Chapter 723

The Realm of Kings is formed by the practitioners using the Dharma to attract the general trend of the world and absorb the power of Zhou Tian, ​​which possesses unparalleled mighty power.

The king in the field is almost invincible, any attack will be weakened, and his own combat power will be blessed.

Because of this, the existence of King Realm can dominate one side and suppress one area.

"Every king has supernatural powers, so it's really not easy to kill!" Long Hao was not discouraged if he missed a hit.

At that moment just now, since the other party even displayed the king's domain, it also shows that he was pushed to the limit.

Long Hao's experience is so rich, after discovering this, he will naturally seize the opportunity and attack violently.

But unexpectedly, the king didn't get too entangled with Long Hao, but backed away and disappeared into the distant void.

Just when Long Hao was confused, a scream not far away finally made him realize that something was wrong.

Fierce divine light burst out from the void abruptly, containing the power of destruction that pierces through everything, and the speed is extremely fast.

That terrifying power fluctuation, with a special magical power, seems to be able to directly wipe out the soul, causing the faces of the surrounding Void people to change in surprise and feel a strong threat.

"That's... the Jinyang Soul Slayer Needle!"

"I see, they are the strongest in the Golden Light Realm!"

A veteran king's eyes were shocked, and his expression changed in shock.

The Golden Sun Soul Extinguishing Needle is the unique magic weapon of the Golden Light Realm. It is as strong as the sun and as fast as a rainbow. It seems to contain a round of golden sun. Once it is hit, the body will be fine, but the soul will be obliterated by the blazing magic power.

The most important thing is that there is no trace of this magic weapon, and it is extremely sinister.

In the past, countless strong men in the Xuanhuang Realm, arrogant and invincible heroes, all died under the golden yang soul-killing needle.

This treasure can be said to have a fierce reputation, and everyone is terrified when they hear it.

"The Golden Light Realm was occupied by my Xuanhuang Realm as early as 3000 years ago. There are so many strong men guarding the Golden Light Realm. How did they escape?"

"When the Golden Light Realm was breached, many strong men fled out. They must be part of that batch of remnants."

Everyone suddenly realized.

It's no wonder that each of these people behaved viciously and murderously, as if they wanted to eat them alive. It turned out that they had a sworn hatred.

"Hmph, now that the Golden Light Realm has been annexed, it is a part of my Xuanhuang Realm. It is impossible for these remnants of evil to revive. They can only engage in sneak attacks and sabotage tricks in dark corners."

"Not good, his target is... Junior Junior Sister!" In the chaotic battlefield, the face of a king of the Holy Land of Extremes changed drastically.

He roared furiously, his whole body exploded, and he wanted to rush to the rescue, but was blocked by another King of the Golden Light Realm, and the two sides fought, shaking half the sky

"It's over, that and the Jinyang Soul Extinguishing Needle are definitely the highest level of magic weapons. The strong in Nirvana can't resist them at all, and they will die if they touch them!"

At this time, people discovered that the King of the Golden Light Realm was not repelled by Long Hao, but changed his target.

"it hurts!"

Seeing the Jinyang soul-killing needle bursting out, the incomparably blazing divine light stung the little girl's eyes, making her face turn pale, and she even forgot to dodge for a while.

The little bear in her arms showed fierce eyes, bursting out with a manic aura, and jumped out suddenly, trying to stop it, but the golden light soul-killing needle changed its trajectory in an instant, circled around and stabbed at the burning eyes. little girl.

Obviously, the other party also realized that the special pair of pupils of the little girl was a great threat to him, and wanted to attack and kill her.

Although that little girl has miraculous eyes and extraordinary background, she is only at the first level of Nirvana, so how can she resist the killing of a king?
Just when people turned their eyes away and couldn't bear to look directly, the void flickered, and a white cat appeared out of nowhere, opened its mouth and sucked the Jinyang Soul Mie Needle into it, and sucked it in after eating, as if it still hadn't finished.

"What the hell? That cat actually ate the Jinyang soul-killing needle?"

"And looking at him, he doesn't seem to be injured at all. Could it be that his stomach is watered by divine gold?"

Everyone was terrified, and wiped their eyes, thinking they had misread.


In the void, the King of the Golden Light Realm who was secretly attacking stared at him, his heart filled with rage.

At that moment just now, he didn't realize where the white cat appeared from at all. It seemed that it could hide into the void just like him, and its methods were amazing.

That scene was so sudden that he didn't even have time to change the direction of Jin Yang's soul-killing needle.

The white cat was of course Long Xiaomiao, who had been hiding in the void to watch the excitement before, and only when he heard Long Hao's call, he jumped out and blocked the fatal blow for the little girl, which was reciprocal.

"Hey, in terms of invisibility, I am your ancestor."

Long Xiaomiao stood upright and yelled in the void. At the same time, she glanced at the little bear not far away, her face full of complacency.

"court death!"

The majestic king was actually despised by a cat. The king of the Golden Light Realm was furious, and once again released the domineering king's domain, directly sweeping Long Xiaomiao and Xiao Xiong away, while he himself held the saber in his hand, Attacked and killed the bewildered little girl again.

"Insidious rat, you are the one who seeks death."

At the same time, Long Hao also chased after him, murderous intent was revealed in his cold eyes: "Long Si, come on!"

"Got it."

With a long roar, Long Si took control of the Tiangang battle flag, once again cast the Tiangang Thunder Prison Formation, and crazily collided with the oncoming King's Domain.

bang bang bang...

The dark knife light and the golden thunder light drifted in the void, colliding and offsetting each other, triggering bursts of destructive light waves.

"Supernatural powers - Heaven and Earth Shuanglong Kill!"

Long Hao took the opportunity to attack in, and started a close fight with the opponent. A series of powerful supernatural powers were cast back and forth in his hands, flowing clouds and flowing water, superb, and the offensive was fierce and endless.

His body was full of energy and blood, and his strength was surging. In close combat, he would not hesitate even in the face of a king.

"Ah, dare to hit my sister, this bear will tear you apart!"

The white-haired little bear's eyes suddenly became extremely scarlet, and his whole body soared into the sky. In an instant, he became several feet tall, and his hair turned reddish-gold. It was as rough and mighty as a steel needle, and it could shake the sky with a loud roar. .

"Damn it, the violent blood of the prehistoric alien species has revived." Long Si's eyes widened, and he felt a little startled under the raging evil spirit.

As if to fight Long Xiaomiao, the berserk little bear roared and charged forward, pouring an iron fist like divine gold, smashing into the void, and the waves of light waves oscillated, tearing apart the weakened domain power.

Cooperating with Long Hao's fierce attack, the king was defeated steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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