Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 789 Dao Yu Returns

Chapter 789 Dao Yu Returns
However, when Long Hao concluded the seal, he discovered in horror that the power of the three crimson beams of light was too violent, completely distorting the nearby void, and he was unable to teleport into the void at all.

"Do you want to use the Dao Orb?"

The Dao Orb, which seizes the original energy of the heavens and the earth to repair itself, has now revived the power of the previous Dao.

Once released, the supreme divine power can be used to suppress everything, even the peak king cannot resist it.

But this treasure is too important, it is the foundation of Long Hao's practice so far, since the Xuzu world powerhouse has Xuzu's will avatar, he can't use the Dao Orb without any scruples.

"Since this is the case, we can only use Long Er to fight recklessly."

After Qin Wuji's restoration and transformation, Long Er's combat power is slightly stronger than that of the peak king.

It's just that after each battle, it takes a long time to accumulate energy, which is Long Hao's major trump card now, and will only be used at critical moments.

With a thought in Long Hao's mind, Long Er, who was wearing a keel armor, stepped forward, shot out two bursts of divine light for a moment, which offset the two crimson beams of light, and then stood still.

"Fuck, I ran out of energy so quickly!"

Long Hao almost scolded his mother in anger.

However, in the face of three attacks comparable to the peak kings, Long Er has already tried his best.

"Ma Dan, if it doesn't work, then..."

Just when Long Hao was about to go all out, a bright divine light suddenly lit up in the sky in front of him.

huh huh...

The distorted void seems to have a Dao rhyme circulating, isolating the world.


A huge roar erupted, and the billowing air waves surged into the sky like a frenzied tide, angering a huge mushroom cloud.

After a while, the glare dissipated, and a huge shield appeared in people's sight.

It was this shield that blocked the crimson beam of light that was comparable to a blow from a peak king.

"Perfect magic weapon!"

"Damn it, who is it?"

The strong men in the Xu Ancestor Realm, who had the chance to win, stared fixedly, filled with resentment, and helplessly missed a great opportunity to kill Long Hao.

"Dao Yu!"

That shield was Dao Yu's treasure, Long Hao recognized it at a glance, and then withdrew his hand that was touching Jian Wan.

This is already the last sword pill bestowed by the Juggernaut. It contains [-]% of the power of the Juggernaut. It can kill a saint. It would be too wasteful to use it here.

At the same time, the divine light on the shield dissipated, turned into a jade talisman and flew away, and landed in the hands of the little girl on the shoulder of the violent war bear.

As soon as he took the jade talisman, Dao Yu spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Hee hee, big brother, I'm back." Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Dao Yu squeezed out a smile on his pale face.

"How is it? Can you hold on?" Long Hao asked with concern while heaving a sigh of relief.

"It's a small injury, it's okay." Dao Yu shook his head directly.

Just now, she forcibly urged the top-grade magic weapon to withstand the attack of the peak king, which greatly consumed her mana, and thus suffered a backlash, making her body extremely weak, but fortunately, she did not hurt her foundation.

Long Hao nodded, and said: "In that case, then help Huang Chonggu and the others destroy the puppet cannon."

"Obey, Brother City Master!" Dao Yu patted his chest confidently, and then ordered the violent war bear to take her and rush towards the puppet cannon behind.

The strong man in the Ancestral Realm gritted his teeth in resentment, turned to stare at Long Hao coldly and said, "Although the ultimate magic weapon is strong, but with only a sixth-level venerable, urging it once is the limit, and you still can't escape death." destiny!"

In their view, as long as they entangle those strong men in the Xuanhuang Realm and wait for the puppet cannon to launch the next attack, Long Hao will undoubtedly die.

"Not necessarily!"

Glancing at those strong men from the Void Ancestor Realm with ferocious faces, Long Hao revealed a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth.

"There, there, and there..."

At the same time, Dao Yu stood on the shoulders of the violent war bear, like a goddess descending from the nine heavens, pointing the country.

"Smash, finally caught you!"

According to Dao Yu's instigation, Liu Ji roared angrily and slashed three times in an instant.

The terrifying Shura sword intent erupted, sweeping across the world like a death scythe, instantly cutting the void in front of it to pieces.

The strong man in the Xuzu Realm hiding in it couldn't dodge in time, his body was instantly torn apart by the domineering knife gang, and turned into a pile of flesh and blood rain, spilling out of thin air.

On the other side, Huang Chonggu manipulated two middle-grade king-level saber puppets, directly tore apart the battle formation of the Void Ancestor Realm's powerhouses, rushed to the puppet cannons, and unleashed the strongest attack.

Although the attacking power of the red dragon puppet cannon is terrifying, it is a dead thing and cannot be perfectly defended.

As a puppet master, Huang Chonggu easily found a weakness and launched a fierce attack.

The sharp knife light tore through the void, and three red dragon puppet cannons were cut off at the same time.

"Finally destroyed!"

"Liujin City is safe, we are safe!"

While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, their gazes at the powerful people in the Xu Ancestor Realm became even colder.

A comrade-in-arms in the King Realm fell before his eyes just now, and it was time for revenge.


Everyone roared in unison, and started a crazy counterattack under Dao Yu's guidance.


Accompanied by the rapid screams, for a moment, the air in all directions shot up to the sky, blood rained down, and it was a completely one-sided massacre.


"That Xuanhuang person, can she actually see through the virtual world?"

The kings of the virtual ancestor world were extremely shocked, they had never heard of such a thing.

Long Hao was able to crush the power of the imaginary world with the power of the domain, forcing them out was already amazing, but now, a more awesome little girl came, who actually saw through the imaginary world directly with a pair of naked eyes.

"This person's pupil power is extraordinary, and he is the great enemy of my Ancestor Realm. He must be killed with all his strength!"

The first-born king of the Xuzu Realm with a single horn winked at the others, then soared into the sky and punched Dao Yu.

"Hmph, in my domain, no one can do whatever they want!"

Long Hao had been prepared for a long time, and at this moment he snorted angrily and slapped out his palm. The power of the Heaven's Punishment Realm immediately gathered towards the first-born one-horned King of the Void Ancestor Realm, and golden thunder dragons rolled out one after another, flying from all directions. The other party is entangled.

As for the other kings of the Void Ancestor Realm who came under siege, Long Hao didn't even look at them, and directly used the True Dragon Flying Fire Shield to block their attacks.

"Now, it's time for you to accept God's punishment!"

After trapping the first-born one-horned King of the Xu Ancestor Realm, Long Hao charged forward like a revived ancient thunder dragon, exuding a huge coercion even more like a heavenly emperor descending on the dust.

"very scary!"

For some reason, in the eyes of those kings of the Ancestor Realm, Long Hao is a completely different person at this moment, with a cold aura, fierce aura, and blood-red eyes full of ferocity and murderous intent, just like a peerless demon god.

(End of this chapter)

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