Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 711 Xuanyin Mountain

Chapter 711 Xuanyin Mountain

Looking at Long Hao's back with firm steps when he left, a rare smile flashed across the eyes of the Sword Master of Heaven.

The next moment, his figure disappeared into the distance without a sound.

Heavenly Star Palace.

The autumn wind is blowing, constantly rolling down the branches and leaves.

The old man in Tsing Yi was the same as in the past, sweeping away step by step, taking no time to rush, as if he had naturally merged with this world.

Not long after, a piece of holy light flashed, revealing the figure of the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven.

"He doesn't lack opportunity and talent, but he only lacks the experience of heart. I have done everything I can do, and it's up to him next."

The old man in Tsing Yi didn't stop his movements, but nodded lightly: "I believe in him, and I also believe in you."

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Sword Master of Heaven.

"Do you really think that he will bring about changes in this world?"

The old man in Tsing Yi chuckled, turned around and glanced at the Sword Saint of Absolute Heaven: "You don't believe it, why did you show mercy when you found out that he had the Xuan Zodiac Seed in him?"

After finishing speaking, the old man in Tsing Yi stopped talking and just swept the floor quietly.

The eyes of the Sword Saint of Heaven's Absolute were suffocated, as if recalling the scene at the beginning, a smile finally appeared on his face: "Being able to suppress the Xuanhuang Dao Seed shows that he is not weak in mind. If he can seek the Dao Heart, the future is indeed bright." Expect."

After finishing speaking, the figure of Sword Master Tianjue disappeared again.

And the old man in Tsing Yi looked at the autumn leaves falling from the sky, his vicissitudes of eyes gradually lit up: "Luohong is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers!"

"Of course I do, because we're from the same place, have the same experience..."

"We are the same kind of people!"


Yongyeon Mountain.

When Long Hao came back, it was already evening.

Xinghun didn't know when he would come, so he released Long Xiaomiao, set up a bonfire and continued to grill the fish.

Seeing Long Hao's return, Long Xiaomiao threw away the fish bone in her hand, and Sa Yazi ran into the magic weapon palace, shutting herself up for self-reflection.

"Fourth, look at how you scare the child. Didn't you just go to another dojo to grab something? Why did you do this?"

Xinghun muttered while eating the grilled fish.

Long Hao was speechless.

During this period of time, Long Xiaomiao did not know how many treasures of his fellow disciples were in trouble. If he hadn't been clever, he would have caused public outrage.

If Long Hao didn't teach him a lesson this time, he might make a lot of trouble in the future.

There is also his own third senior brother, Long Hao felt a little annoyed after seeing it: "You have the nerve to say that you don't cultivate your body every day, see your nature, and pursue the Dao... you actually study that kind of anti-moral medicine."

Seeing Long Hao's serious look, Long Si didn't even realize that the grilled fish in his hand fell to the ground, he stared blankly at Xing Hun, and said inexplicably: "Didn't he see Master, why does he feel like he has become a monk?" have to."

Xing Hun was also quite strange: "Fourth, what kind of little treatment did the old man prescribe for you, Master, why did you change your sex after half a day?"

Long Hao praised: "Hey, listening to Master's words is better than retreating for a hundred years. Master really has a unique insight and a humble mind!"


Xinghun spat out a bunch of fish bones, and cast a contemptuous glance at Long Hao: "Sycophant."

Glancing at Xing Hun and Long Si who were eating and drinking, Long Hao's good mood was completely ruined: "You really dare to eat the fish produced by that kind of medicine, aren't you afraid of getting sores?"

"Afraid of what?"

Long Si waved his hands indifferently and said triumphantly, "Fourth Lord, I am immune to all poisons."

"Fourth brother, this is why you don't understand. My medicine is made of pure natural treasures of heaven and earth. It is non-toxic and harmless. Not only does it have no side effects, it can also nourish your body and mind, making you feel as if you are in a state of ecstasy." feeling." Xinghun teased.

"Eat it, eat it, be careful when the blood will run out and you will die."

Long Hao didn't bother to argue with them, and was going to go back to his room to clean up and experience how to cultivate his mind carefully.

"Hey, don't go, brother, I'll take you somewhere."

Seeing Xinghun's sinister smile, Long Hao shook his head resolutely: "Not going."

Right now he is thinking about how to cultivate his mind, he should be pure-hearted and ascetic, and he must not go out with this pervert.

"This time, the place is extraordinary, that scene, that posture..." Xing Hun's eloquence was eloquent, talking about hype, which can make people's nose bleed wildly.

"Really?" Long Hao was subconsciously immersed in that scene, but the lesson from last time told him that this third senior brother has always been unreliable, so he shook his head immediately: "That's not going either."

Seeing that Long Hao refused to enter, Xinghun scratched his ears and cheeks for a while, and even resorted to violent methods: "Isn't it true that you have a pure heart and few desires? When you get to that place, it's hard for you to think clearly about your desires?"

Seeing that Long Hao was still indifferent, he finally used his trump card.

"Don't you want to know why the Glazed Sage King chose you? You will know when you get to that place, how is it going, whether to go or not."

Hearing this, Long Hao finally stopped.

The strange behavior of the Glazed Sage King and those meaningful words really shrouded his head like a cloud of mist.

And according to what the Sword Master Tianjue said, he should practice more and fight more now.

"Okay, let's clear the clouds and see the fog today, maybe I will be able to see the truth in a single leap, and understand the truth." Long Hao nodded with a smile.

"Cough cough..."

Xinghun was stunned for a moment, and then echoed: "Yes, God sees sex, God sees sex..."


The two left Longyuan Mountain and walked all the way to the depths of the Xingyun Mountain Range.

The distance is not very close, it spans thousands of miles and almost reaches the outer edge of the Sacred Star Mountain Range.

At this time, the night had already fallen, and the sky and the earth were hazy, but Xing Hun was familiar with the road, so he chose a secret place, and with the help of the Xingyuan Orb, he sneaked into the foot of a mountain.


"What is this place, it's so cold!"

The mountain in front of him is a snow-capped mountain, but the chill that penetrates into the bone marrow is far beyond the ice and snow, making Long Hao tremble a little.

One must know that Long Hao practiced Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue, with strong vitality and full of masculinity, but he still couldn't resist the cold wind here.

"Hey, this place is the place where the world is extremely cloudy and the earth is extremely cold. Of course it is cold. Let alone you, brother, I have to wear more clothes every time I come."

Xinghun smiled quite experienced.

But looking at that familiar wretched smile, Long Hao's premonition is getting worse and worse, he always feels that he has been tricked again, and he shouldn't come out with this unreliable third brother: "Quickly tell me, what is this place? ?”

Seeing Long Hao's appearance of leaving without saying anything, Xinghun smiled and said: "Xuanyin Mountain."

"Xuanyin Mountain?"

Long Hao frowned and thought about it, then his face turned pale with shock: "Isn't this...the dojo of the Holy Maiden of Light?"

"Last time I said I would bring you here. How about it? Brother, let me keep my word. I will always think of you when there are good things." Smiling, Xinghun continued: "Let's go, this time I will take care of you and feast my eyes."

"Good thing, really good thing."

Long Hao's face completely darkened: "Enjoy yourself, junior brother, I'm leaving."

(End of this chapter)

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