Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 729 1 Merits

Chapter 729 Ten Thousand Merits

After the battle, everyone counted. Nine people from the Xuanhuang Realm fell, more than 20 people were seriously injured, and the rest were also killed.

This battle was extremely short from the beginning to the end, but the battle could not be described as tragic.

Fortunately, the Great Sage Xuanming is extremely powerful, and fortunately the Emperor Jinxian arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

High in the sky, the Great Sage Xuanming and the Great Immortal Forbidden chatted for a while, as if they were describing the cause and effect of this battle.

The Emperor Forbidden Immortal, with a majestic attitude and a transcendent status, didn't take this matter to heart at first, until the Great Sage Xuanming was halfway through speaking, his expression moved slightly, and he glanced at Long Hao and the little girl below.

In an instant, Long Hao was shocked.

Somewhere, he felt a pair of peerless sharp eyes, as if projected from the distant chaotic void, seeing through his whole body.

Facing the scrutiny of a great emperor, Long Hao secretly operated the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, trying his best to hide the Dao Orb.

This Emperor Forbidden Immortal was different from ordinary people, Long Hao had to be cautious.

Fortunately, Emperor Forbidden Immortal seemed to just glance at him curiously, and didn't intend to investigate further.

But at the same time Long Hao breathed a sigh of relief, the Great Sage Xuanming stretched out his hand, and a wave of holy power immediately rolled up the two of them and sent them to the Emperor Forbidden Immortal.

This move caught everyone's attention.

"Yin Yang Dao pupil?"

Before everyone could react, Emperor Forbidden Immortal's ethereal and deep voice sounded, full of vicissitudes of time.

"It turned out to be a girl from the Taoist school, she must be called Dao Yu."

As soon as these words came out, Long Hao's heart moved slightly, this little girl named Dao Yu really came from an extraordinary background.

It is rare for the Forbidden Immortal Emperor to remember his name.

"Yes, grandpa knows me?" The little girl Daoyu hugged the silent little bear, blinking her big eyes excitedly.

"Yu'er, don't be presumptuous." The Great Sage Xuanming crazily gave her winks, but the little girl was so naive, she stuck out her tongue and completely ignored it.

Fortunately, Emperor Forbidden Immortal didn't blame him, nor did he say much, instead he looked at Long Hao.

"Since the fall of Emperor Jiuhua, the wave light has declined, but recently there have been a large number of talents in the wave light holy land. You are also very good, and you can actually compete against the power of the virtual world?"

"That sword, can I let the old man take a look at it?"

Long Hao was slightly startled, he didn't expect the Emperor Forbidden Immortal to see the special features of the God's Punishment Sword.

"It should be the Great Sage Xuanming who told him." Thinking this way in his heart, Long Hao shouldn't answer like this for a while.

The God's Punishment Sword is of great importance, and it cannot be exposed easily, let alone be inspected and played by a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm.

The eyes hidden in a chaotic brilliance flashed wisps of divine light, which seemed to be able to penetrate time and space and see through the disguise of people's hearts.

"Forget it, every practitioner has the right to keep secrets."

I don't know if it's because Emperor Jinxian's temper is too peaceful, or because the levels of the two sides are too different, before Long Hao could say no, Emperor Jinxian shook his head and gave up.

Just when Long Hao felt inexplicable, something even more inexplicable happened.

"Extreme Dao Yu, Yao Guang Long Hao, for meritorious service in this battle, reward [-] merits!"

The sudden voice of Emperor Forbidden Immortal once again shocked everyone.

"My God, directly rewarding [-] merits, is worthy of being the Emperor of Forbidden Immortals, and his actions are extraordinary."

"Sigh, I have been in Wanjie Tiangong for four years, and I have only collected [-] merits until now. The two of them are really good luck."

Many veteran powerhouses looked at Long Hao and Dao Yu with envy at this moment.

"What is merit?"

"Is ten thousand merits a lot?"

There are still a lot of newcomers who don't understand, so they quickly asked the veteran powerhouse next to them.

"The merit point is the unique reward system of the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace, just like the mission points in the Holy Land. Only those who have made contributions to the Xuanhuang Realm can get the corresponding merit point."

"Let's put it this way, during the war, you can get one merit point by beheading a venerable from another world, and one hundred merits from a king from another world... These merits can be exchanged for any heavenly material and earthly treasure in the treasure house of Wanjie Tiangong. It will be recorded in the merits of the holy land sects where they are located, and the resources distributed by the major holy land sects will also be divided according to the ranking of the total number of merits every three years."

With such a simple introduction, everyone realized the importance of merit.

You know, the treasure house of the Heavenly Palace of Myriad Realms contains all kinds of rare treasures from the Myriad Realms, and many treasures that cannot be seen in the Xuanhuang Realm may appear here.

Moreover, the function of merit is not only to exchange for treasures, but also has many magical functions. Only after entering the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace will you gradually understand.

To put it bluntly, as long as you have enough merit, you can do whatever you want here and have whatever you want.

For a moment, everyone was jealous of Long Hao and Dao Yu.

In fact, Long Hao was also a little puzzled. Although he and Dao Yu made a lot of contributions in this battle, it was not enough to decide the outcome. Ten thousand merits were indeed too much.

This is already equivalent to beheading hundreds of kings from other worlds, or cutting down a number of saints from other worlds.

No wonder many people are jealous.

But frightened by the supreme majesty of the Forbidden Immortal Emperor, they did not dare to question it.

The Great Sage Xuanming at the side was also overjoyed, and kept winking at Long Hao and Dao Yu.

Only then did Long Hao come to his senses, and hurriedly dragged Dao Yu to thank the Forbidden Immortal Emperor.

"Disciple Long Hao, thank you, Great Emperor."

"Disciple Dao Yu, thank you, Great Emperor."

However, Emperor Forbidden Immortal just waved his hand, and said in a flat tone: "This old man is just selecting talents for the Xuanhuang Realm."

These words are more like deterring those who are jealous and disobedient.


The journey after that was uneventful.

There is a supreme emperor who is famous all over the world leading the team, who would dare to provoke him if he is not open-minded?

"Uncle Xuanming, it seems that this merit is not difficult to earn, I knew that my elder brother was coaxing me, hehe, I will definitely surpass him in the future!" On the way, Dao Yu was still pouting and talking to the great sage Xuanming.

"Although you have made meritorious service this time, the reward of [-] merits is not because of the deep friendship between the emperor and your father."

The Great Sage Xuanming lovingly rubbed Dao Yu's head, and said with a light smile, "Yu'er didn't know it at first, but in the future you will understand that your elder brother didn't coax you."

"I'll go, so it's a related household."

Long Hao, who was following behind, heard the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but secretly slander him.

But what surprised him was that it was normal for Dao Yu's family affairs to have a friendship with Emperor Jinxian, but he and Emperor Jinxian had never met before, so where is the friendship?

At this time, the Great Sage Xuanming looked over, his eyes were shining with a blue-white holy light, as if he could penetrate the soul.

"Long Hao, you don't have to think too much. The Immortal Forbidden Emperor had been instructed by the Emperor Jiuhua to step into the Emperor Realm in one fell swoop. This kind of favor is not ordinary. Ten thousand merits are nothing, so you can put it away at ease."

(End of this chapter)

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