Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 708 Legendary Flame Ancestor

Chapter 708 Legendary Flame Ancestor
The Master of Zhenwu Palace felt a headache for a while.

Those who can go to Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace to practice, who is not the elite of Yaoguang Holy Land, not only have outstanding personal talents, but also have backgrounds and backgrounds. It is really not easy to squeeze out a spot.

"The Hall of True Martial Arts manages matters such as foreign wars and training. Don't tell me the majestic Hall Master can't even handle such trivial matters. Why don't you reward me with [-] million mission points?"

If it was an ordinary matter, Long Hao wouldn't need to go to the master of Zhenwu Hall to go through the back door.

The face of the master of Zhenwu Hall turned black, and the mission point was not Chinese cabbage. If he opened and closed his mouth for a hundred million, others would not be able to survive.

Of course, Long Hao's contribution to Yaoguang Holy Land is indeed not enough to be measured by mission points, and his own qualifications are also extremely outstanding, otherwise the Master of Zhenwu Palace would have lost his temper.

"Why do you insist on going to the Heavenly Palace of Ten Thousand Realms? Isn't it possible to practice within the Xuanhuang Realm, or even inspect the Heavenly Palace?"

Speaking of this, the Master of Zhenwu Hall lowered his voice and said: "Recently, the Xuanhuang Realm has not been peaceful. In recent years, there have been frequent incidents of the abyssal demons opening time and space channels. You can experience the same as you left behind, and you can also be supported by the strong in the Xuanhuang Realm." Asylum, why not do it?"

Outside the realm is no better than inside the realm, where you are often isolated and helpless, and even the strong in this realm may become enemies.

Long Hao has long been on the must-kill list of Zixiao Holy Land, and the Master of Zhenwu Hall is also considering Long Hao's safety.

But Long Hao didn't think about it. He focused his attention on the first half of the sentence of Master Zhenwu: "The number of changes in the demon race is gradually becoming ordinary, which means that the seal of the Abyss of Demon Suppression has been loosened. , the demons will invade in large numbers."

The space-time passages are big and small. Compared with the Abyss of Demon Suppression, this place in Dayan Kingdom is too small.

Even so, in order to suppress this invasion, the Holy Land of the Fluctuating Lights did their best and paid a huge price.

Once they make a massive invasion through the Demon Suppressing Abyss, it will inevitably be a catastrophe that will sweep the world.

Under such a catastrophe, even a saint is at risk, and the supreme emperor may perish, let alone him who is in the mere nirvana state?
Thinking of this, Long Hao's willingness to go to the Heavenly Palace of Ten Thousand Realms became even more determined.

He finally felt a sense of urgency.

"In that case, let's wait for the news from the master of the palace."

Unable to resist Long Hao, the Master of Zhenwu Palace finally agreed reluctantly.

Not long after, Yanlin came to report, and more than a thousand fluctlight powerhouses had assembled.

Perhaps the Master of Zhenwu Palace was impatient with Long Hao's chatter, and immediately led them aboard a starship battleship, and headed straight to Xusheng City to start the battle of extermination.

At this time, many inner and outer disciples from the Shaking Light Holy Land had already arrived and began to clean the battlefield.

As for Xiao Liu, Lei Yin and others, they naturally followed the Lord of Zhenwu Hall to attack and kill Xu Shengcheng. This is a great opportunity to earn mission points.

Watching them go away, Long Hao took another look at the seal of the space-time channel before leaving.

This place was originally the forbidden land of the Yan ancestors of the Great Yan Kingdom.

When Long Hao came in for the first time, he felt that there seemed to be something terrifying hidden under the boundless flames. Only now did he realize that it was a space-time passage connecting the demon world.

"Boy, don't look at it. After the seal is re-strengthened, unless the power of Yan Zu and Huanmo are activated at the same time, it will be difficult for even the Supreme Emperor to break the seal."

The space-time channel that has just been sealed is guarded by Kong Shengdan.

Here is the sacred flame left by Yan Zu, which is a supreme treasure for a master of alchemy like Kong Shengdan, and he also took the initiative to ask Ying to stay here to guard it.

This is also a great thing for the Great Yan Kingdom. There is a saint guarding it. If anyone dares to plot against the capital of the Great Yan Kingdom in the future, they must first weigh their own strength.

"Need to activate the power of Yanzu and Phantom at the same time?" Long Hao was quite shocked.

"What kind of existence is that Yan Zu, who can set such a tyrannical seal, I am afraid it is definitely not an ordinary emperor."

Yanque can suppress the Devil Emperor and re-seal the space-time channel only by using the power of the seal left by Yanzu with the cultivation base of Faxiang Realm. This kind of method of gods and ghosts is not something ordinary people can possess.

The most outrageous thing is that when the seal left by Yanzu was weakened to the extreme and could be easily broken by the holy power, the descendants of Yanzu and Huanmo appeared in Dayan Kingdom. Is this a coincidence?
If it wasn't a coincidence, it would be terrifying.

It seemed that the mysterious Yan Zu had predicted the arrival of this day long ago and laid the groundwork in advance.

"This Yan Zu is likely to be the mighty one from ancient times!" Kong Shengdan expressed his guess.

"I have seen in the classics left by my ancestors that in ancient times, the first person who taught all living beings to use flames was the Almighty. It is said that he was born with divine flames, and gradually deduced many methods such as alchemy and weapon refining. It has created immeasurable merits and virtues for all beings in the Xuanhuang Realm..."

"Honored as the ancestor of a hundred families by later generations, he is also the only ancient power comparable to the Xuanhuang Emperors!"

In ancient times, Emperor Xuan comprehended the twelve golden lotuses to gain Taoism, established the ancient Taoism, and taught all living beings to practice.

The Yellow Emperor, who created the only unified dynasty in ancient times, is also known as the ancient holy emperor.

The two of them are of immeasurable merit to the entire Xuanhuang Realm.

Xuanhuang Realm is also named after this.

And this Yan Zu can be compared with the two of them, which shows that he is extraordinary and great.

After all, the ancestor of Kong Shengdan was the Seven-Color Immortal Sparrow, who possessed the Seven-Color Immortal Flame innately, had an astonishing research and understanding of the fire, and finally had an insight into the laws of heaven, and attained Taoism and immortality. The classics it left behind should not be aimless .

"The ancestor of a hundred families, isn't it the patriarch of the sect that Dayan Holy Land believes in?"

Demon Emperor Fentian also had a deep memory of this extraordinary name, which made Long Hao suddenly remember it.

"Hmph, Yan Zu selflessly educates and educates all living beings. He has never established a sect. Not only the Dayan Holy Land, but all the ways of alchemy, tools, medicine... and even ordinary people who farm the land respect him as their patriarch."

Kong Shengdan's words shook Long Hao's heart.

It's no wonder that Yanque had a heart for the world since he was a child. Yan Lin also inherited the powerful fire-system skills such as Suzaku's Nine Changes from Yanzu's forbidden area.

But the greater the name of this Yanzu, the easier it is to arouse the covetousness of those who want to.

After all, there is no impenetrable strong man in the world. After the power of the seal left by Yanzu broke out, Kong Shengdan could guess one or two, and other antiques that have lived for hundreds of thousands of years may not be invisible.

"Since that's the case, please senior take good care of the Great Yan Kingdom." Long Hao bowed with his fists in his hands.

"Speaking of which, I can break through so quickly, thanks to the Qianyuan Heart Refining Pill Formula you offered."

Kong Shengdan smiled, and agreed immediately: "Okay, within the scope of my ability, I will take care of a little bit more."

(End of this chapter)

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