Chapter 765

The appointed time is coming.

The wheel-running king set off as promised.

The distance between Liujin City and the Saints Mountain Range is quite far. Even if you travel at the speed of a king, it will take several days.

However, the Wheel-Running King, who only had interests in his eyes, did not notice that shortly after he set off, several people followed him and left Liujin City.

"Junior Sister Daoyu, where are you taking us so mysteriously?"

After leaving the city, Lin Wuxu asked in surprise.

Zhou Rulong and Jian Yu were also puzzled.

"Hush, this is a matter of our life and death."

Dao Yu pretended to be mysterious and said: "Don't even ask, when you get there, you will naturally know."

Seeing Dao Yu's solemn expression, Lin Wuxu suddenly remembered something, and was shocked: "Could it be related to the fall of Junior Brother Long?"

His thoughts were meticulous, and when he discovered that the direction of his trip was the Saints Mountain Range, he vaguely realized something.

Immediately, he didn't ask any more questions, and prepared to follow Dao Yu on the journey.

Zhou Rulong and Jian Yu saw that Lin Wuxu was silent and just hurried on with a sullen face. Although they were puzzled in their hearts, they were even more curious and followed.

"I hope my suspicion is wrong, we are all comrades-in-arms!" Lin Wuxu sighed inwardly as he looked towards the direction of the Sens Mountain Range.


Deep in the Sans Mountains.

hold head high--

Accompanied by the loud dragon chant, the majestic energy vortex was dispersed.

A phantom of an ancestral dragon across the sky appeared, and nearly [-] dragon veins in it lit up, like the law of the great way connecting the heavens and the earth, intertwined with each other, blooming a brilliant divine light.

Long Hao woke up, exhaled foul breath, but there was the sound of thunder.

During this nearly one month, Long Hao sprinted with all his strength.

With the help of the seven kings golden pills and the majestic energy of a large number of spiritual stones, he finally evolved three thousand flying dragon veins again, and his cultivation level jumped to the ninth level of Nirvana.

At this moment, a strong brilliance shone around his body, and countless inscription patterns covered his whole body like dragon scales, reflecting him like a real dragon in human form. feeling.

The breath is more than ten times stronger than before.

Long Si, who was dozing off beside him, was suddenly awakened.

Under the boundless, pure and noble Longwei, I only feel my scalp tingling and my soul shaking.

"What kind of kung fu is this guy practicing? The dragon's might is purer than that of the four supreme dragon clans. It's probably a god-level kung fu!"

Suddenly, Long Si's eyes froze, and he thought of a long-standing legend from the age of mythology: "Could it be that level?"

"Thirteen thousand six hundred and three inscription patterns!"

"These Kings of the Golden Light Realm are not very strong, but they have quite a lot of magical powers."

Which one of the kings who suppressed one side has not cultivated for hundreds of years, has a profound foundation, has many means, and naturally has a lot of magical powers.

But now, they are just making wedding dresses for Long Hao.

"Now, I'm also Wan Wen Jin Dan, how many people are there in this world?"

Long Hao curled his lips and smiled, a sense of pride surged in his heart.

Back then, when he had just broken through to the Golden Core Realm, he was extremely envious of the terrifying background of Burning Heaven Demon Emperor who controlled eight hundred magical powers and formed the Ten Thousand Patterns Golden Core.

In less than ten years, he has also reached this level!

Moreover, he is only in the Nirvana state, and has great potential. If he continues to practice according to the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, he will eventually condense 12 inscription patterns.

At that time, what an astonishing vision should appear.

How strong should that kind of power be?

"I'm afraid the power of heaven is nothing more than that!"

Long Hao smiled lightly, a strong sense of anticipation rose in his heart.

Putting away his excited mood, Long Hao counted his fingers, turned his gaze to Yuankong, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "According to the days, the King of Wheels will also arrive."

"Long Si, how are you preparing?"

At this time, the blood dragon fairy leaf on top of Longsi's head began to burst into strands of wonderful chaotic brilliance.

On the body of the fairy root, endless blood spewed out, like a huge blood cocoon, with endless blood flow, rapidly changing the shape of the body.

A moment later, the dead old man in white robe appeared in front of Long Hao.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Long Hao clapped his hands and smiled.

Apart from the appearance, even the aura of the soul is no different from that of the white-robed old man.

"Hmph, the blood dragon inherits the endless secret technique. Fourth Lord, my technique of transformation, except for the pupil of Yin and Yang, is difficult for even ordinary saints to discover." Long Si, who transformed into a white-robed old man, smiled triumphantly.

"If you have this ability, don't tell me sooner. Let's see some beauties in the future." Long Hao said with a smirk.



When the Wheel-Running King arrived at the Saints Mountain Range, he still had an expectant smile on his face, as if he saw endless treasures waving towards him.

"Obtaining these resources, my cultivation is enough to break through to the peak king. At that time, who else can compete with me under the saint?"

Thinking in this way in his heart, the eyes of the wheel-turning king became disdainful, and a heroic aura of swallowing mountains and rivers emerged from his whole body.

Not long after, when he came to a valley deep in the mountains, the Wheel-Turning King raised his voice, "Come out."

Not long after, the void in front of him trembled, like the mouth of a ferocious beast opened.

An old man in a white robe floated out of nowhere and landed opposite the King of Wheels.

"Hehe, maybe I don't see you anymore. Fellow Daoist's courage is even more astonishing. He must not be far from the peak king."

Hearing the other party's flattery, even the wheel-turning king, was a little complacent at the moment, and didn't notice any abnormality in the other party.

"It all depends on the help of fellow Taoists." The Wheel-Turning King laughed.

"Hey... Fellow Daoist is too modest! With your talent, even in the Xuanhuang Great World, you are definitely the top class. In the future, you will become a sage and become an emperor, you will become an immortal, and you will dominate the heavens and the world. That is a certainty. .This king is just icing on the cake."

The old man in white robe continued to flatter Tao.


"It's so disgusting."

Long Hao, who was hiding in the dark, had a dog-like expression on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense."

"If it wasn't for waiting for Dao Yu and the others, Fourth Master, I would start the formation and destroy him now."

Long Si said angrily through voice transmission secretly.

"Well, it's just a little disgusting."

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, there was a loud laugh from Zhuanlun Wang Zhi in front of him.

"Fellow Daoist praised it absurdly. It's only a matter of time before I become a sage and become an emperor, but it's only a matter of time before I become an immortal."

"In the future, we will need the help of fellow daoists."

Looking at Zhuanlun Wang, who looked proud and proud, Long Si wanted to vomit.

"If you say you are fat, you will pant. If you are given a step, will you go to heaven?"

"Dude is almost dead, and he's still pretending to be the fourth master."

Long Si felt disgusted in his heart, and really couldn't make it up anymore.

But fortunately, at this time Dao Yu finally arrived with Lin Wuxu and others, carefully hiding in the distance, and was not discovered by the wheel king.

(End of this chapter)

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