Chapter 767 It's You

The cold wind raged in the void, with a icy murderous aura, overwhelming and terrifying.

However, in the face of the enraged Wheel-Running King, Lin Wuxu did not flinch, stepped forward step by step, and roared: "The way of heaven is clear, the sun and the moon are bright, do you think that your despicable deeds will never be known?" ?”

"It's in vain for me to regard you as a role model for my generation, Xuanhuang Tianjiao! I didn't expect you to be a despicable villain who betrayed his comrades for his own benefit!"


This series of roars made the King of the Wheel jump over the wall completely.

In the midst of a sip, there seemed to be the sound of violent thunder, which shook people's souls and made their eardrums ache.

In an instant, the surging mana flowed, forming two tyrannical whirlpools, one black and one white, spinning crazily, appearing like a roulette wheel that crushes the universe and obliterates the heaven and the earth.

boom! boom! boom!
The mighty king raged violently, and directly suppressed Lin Wuxu, including Jian Yu and Zhou Rulong behind him.


Under the black and white roulette, although the three of Lin Wuxu tried their best to explode their supernatural powers, it was of no avail.

It was as if they were being suppressed by a sacred mountain, and the surging mana collapsed in an instant, all of them were cracked and coughed up blood.


Dao Yu, who was hiding behind, subconsciously hugged the little bear tightly, a trace of shock flashed in his pupils.

She never expected that the strength of the Wheel-Turning King was so terrifying that he suppressed the three of Lin Wuxu in a flash.

You must know that the three of Lin Wuxu are all the Nirvana Realm Ninth Level or even the Ten Great Consummation of the Holy Land Tianjiao, with boundless magic power and great supernatural powers, even in the face of ordinary kings.

However, in front of the wheel-running king, they are as weak as lambs, and they can control life and death with the flip of their hands.

Speaking of which, although the kings of the Golden Light Realm have practiced for many years, they are considered to have great supernatural powers, but their strength is too ordinary.

Compared with the genius kings in the Xuanhuang world, it is almost the same as counterfeit and shoddy products.

As soon as the runner king made a move, everyone deeply understood what it means to suppress one side, the majesty of an unshakable king!
This scene happened too fast, and the methods of the Wheel-Turning King were too fierce, so that no one could react.

"Turning Wheel King, if you don't turn your back on it, do you want to betray the Xuanhuang Realm?" Jian Yu shouted angrily while staring at Zhuanlun King.

Zhou Rulong coughed up a big mouthful of blood, and said along with the voice: "King of the Wheel, you should know that the way of heaven is clear, and paper cannot contain fire. If you don't bow your head and confess your sins now, you will not be able to redeem yourself if you wait for the emperor to be furious!"

"Ha ha……"

Facing everyone's scolding, the Wheel-Turning King suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Are you only growing older these years? This is the Saints Mountain Range, and even the Great Saint can't explore it."

As he said that, the smile on the Wheel-Turning King's face turned cold: "And as long as I kill you all, the paper can completely extinguish that fire!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into an ice cave.

Under the rage, they lost their minds and forgot about the environment here.

In the Saints Mountain Range, strong magnetic fields are everywhere, almost isolating this mountain range from the Golden Light Realm. No matter how powerful the Divine Sense of the Saint Emperor is, he cannot detect it from a long distance.

Because of this, after the secret was discovered, the King of Wheels was confident.

"It's only your fault that you shouldn't be an enemy of this king."

Looking down at Lin Wuxu and the others, the wheel-running king Runa, the emperor who controls the universe and suppresses the world, has a solid murderous intent in his squinting eyes: "Now, you can only go to the underworld with Long Hao!"

It seems that everything is under his control.

Terrible murderous intent came over the sky like a tide, and Lin Wuxu and the three fell into despair.

"is it?"

Accompanied by a playful laugh came.

In the void ahead, a figure suddenly appeared.

The man was dressed in a plain white robe, with a tall and straight figure, with heroic aura rushing to his face, and the precious light flowing all over his body, step by step, he came in the air, with an imposing manner infinitely tall, like the Supreme Heavenly Emperor who controls the heavens and suppresses all realms, and Zhou Tian naturally surrounds him He works.

"Long Hao?"

The wheel-running king raised his eyes and was shocked to the extreme: "You're not dead?"


"Did Long Hao fall?"

The three of Lin Wuxu, who were already in despair, suddenly opened their eyes, and saw the young man in white robes coming from Takong, as if he was descending from a god, it was Long Hao!
"This...what the hell is going on?"

"Could it be that we are dead, and the soul consciousness is trapped in an illusory dream?"

The three of them were completely stunned by the unbelievable scenes, and they froze in place for a moment.

However, soon, Long Hao's voice full of confidence and evil laughter was truly transmitted to their eardrums.

"Hehe, how can such a wonderful scene be missed, I am not willing to die!"

Looking at Long Hao's playful expression and the powerful aura emerging from his body.

At this moment, no matter how stupid the Wheel-Turning King was, he suddenly came to his senses.

"How dare you fuck me!"

As he spoke, he suddenly turned his head, wanting to question the old man in white robe.

But for a moment, he froze in place.

A sudden burst of strength struck, the pain penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and the blood surged like a fountain.


At this moment, Lin Wuxu and others were even more shocked.

They were horrified to see that the white-robed old man who was supposed to be in collusion with the King of the Wheel, unexpectedly, before the King of the Wheel had recovered his reason from the wrath, suddenly rushed down to kill him, grabbed a gleaming battle flag out of thin air, and suddenly Pierced his old waist.

"Hmph, it's you who is yin!"

At the same time, blood flowed from the white-robed old man's body, as if he had changed his body, and after a while, Long Si's face appeared.

"Oh it's you!"

Seeing that familiar face full of wretched and sinister smiles, the extremely ashamed and angry Wheel Runner suddenly went mad.

The majestic mana surged like a tsunami.

However, before he could make a move, a bright golden light suddenly appeared out of thin air, falling down like a comet, and landed heavily on the back of his head.

With this blow of the heavy hammer, the King of Wheels was smashed with gold stars in his eyes, and blood flowed from his brain.

"Hey, there's Ben Meow!" Long Xiaomiao, who had been hiding in the void, suddenly made a strike and hit a thunderous blow.

He is still using his housekeeping skills - making boring bricks!

Even if this series of blows could not seriously injure the Wheel-Running King, it could still disgust him to death, make him lose his mind and fall into madness.


Sure enough, a sudden roar of thunder erupted from the body of the Wheel-Running King.

Terrifying magic power erupted along with the evil spirit, raging like a black hole that shattered the world, and directly sent Long Si and Long Xiaomiao flying.

"It's so powerful?"

Although Long Si's fairy root body was not injured, his soul trembled and almost came out of his body.

Even Long Xiaomiao couldn't teleport in time, and hit the ground so hard that all the hair on his body stood on end.

The power of the wheel-running king exceeded everyone's expectations.

"I'm going to tear you into pieces!"

Under the rage, the eyes of the wheel-turning king's ferocious face were scarlet, and his body was full of evil spirits, like a wild beast awakened, not human at all!

(End of this chapter)

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