Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 717 The quota is in hand

Chapter 717 The quota is in hand
On the way home, Long Hao sent a message to Yanque along the way.

Now that the royal family of Nanyue has been destroyed, Dayan Kingdom can easily bring it into its territory as long as it sends out a strong army.

The Holy Land of Shaking Light, Zhenwu Hall.

In a spacious hall, Long Hao waited for a cup of tea before he saw the Master of Zhenwu Hall rushing in.

"I haven't seen you for two months, how could the Lord Hall Master be in such a mess?"

Looking at the blue-faced and battered Master Zhenwu, Long Hao joked with a smile.

"Sorry to say, it's not all because of you kid."

The Master of Zhenwu Palace gave Long Hao an exasperated look, and then said: "There are quite a few people staring at this quota, disciples of saints, true biography of the Great Sage, and even several veteran kings. If I come back one day later, the old man will not be able to bear their pressure."

Long Hao was stunned, and slandered in a low voice: "It's just a quota for the Heavenly Palace of Myriad Realms, so how about mobilizing people like this?"

With the cultivation of the master of Zhenwu Hall, no matter how soft Long Hao's voice is, he can hear it clearly, and immediately wants to go crazy.

But after thinking for a while, he held back again, and sighed: "The old man is too lazy to tell you more. You will naturally know when you get there. What does this quota mean in peacetime?"

"However, I have to warn you that if you occupy this spot, you will become a target of public criticism. Although those people are afraid of the name of the Sword Master of Heaven and Jue and dare not reveal it, they will give you small shoes if they don't say it behind their backs. You should do it yourself .”

"Hehe, if you're afraid, Long Hao won't be where I am today." Long Hao didn't care at all.

Glancing at Long Hao, the Master of Zhenwu Palace said: "There is still a long time before the three-year period, do you know how this spot is vacated?"

Long Hao shook his head.

"Practitioners who have gone to Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace to practice can't be transferred back within three years, and no one is willing to be transferred back, unless..." Speaking of this, the master of Zhenwu Palace emphasized: "Unless halfway Fall!"

"This quota originally belonged to Sword Master Liuyun. He is extremely talented, has great supernatural powers, and his strength is definitely at the top level in the Nirvana realm. Unfortunately, he fell outside the domain, and even his bones can't be found."

Long Hao was startled when he heard the words, he knew that the Heavenly Palace of Ten Thousand Realms was guarded by the Supreme Emperor, and there was more than one.

Under their protection, how could a strong man in Nirvana fall silently, without even finding his bones?
"Outside the territory is no better than within the realm. The situation there is more complicated. The creatures there are extremely hostile to us, and even our own people sometimes attack each other. It can be said that there are enemies everywhere. Sometimes even the Supreme Emperor can't fully take care of it..."

Speaking of this, the Master of Zhenwu Hall watched Long Haoyu and said earnestly: "When you get there, you must be low-key and cautious, and do everything carefully."

Since the assessment of the core disciples, the master of Zhenwu Hall has seen Long Hao's unparalleled talent and strength, and believes that he is a man who can be made, and he can play a leading role for the Holy Land of Yaoguang in the future.

That's why he helped Long Hao as much as possible. In this competition for the place in the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace, he resisted the pressure of several saints and insisted on leaving it to Long Hao.

For this, Long Hao was also quite grateful.

It can be said that a person with no relatives and no reason can do this with all his heart.

"The kindness of the master of the hall, the disciple will always remember it in his heart."

Looking at the sincere and thoughtful Master Zhenwu, Long Hao stood up and saluted.

"You don't have to thank me, this old man is just selecting materials for the Holy Land."

After waving his hands, the Master of Zhenwu Palace also became solemn: "But you need to remember that your success or failure in Wanjie Tiangong is not only related to your personal future, but also related to the rise and fall of our Shaking Light Holy Land. You must not be careless."

"If possible, the old man hopes that you can find out the cause of Liuyun Sword Master's death, bring his bones back, and let his soul return to his hometown. Of course, it is under the premise of ensuring your own safety."

Long Hao had nothing to say about this, and solemnly agreed.

"To be honest, the old man is still looking forward to you."

After finishing the heavy topic, the master of Zhenwu Hall showed a smile: "You are ready to set off today. The teleportation array connecting Wanjie Tiangong to Town Demon City will only be opened once every six months. If you miss it, you can only wait. Six months."

"Thank you, Hall Master."

Finally, after saluting sincerely, Long Hao left.


As a single nobleman, Long Hao actually has nothing to prepare for.

He just went to Ziyun Peak to bid farewell to the Sword Master Tianjue, and then turned back to Longyuan Mountain, took Longsi with him and was ready to go.

"Fourth, there are enemies everywhere outside the territory. At the beginning, the senior brother almost fell there. You must be careful. If you have any troubles, go to the second senior sister. She will definitely help you."

Before leaving, Xinghun reluctantly asked Long Hao.

"Don't worry third brother, I will." Long Hao agreed with a smile.

"Senior Brother Three, please keep an eye on the fish, I will come back." Before leaving, Long Xiaomiao was also a little bit reluctant.

What he can care about is naturally the treasures of heaven and earth in the Zhenchuan Daoist Temple, and the pool of delicious golden-scaled dragon fish.

Long Si didn't have so many emotions, but he still looked majestic and energetic, dancing excitedly, talking to himself alone.

"Haha, I'm here, Fourth Master, all the heavens and all worlds are ready to tremble under the might of Fourth Master..."

After finally escaping from the Ten Thousand Mountains, he always wanted to cross the heavens and worlds again, and seeing his dream come true, let alone how excited he was.

"Long Hao, you have to be good, I, I and everyone are waiting for you here."

At the time of farewell, Ling Shu was the most sentimental. Although he looked calm on the surface, the reluctance in his eyes was beyond words.

"When I come back, I will form a Taoist couple with my senior sister, and enjoy the world from now on, haha!" As if to relieve the sentimental atmosphere, Long Hao smiled heartily.

"You have a good idea, who wants to become a Taoist partner with you." Ling Shu snorted and turned her head away.

"Junior Brother Long, you don't know the rules of the Sage King Ziyan. Before she became a saint, her disciples were not allowed to form a couple." Xiao Liu teased.

"It's just a matter of becoming a saint, that day won't be too long!"

Taking a last look at the farewell crowd, Long Hao resolutely embarked on a new journey.

"Long Hao, when you come back, let's fight again, this time I will never lose!"

After the first battle in Dayan Capital, Fang Tianhua challenged Long Hao, and the result was a disastrous defeat, but he was never discouraged, and his fighting spirit was eternal.

"Little brother, how can you keep staring at Senior Sister Lingshu, Senior Sister is waiting for you too." Lei Yin said with a wink.


The first time he went to Zhenmo City, Long Hao ran for several days relying on his two legs.

Now traveling in the air, crossing the heaven and the earth, in just half a day, the vicissitudes of life, ancient and eternal ancient city came into view again.

(End of this chapter)

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