Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 742 Attack and Kill

Chapter 742 Attack and Kill
The Xuanhuang Realm is full of vitality, and there are caves and blessed places everywhere. The spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth is so strong that it cannot be melted, and it crystallizes and turns into spiritual stones. The spiritual herbs are endless, and the holy medicine can be found.

But the Golden Light Realm is a world of icy gold and iron, and the land is desolate and desolate.

Long Hao and the others were walking in this world of metal and iron, the cold wind howled in front of them, and the metallic aura was extremely strong, as if it wanted to assimilate them.

The deep canyon is extraordinarily chilling and cold. At a glance, there is almost nothing there, empty and dead.

"The canyon is deep and the wind is raging. Even a sage can't use his divine sense to investigate from a long distance. It's really a good place to kill and rob!"

Even though Dao Yu had already seen the strong man lying in front of him, Long Hao still had no intention of retreating, and his steps became firmer, one step at a time, just like his current state of mind, as firm as a mountain, unshakable.

"Fourth Master, I also feel a trace of murderous intent."

Long Si stared at the front sharply and asked, "How many people are here?"

"There are so many lords, and..." Dao Yu held his breath and stared at the front, the mystery was like a hole in the light, and he said in surprise: "There is still a king!"

"And the king? It must be coming for us." Long Si said, a cold light appeared in the corner of his eyes.

"Big brother, should we go back and take a detour?" Dao Yu took a deep breath, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

After all, she is still an eleven or twelve-year-old girl who grew up in a greenhouse since she was a child. After going through this kind of battle, she is still a little scared psychologically.

"No, I'm here for something!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Long Hao's mouth, and he asked Dao Yu at the same time: "Just take care of yourself."

"Big brother is not afraid, and Yu'er is not afraid." As if infected by Long Hao's self-confidence, Dao Yu's fear also subsided a lot.

"Here we come, meow!" Long Xiaomiao stood upright.

The crowd stopped immediately, and stood here quietly, staring at the deep canyon, where one after another of sharp rays of light were rapidly approaching.


Accompanied by the rapid sound of piercing through the air, murderous aura rushed towards his face.

"It's the Jinyang Soul Slayer Arrow!"

A moment later, a light arrow emitting a blazing golden light that can burn the soul came into everyone's eyes.

Although this kind of arrow is not as weird and difficult to find as the Jinyang Soul Mie Needle, it is faster and not weak. When hundreds of dense arrows are shot, even the king has to stay away.

"Look at meow."

While speaking, Long Xiaomiao leaped into the air, opened his mouth and sucked, and the Heaven Swallowing Furnace appeared.

The dense arrows that flew from the sky were absorbed into it like a hundred flowing into the sea.

"Huh? There are tricks."

At this time, dozens of swift figures finally appeared in sight.

The first wave of attacks failed. Although they were a little surprised, they did not stop, and immediately launched a series of powerful offensives.

"Supernatural powers - Flowing Gold Assassination!"

clap la la...

Seven or eight venerables of the Golden Light Realm displayed their magical powers at the same time, causing the surrounding dark golden mountain walls to tremble one after another. Thick stone spears grew out like flowing liquid, stabbing Long Hao and the others.

The stone spear is as hard as divine gold, unstoppable.

"Supernatural power—Gold Sands Annihilation!"

A wave of unrest, a wave of up again.

The hard ground under his feet turned into soft golden sand in an instant, sweeping up, trying to submerge Long Hao and others in it.

"Supernatural power—Tianfeng Jindao!"

The whistling sky wind turned into thousands of golden knives, sweeping from the sky like a storm.

In an instant, the triple killer move came from the sky, the earth and all directions, and the connection and coordination were perfect.

They have obviously undergone rigorous training, so that they can launch continuous powerful offensives with lightning speed.


Facing waves of formidable attacks, Long Hao stood still, but a dragon chant erupted from his body.

The next moment, a large number of inscription patterns flashed out, mobilizing the surging blood energy and magic power, condensing into water and fire giant dragons circling and flying, like a huge light shield, covering everyone inside.

"Supernatural power - real dragon flying fire cover!"

bang bang bang...

The violent attacks that followed continuously bombarded the real dragon flying flame cover, bursting out bursts of roaring sounds.

The dissipated energy shattered the void and the mountain walls on both sides, forming a destructive storm turbulence that completely submerged the area where Long Hao and others were.

"Now, those Xuanhuang people should have no bones left, right?"

The venerable masters who had rushed to the front were quite confident in their masterpieces, seeing the terrifying storm and turbulence in front of them.

They are all strong in the Golden Light Realm, and they have taken advantage of the right time and place here. Thirty Venerable-level masters attack and kill at the same time, and they are confident that even the kings will be difficult to parry.

"Your confidence is unfounded."

Suddenly, a teasing voice sounded, which shocked those strong men in the Golden Light Realm.

After a while, when the storm and turbulence gradually dissipated, the figures of Long Hao and others appeared in front of their eyes again, unscathed.

"Are you actually able to block all our attacks with just one defensive supernatural power?"

The surprised powerhouses in the Golden Light Realm didn't know that the True Dragon Flying Flame Barrier was a natal magical power derived from the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art. Coupled with the blessing of Long Hao's own water and fire power, the defensive power was completely comparable to the supreme magical power.

In the territory of Nirvana, almost no one can break it.

"You are Long Hao from the Xuanhuang Realm, the Shaking Light Holy Land?"

The one who opened the mouth was a strong middle-aged man with blond hair. He was tall and his skin was bronze, giving him a strong sense of strength.

His eyes are sharp and sharp, giving people a sense of oppression, even a little aggressive. He looks like a very powerful person, as if everything is in his hands.

In particular, his powerful cultivation base of the ten major perfections of the Nirvana state is even more outstanding among the crowd.

"The investigation is quite detailed."

With a sneer in his heart, Long Hao folded his arms and said coldly: "Since you know my name, you dare to come and die?"

The blond-haired middle-aged man, whose body was cast in copper water, raised his hands and feet, making people feel that he was brave and unparalleled.

He stared at Long Hao with stern and hateful eyes: "You are the one who sent you to death!"

"Hmph..." The blond middle-aged man laughed coldly, his short blond hair was fluttering in a mess, and his copper-colored skin was chilling, and said: "You have already sensed our existence in advance, but you didn't retreat, you are too arrogant! But That's good, it saves us the pain of hunting around."

They didn't know the existence of Yin Yang Dao Tong, and they were afraid that Long Hao and others would turn around and run away.

"Hmph, the people of Xuanhuang are all so arrogant and conceited. Everyone thinks that they are invincible, and they simply don't pay attention to our strong people in the Golden Light Realm."

"Now, it's time for him to pay for his arrogance!"

Many strong men in the Golden Light Realm cast hateful eyes, as if they wanted to vent their anger on Long Hao and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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