Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 70 Qi Refining Breakthrough

Chapter 70 Qi Refining Breakthrough
Qianjue Poison Flame is a kind of strange fire from heaven and earth!
For practitioners who practice fire attribute techniques, or for alchemists, it has infinite magical uses.

Rao Lu Yao is also very jealous. If she can refine it, it will be enough to improve her alchemy attainments by a large margin.

It's a pity that Qianjue Poison Flame's power is too overbearing, and with her current strength, she dare not touch it, let alone refine it.

That's why when he saw Long Hao approaching, Lu Qianyuan immediately spoke to dissuade him, for fear that the other party would be burned by poisonous flames if he was not careful.

"Huh? He seems to be okay?"

Yun Rong looked at Long Hao in surprise, and found that the other party had already walked within ten feet of Qianjue Poisonous Flame.

This is already a very dangerous distance. Just now, Lu Qianyuan was still a foot away, and he felt the strong threat that the true energy of his soul would spontaneously ignite.

However, at this moment, Long Hao was still approaching, his eyes were shining brightly, his hands were constantly forming strange seals, and a crimson glow suddenly appeared on his body, giving him a mysterious fairy-like feeling.

But that group of thousand absolute poisonous flames, as if encountering a great threat, jumped up violently, bursting out with dazzling green light, burning out a black hole in the void.


Abruptly, Long Hao let out a snarl, like a god shaking his head.

Then, a large red character appeared out of thin air and was suppressed like a sacred mountain.

The restless Qianjue Poison Flame, as if it had encountered a nemesis, stopped beating immediately, and gradually shrunk into a green ball of light, as if it had been frozen.


Once again, a mysterious flame divine pattern suddenly appeared, enveloping Qianjue Poison Flame like a big hand, preventing it from moving.


A mysterious magic seal was cast, and the thousand poisonous flames wrapped in the flame god pattern immediately flew in front of Long Hao.

Pulled by that crimson glow, he continuously merged into Long Hao's dantian.

"This this this..."

"He's going to refine Qianjue Poison Flame!"

Brother and sister Lu Qianyuan looked at this scene in astonishment, with an inconceivable look in their eyes.

Qianjue Poison Flame is so domineering, like a rebellious and unruly dragon, but at the moment in Long Hao's hands, he is as obedient as a little white rabbit.

The huge contrast between them stunned them.

"What a magical way to control fire!"

At this time, even Lu Yao, who was as cold as Lu Yao, could not help showing surprise, and looked at Long Hao quite unexpectedly.

Even her, a superhuman with ten great accomplishments in the Transcendent Realm, a highly talented alchemist, and the helpless Qianjue Poison Flame were easily absorbed by Long Hao.

Especially the method of fire control used by Long Hao is far beyond her comprehension, even better than those teachers in Dandian who taught her.

Now, Lu Yao really believes that Long Hao is an alchemist and has an extremely extraordinary inheritance.

On the journey of alchemy, the method of controlling fire is the most important point, which can greatly increase the success rate of alchemy.

The better the method of controlling fire, the higher the alchemy attainments will naturally follow.

Just when everyone was astonished, Long Hao had already activated the Fentian Good Fortune Kungfu, completely absorbing the Qianjue Poisonous Flame.

At this time, there was a group of strange green flames floating above the sea of ​​Qi in Dantian.

With the surge of the majestic zhenqi, a monstrous fire was directly triggered, and the entire sea of ​​qi was ignited, and the fire was still flowing along the meridians, penetrating Long Hao's whole body.



First he took a deep breath, Long Hao's complexion changed, and he let out a painful roar.

Waves of green brilliance emerged, as if they were going to burn his sea of ​​energy, tear his meridians, and explode his physical body...

That kind of pain, heart-piercing, almost drove him crazy.

"Junior Brother Long..."

Seeing the green poisonous flames continuously burning from Long Hao's body, Lu Qianyuan exclaimed, just pulling Yun Rong to help, but was stopped by Lu Yao waving.

"Don't get close, those poisonous flames are tempering Long Hao's body and true energy, not to put him to death."


"Could it be that Junior Brother Long has completely controlled Qianjue Poison Flame?"

Hearing this, the two of them took a breath and said in disbelief.

"Yes." Lu Yao nodded, and a hint of envy flashed in her beautiful eyes.

If she can refine this mass of poisonous flames, she can smelt her spirit and true energy without having to transform into a dragon-gathering magic pill, thereby deriving mana and stepping into the realm of supernatural powers.

Although Long Hao's cultivation base is low, he can't directly step into the realm of supernatural powers.

But the benefits obtained are also incomparably astonishing, which is equivalent to experiencing a cleansing of the essence, not only the potential is greatly increased, but also the true energy and meridian bones will be tempered to be extremely pure.

Breaking through the bottleneck and stepping into the fourth level of the Transcendent Realm is not a problem at all.

Moreover, with Qianjue Poisonous Flame's non-stop tempering, Long Hao will break through the supernatural power realm faster and easier than ordinary people.

"Hey, what kind of kung fu did Junior Brother Long cultivate to be so powerful?" Lu Qianyuan was quite surprised.

"I don't know." Yun Rong also shook his head: "The exercises he cultivated contained pure dragon power, and now it seems like the body is transformed into the original fire..."

"It should be two kinds of exercises, and they are both extraordinary."

Lu Yao looked surprised, and felt that these two kinds of exercises did not belong to the Holy Land of Shaking Light, and should be inherited by Long Hao himself.

"You actually practice two kinds of exercises?"

"Aren't you afraid of going mad?"

Obtaining the inheritance of some strong people because of some adventures, this is not uncommon in the Xuanhuang Great World.

But one person practiced two kinds of exercises at the same time, and the grades were both extremely high, but no one dared to do so.

Just like one mountain cannot contain two tigers, the true qi formed by the two kinds of exercises will collide crazily in the body, the light one will go mad, and the severe one will explode and die immediately.

But the current Long Hao's breath has gradually become purer, and it is still rising steadily. How can there be any signs of madness?

This is the magic of Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art!
Tolerate everything, suppress everything!
Not to mention one piece of Fentian Good Fortune Kung Fu, even if there are ten or eight pieces of Heavenly Kung Fu, he can still practice it without fail.

"Huh? We're about to break through!"

Yun Rong gasped in surprise, and then found that the aura on Long Hao's body suddenly became turbulent, as if a giant dragon awakened in his body, releasing a mighty dragon power.

At the same time, Long Hao's body seemed to have opened some kind of restriction, and suddenly became hungry and thirsty.

Without hesitation, Long Hao took out all the remaining spirit stones and spirit pills in the prisoner ring.

However, considering his vast sea of ​​energy, this amount of energy is far from enough.

"Let's help Junior Brother Long."

With that said, Lu Qianyuan took out a jade bottle from his bosom, poured out more than a dozen Qi Refining Pills, and threw it to Long Hao.

Lu Yao and Yun Rong also donated money one after another, collecting tens of thousands of low-grade spirit stones.

Long Hao was not too polite, and while swallowing the Qi Refining Pill, he frantically absorbed the spirit stones, and the aura on his body suddenly rose.

"The peak of the fourth level of the Transcendent Realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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