Chapter 747

The giant metal beast roared upwards, moving the sky.

The boundless evil spirit caused a storm of metal, like divine gold flowing down, freezing the surrounding void.

In the frozen void, a big white sun rose.

It was the majestic energy swallowed by the mouth of the giant metal beast, and it was getting bigger and bigger, as if it was going to burst the world.

The terrifying atmosphere raged wildly.

"Not good, my lord is going to use a trick, go back quickly."

The first to panic were those powerhouses in the Golden Light Realm.

Seeing the moment when the giant metal beast went berserk, it roared in horror and frantically retreated into the distance.


The big white sun is getting bigger and bigger, making the whole world tremble violently.

Streams of domineering metallic energy escaped, causing pieces of void to solidify into metal blocks, which would disintegrate when the strong wind blew.

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped in horror and felt their scalps go numb.

This method is too terrifying and weird, almost irresistible.


Finally, the big white sun stopped expanding, and was suddenly ejected by the giant metal beast.

clap la la...

In an instant, a big white sun passed across the sky, and the surrounding void solidified and shattered again and again. Thousands of reincarnations almost shattered the barriers of the world, and the terrifying void turbulence raged out, trying to strangle everything.

The brilliance and terror of that round of white sun cannot be described in words, the surrounding void was shattered like a spider's web, and without a sound, Long Hao arrived in front of Long Hao in the blink of an eye.

A deadly threat enveloped Long Hao's heart.

He saw with his own eyes that the sword light he cut was solidified into metal in the void, and then fell apart, his expression was extremely shocked.

After performing the explosive forbidden technique, the strength of the old man in white robe increased several times out of thin air, and it has already exceeded the limit that Long Hao can deal with.

"Sure enough, every king is not so easy to deal with."

With a secret sigh in his heart, Long Hao didn't panic, and touched the Prisoner Dragon Ring with his finger, ready to use Long Er, the big killer.

"Big brother, look at me."

At such a critical juncture, Dao Yu seemed quite calm.

She grabbed the jade tablet at her waist and threw it towards the big white sun that was crushing in front of her.

The void shook violently.

There are dense inscription patterns lit up on the jade tablet, which seem to be connected in series to form the law of heaven and earth. With a burst of incomparably majestic energy, the jade tablet suddenly becomes the size of a mountain, like an unshakable shield.

Under the burst of majestic energy, even this piece of heaven and earth seemed unable to bear it, and twisted, dispelling the surging metallic energy around it.

"Holy power!"

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, as if they were all petrified in place.

The big white sun hit the shield, a terrifying energy tide erupted, and the sky shook violently, as if it was going to overturn the world.

However, everyone was shocked to see that the huge and terrifying white sun did not solidify and metallize the shield, but gradually deformed and disintegrated, turning into a majestic energy tide and bouncing back.

puff puff puff...

In an instant, thousands of white streamers shot backwards like a divine sword.

The void suddenly became a funnel full of holes, and even the huge body of the metal giant was affected, and countless small holes appeared.

The inscription collapsed, and the golden armor was shattered.

The body of the old man in white robe reappeared, his ferocious face was full of anger and horror, as if he had seen a ghost.


The blond middle-aged man couldn't suppress the shock in his heart, and roared angrily: "She is a first-level respected person, how can she activate the sacred magic weapon?"

At that moment just now, the majestic holy power erupted, with an incomparable holy power raging like a collapsing sky, and the suppressed crowd couldn't breathe.

But with such a treasure, it is not easy even for a king-level master, let alone a first-level venerable?
"Fool, who told you that it was a magic weapon of the holy way?"

With his hands behind his back, Long Si glanced at the frightened and angry Golden Light Realm powerhouses, his eyes full of contempt.

"Only the burst of holy power, no manifestation of laws... It should be a magic weapon!"

Seeing the energy tide in front of him gradually dissipate, Long Hao withdrew his hand.

Ordinary magic weapons can only be infused with mana by practitioners to explode their power.

But the absolute magic weapon is an exception.

It can independently absorb the power of heaven and earth, transform it into holy power, and burst out terrifying power.

Strictly speaking, this has already surpassed the level of the magic weapon, but it is also between the magic tools of the holy way that contain the power of law, so it is called the ultimate magic weapon.

"Damn it, what is the origin of that little Xuanhuang girl, how could she have such a powerful treasure?"

An unrivaled magic weapon, only a powerful sage can refine it.

Even, many saints with ordinary chances do not have the magic weapon of the holy way, so they can only use the magic weapon of the highest grade to fight.

In the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace, the value of a top-notch magic weapon starts with one hundred thousand merits, and many people will never be able to afford it in their lifetime.

"The gold hairpin on the top of the head is a top-grade magic weapon, the dagger at the waist is a top-grade magic weapon, and now even the top-grade magic weapon..."

Long Hao smacked his lips, he really didn't know if this little girl still had a sacred magic weapon on her body.

"That's right, if a young lady with extraordinary background like this doesn't have a few powerful treasures on her body, the family will not rest assured that she will come out to practice alone."

Not to mention anything else, just the magic weapon in front of him has a surprisingly strong defensive power, which cannot be broken by ordinary kings.

"Brother, don't be stunned, a hundred merits are right in front of you."

Taking back the jade tablet, Dao Yu shouted in Long Hao's ear with a full face of excitement.

"You little rich woman full of treasures, you still care about a hundred merits?" Long Hao cursed in his heart.

However, he didn't intend to give the white-robed old man a chance to breathe, and immediately charged forward with his sword.

The frightened and angry white-robed old man sensed the terrifying murderous intent, tried his best to mobilize the remaining power in his body, and built a golden shield in front of him.


The sword light pierced through the air, hit the golden shield, and burst out a series of ear-piercing explosions, but failed to break through it.

"Hmph, ignorant Xuanhuang man, you underestimate the king!"

The eyes of the white-robed old man shone with contempt, perhaps this was the only sense of superiority he could find from Long Hao.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Long Hao who underestimated the king, but he underestimated Long Hao.

Brilliant flames lit up, entangled in Long Hao's hands, and condensed into a colorful lotus flower. The terrifying high temperature distorted the void.

"Supernatural power - burning sky fire lotus!"


Accompanied by a burst of explosions, the fire lotus lifted into the sky and instantly enlarged, covering the void where the white-robed old man was, like a melting pot of heaven and earth, trying to refine everything in it.

"What kind of flame is this?"

The old man in the white robe screamed in horror, and the blazing flames swept in, accompanied by the terrifying high temperature, which made the golden body tend to melt.

(End of this chapter)

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