nothing similar in appearance and temperament between the two.

"Well, of course Junior Sister Lu Yao is the same, but she was promoted to True Inheritance not long ago, and the goddess in the hearts of our veteran True Inheritance disciples is another person..." Xinghun said through voice transmission.

Long Hao looked at all the fluttering beauties he had seen in his heart and ruled them out again, but he suddenly remembered a beauty he had never seen before, and his eyes suddenly turned cold: "The third senior brother said, no Could it be the fluctlight saintess?"

This legendary saintess, who had never met him before, issued a dharma decree to kill him, but Long Hao remembered it clearly.

Of course, the Holy Maiden is superior, compared with him, Long Hao at that time was still very weak, in the eyes of the Holy Maiden, she was no different from an ant, maybe she didn't even know Long Hao.

It's just that the status of the saint is respected, she commands all the disciples of Yaoguang, and has the power of life and death.

What's more, she doesn't need any reason to crush an ant to death.

Maybe the saint has no intentions, but Long Hao can't pretend that it never happened. Even if she is so beautiful and has an immortal temperament, she doesn't feel the slightest bit in her heart.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you feel it or not, no one can get her anyway." Xing Hun sighed.

"Oh? Third senior brother's words are so sour." Long Hao teased.

"Hmph, senior brother will show you later, and you will know."

Xinghun still sold out, but Long Hao had no time to think, because the saints came in a mighty way, and the jihad was about to break out.

The saints fought in the nine heavens, their holy power was soaring, and their energy was as turbulent as the sea of ​​gods, causing the laws to manifest and flooding the entire sky.

"The destruction of Fluctlight is a foregone conclusion, this world will be included in my Demon Realm territory."

"Surrender to my Demon Yaksha clan, and serve as the eagle claw of Emperor Yongye, but you will not die!"

A demon saint was extremely arrogant, strode forward, pointed at the fluctuating saints, his posture was extremely arrogant.

"Devil Xiaoxiao, dare to speak out here!"

The fluctuating saints were furious.

Not much speculation.

Jihad broke out in an instant!

The clamoring demon sage, the laws between his palms gathered and transformed into the way of heaven, and the surging holy power quickly condensed into a spear with a strange magic light attached to it, which was breathtaking.

He took the first shot to stand up for the Demon Realm, holding the battle spear in his hand, piercing through the void like a black lightning bolt, stabbing forward, his movements were too fast, like a dragon pounced, piercing through the sky.

The holy king Ziyan holds the holy sword in his hand, triggering the shocking sword force to penetrate the sky, full of murderous aura.

Facing the attacking demon saint, the holy sword stepped forward, and immediately spurted out countless strands of the chain of order, which turned into purple sword energy, and cut off the attacking spear in an instant. His magic arm also turned into a blood dance under the strangulation of sword energy.

(End of this chapter)

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