Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 703 Step 1 Kill

Chapter 703
As time passed minute by minute, streams of divine flames above the space-time channel intertwined into mysterious divine lines, connected in series, and gradually formed a complete lawful skynet.


Accompanied by a violent roar, a huge demon head rushed up from the space-time channel, rolling up the black mist that filled the sky.

The black mist raged wildly, like eternal night falling, obliterating everything.

A pair of blood-colored pupils looked particularly ferocious in the black mist, full of bloodthirsty meaning, and even a hint of domineering imperial prestige.

The blood-colored eyes swept across, and everyone was shocked, as if they were staring at death.

"That is the Eternal Night Devil Emperor?"

"It's terrible. With just one look, my soul seems to have fallen into a dark abyss, almost annihilated."

Under the terrifying emperor's prestige, many Fluctlight powerhouses felt great panic in their hearts.

A look, shot across the passage of time and space, is so terrifying. If the real body comes, the violent and boundless emperor might not even be able to bear it.


At the same time, bursts of divine flames revived, and a tall and straight red-haired old man vaguely condensed in the void.

The red-haired old man was dressed in thin clothes, but his eyes seemed to contain two big suns, and his divine light was brilliant and incomparably bright. He exuded an incomparably terrifying aura that shook the void and made the sky and the earth rumble.

Comparable to the Emperor of Heaven.


Suddenly, fiery divine light erupted, red clouds filled the air, flames rose, and the red-haired old man bathed in divine flames came across the sky like a brilliant sun, exuding a vast and majestic aura, and suppressed the Emperor Yongye.

At that moment, the laws of heaven appeared, and the power of this world seemed to be drawn, following the red-haired old man to suppress everything.

"That's Yan Zu?"

Seeing the astonishing vision, everyone was shocked.

This unknown existence seems to have the power to penetrate the heavens and the earth, which makes people extremely awe-inspiring.

The power of the seal was fully revived, and the vision of Yanzu was derived, which attracted the power of the heaven and the world, and the power was astounding.

call out!
At the critical moment, a holy sword descended from the sky, with an incomparably mighty sword power, as if it could penetrate Jiuyou and break the underworld.

The Eternal Ye Devil Emperor who had just emerged could hardly resist under this double blow, and fell down again with a miserable howl.

A huge shock wave shattered the surrounding space, distorting the sky and earth, and raging storms.

"it is good!"

But everyone in Yaoguang was very energetic, and they raised their arms and shouted, they knew that they had won.

Prince Yongye's body hit the ground again, spurting out blood, there was a shocking sword mark on his chest, the bones were visible deep, and the power of heaven's punishment attached to it could penetrate into the soul even more , making him let out a miserable howl.

"Hmph, the demons are gone, you can die too!"

Long Hao pressed down horizontally with his sword, his whole body was shining brightly, and his momentum was rising, like a heavenly emperor coming to the dust, asking God to punish the world.

"Long Hao, Long Hao, Long—— Hao!"

Prince Yongye's eyes were venomous, and he roared again and again with a ferocious expression, and the stern voice was full of unwillingness and anger.

Although he received the energy injection from the Devil Emperor to heal his injuries, his skills were still inferior to others. Under Long Hao's fierce offensive, he was defeated again in a short while, which made him suffer a lot.

When the God's Punishment Sword was about to fall, the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot suddenly blew up a gust of dark wind, and took Prince Yongye into it.

"It's the Eternal Night Devil Emperor."

Holding the sword, Long Hao stopped in mid-air, feeling a trace of imperial power emerging from the Heaven-devouring Demon Pot, he was startled.

"Ha ha……"

"Long Hao, let's wait and see, one day the crown prince will behead you with his own hands!"

Accompanied by a series of stern sneers, the Sky Devouring Demon Pot did not stop at all, but rushed in before the space-time channel was completely sealed.

"Hmph, I will never let you escape next time!"

Seeing that the general situation was over, all the saints in the demon world also got rid of the entanglement of the fluctuating saints and began to retreat.

"Stop them and let these demons know that if you try to shake my light, you must pay a heavy price!"

The Ziyan Sage King's face was cold, and he led the Shaking Light Saints to pursue them.

But when life and death were at stake, the saints of the demon world didn't make any entanglement at all, they just rushed towards the direction of the space-time channel.

The powerhouses of the holy way are aware of the heavens and the earth, grasp the law, all of them have great supernatural powers and many means. It is extremely difficult to kill them, not to mention that they just want to escape for their lives. Sigh.

Seeing the passage ahead, all the saints in the demon world breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a terrifying and boundless murderous aura poured down, making them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

Above the sky, the white-clothed sword master stepped forward, and the sword force on his body would be raised by every step.

When the tenth step fell, the sword's momentum soared into the sky, and the power of exterminating heaven and earth radiated out, making all the demon saints feel great fear.

"Hmph, the Juggernaut is only at the level of the Holy Dao. Can he still want to kill me alone?"

"Shoot together and kill him!"

The saints in the demon world who were eager to flee for their lives became cruel when they saw the sword master blocking the way. They ignited their magic energy one by one, bursting out with super power, and stormed over.


The Rolling Demon can roar past, crushing the void.

Among them is the revival of the holy artifact, and the shocking killing of the supreme supernatural power, which turns into a torrent of laws and annihilates everything.

"Ten steps to kill!"

The Sword Master Tianjue didn't talk nonsense at all, he slashed across with his sword with his bright eyes open.

In an instant, there seemed to be a burst of extreme divine power, the shocking sword power swept across the four poles, cut through nine heavens and ten places, and a bright sword light pierced the void, containing a terrifying murderous intent to shatter everything!
At this moment, the world was completely still.

After only a moment, the sky suddenly exploded and was divided into two.

The endless turbulent flow of the void, mixed with the terrifying sword light, swept across the sky, directly killing the torrent of laws shot by the saints of the demon world.


A series of ten huge demon heads soared into the sky, and the colorful holy blood swayed the sky and the earth.

With one sword strike, all the saints in the demon world were chopped off, and ten demon saints fell, including a strong saint king.

This scene shocked everyone.

Destroy the magic formation with one sword, destroy the ten saints with one sword!

With such a terrifying divine power, in the whole world, probably only the Sword Master Tianjue has such a domineering power.

Thousands of miles in an instant!
Ten steps, one kill!

The white-clothed swordsman, with two swords front and back, smashed the demons and established the victory.

This kind of power is completely comparable to the Supreme Emperor.

"The strength of the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven has increased again, and it is estimated that he is not far away from entering the realm of the Great Emperor!"

In the distant sky, a row of figures as dazzling as the sun lined up. They were all veterans who inspected the Heavenly Palace. Among them, there were several holy kings, but at this moment they all showed expressions of panic.

(End of this chapter)

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