Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 737 The dark tide is surging

Chapter 737 The dark tide is surging
The abyssal demons are violent. The world they invaded is full of blood and war. They burned, killed, looted, and used living beings as food. Everywhere they passed was a piece of scorched earth.

The Xuanhuang Realm is different. They were educated by the ancient sages, their civilization is bright, and they are based on morality.

Except for a few people with extremely distorted minds, everyone rarely takes the initiative to slaughter innocent people and create evil.

But even so, walking on the street, those people from the Golden Light Realm were not very friendly.

They glanced at Long Hao and the others from time to time, with hatred and hostility hidden in their eyes.

Although they have been suppressing and hiding, they cannot escape the eyes of Long Hao and others.

Especially Dao Yu, who possesses Yin and Yang Dao Pupils and can see into people's hearts, can see through the thoughts and thoughts of these people at a glance.

"Wow, it's fine that the people here look weird, why are they so fierce, and this girl didn't provoke them?"

Although the people in the Golden Light Realm also have a human form, they are quite different from the people in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Most of them have slender limbs, but they are powerful, and their faces are also sharp-edged, like metal men, looking ferocious and fierce.

In just a few breaths after entering the city, Dao Yu at least felt hundreds of hidden murderous intentions from all directions.

"In their eyes, we are intruders and demons from outside the territory. It is normal to hate us." Lin Wuxu smiled indifferently.

Hearing this, the little girl's kindness began to overflow again, and her eyes became pity: "Then why did we invade them, they look so pitiful?"


Lin Wuxu was stunned.

He didn't know how to answer this big question.

"For survival, for strength!"

"We can only fight, keep fighting!" Long Hao said suddenly.

Dao Yu scratched his head, still not quite understanding.

Long Si patiently explained to her: "The Xuanhuang Realm looks powerful now, and it is considered first-class among all realms, but it is not so strong that it is invincible. Some powerful organizations are always threatening the Xuanhuang Realm..."

"Aside from other things, the abyssal demons from the Demon Realm are much stronger than the Xuanhuang Realm, and they have been trying to occupy the Xuanhuang Realm. If the Xuanhuang Realm didn't think about making progress and strengthening themselves, I'm afraid it would have been reduced to a piece of demon land."

Lin Wuxu also went on to say: "That's right, in order for our Xuanhuang Realm to continue and people to suffer less, we can only continue to expand the territory and plunder resources."

In order to survive and be strong, one can only base one's own interests on the suffering of others.

There is no way for the weak to eat the strong in this place.

The innocent Dao Yu opened his mouth but didn't know what to say, in the end he only sighed.

"Hehe, Junior Sister Dao Yu doesn't need to worry."

Lin Wuxu comforted: "Our mission here is to patrol the Quartet and guard some important resource bases such as formation towers and mines. As long as the people in the Golden Light Realm do not rebel, we will not suppress them too much. Wait for the Golden Light Realm and Xuanhuang The world becomes one, and they become like us."

"But before that, they are still enemies, please keep this in mind."

"Why, do people in the Golden Light Realm often start rebellions?" Long Hao asked curiously.

Logically speaking, the Golden Light Realm lost the protection of the top powerhouses. Under the suppression of the saints in the Xuanhuang Realm, they should be powerless and dare not raise troops to cause chaos.

However, Lin Wuxu's words seemed to have another meaning.

"Junior Brother Long doesn't know something. Although they are honest now, they are brave and ruthless in their bones, and they are not educated. Recently, they even believe in an evil god called Xu Zu. They are extremely fanatical and often gather to make trouble."

"Xu Zu?"

Long Hao and Long Si looked at each other, both feeling a little shocked.

"So, Xu Zu has already set his sights on this world."

According to what Long Si said, Xu Zu has a strong desire to control, and what he is eyeing will only be taken at all costs. For this reason, it can be said that he is indomitable, and his evil heart will never die.

In ancient times, in order to compete for territory, he dared to fight the Emperor of Heaven.

Although he lost in the end, but his heart is not dead, and now he is making a comeback.

"The people in the Golden Light Realm are constantly raising troops to make trouble. It's probably just a preliminary test. Once they grasp the reality of the Xuanhuang Realm, they will definitely launch a large-scale attack!"

Thinking of this, not only did Long Hao not have the slightest fear, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, a little eager to try.

He came here to sharpen himself, the more chaotic the situation, the better.

What's the point if it's always peaceful.

And there is the most important point, that is, during the war period, merits can be accumulated faster.

Lin Wuxu didn't know why Xu Zu was so sacred, but for such a warm-hearted and kind-hearted man, when he mentioned this, he couldn't help showing a bit of coldness.

"Over the years, many of our Xuanhuang Realm powerhouses have been in their hands. You two have to be careful."

"Although there are sages in every domain to supervise and investigate, there are always some places that even the divine sense of the sage emperor can't reach."

Every step of the crisis outside the territory is not just to scare people.

"Hmph." Dao Yu pouted, and said softly, "It's a pity that I still sympathize with them, it's best not to mess with me, otherwise this girl will definitely make them look good."

"Hoho..." The violent war bear in her arms also roared twice, quite excited.

"By the way, does Brother Lin know how Sword Master Liuyun fell?"

Long Hao could see that the Golden Light Realm was by no means as peaceful as it appeared on the surface, and there was already a turbulent storm in the dark, with murderous intentions at every step.

"Liuyun he..."

Speaking of Liuyun Sword Master, Lin Wuxu's eyes were a little sad, but finally shook his head with a sigh.

"Junior Brother Long wants to investigate the cause of Liu Yun's death?"

"Entrusted by others." Long Hao nodded.

Whether it was for the entrustment of Master Zhenwu or for his own safety, it was necessary to find out the cause of Liuyun Sword Master's death.

After all, he was here to replace Sword Master Liuyun, if he didn't find out as soon as possible, he might be hacked one day.

"Well, all I know is that Brother Liuyun disappeared suddenly during an inspection mission. He disappeared in a way that disappeared inexplicably, leaving no trace or breath behind."

"Not long ago, several kings and sages also came to investigate, but to no avail."

"Can't even find out the saint?" Long Hao couldn't help but smacked his lips secretly. Seeing Lin Wuxu's description, this matter was very weird.

"Junior Brother Long, Brother Liuyun and I came to guard Liuyun Town together. We are brothers and sisters. If Junior Brother Long finds any clues, please let me know. I can't let Brother Liuyun die in vain!"

Long Hao hadn't fully understood the camaraderie of fighting outside the territory, but he was also moved by it.


"Okay, if Junior Brother Long needs any help, feel free to ask, I, Lin Wuxu, will die." Lin Wuxu clasped his fists with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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