Chapter 791
Watching the king of the Xuzu Realm disappear into the sky, the powerhouses of the Xuanhuang Realm still haven't reacted.

"Where are the people? Run away?"

"It's so fast, it's like a big teleportation, I'm afraid only the peak king who is good at speed can compete with it."

"It's a pity, I was going to be refined to death!"

Everyone gritted their teeth secretly, knowing that this is a formidable enemy, if you let the tiger go back to the mountain now, it will surely bring disaster to all directions in the future.

Long Hao was also staring at Yuan Kong, his deep eyes were flickering with strange colors.

"The physical energy was concentrated on the strength just now, and now the physical energy is concentrated on the speed... This kind of ability is really interesting."

It is said that strong people from other worlds are full of strange things, and various methods emerge in endlessly. Long Hao has seen a lot now.

But this ability to manipulate physical energy was the first time he had seen it.

In power form, he can compete with him.

In the speed form, he can't catch up.

"Is this battle not over yet?" Finally, the corner of Long Hao's mouth curled up: "I'll wait for you!"

"City Lord, City Lord?"

Hearing people's shouts, Long Hao frowned slightly, and he found that the eyes of everyone looking at him were full of strangeness.

Looking down, he found that black energy was swirling around his body, and some kind of blood-red light was affecting his mind, giving him the urge to kill and destroy everything.

Everyone looked at him with frightened faces. He reminded him from a distance, but he didn't dare to approach him at all. He looked vigilant as if he was facing a demon god.

"Damn demon, it's happening again!"

After restraining his breath, Long Hao secretly operated the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, and only then suppressed the chaotic negative emotions.

This kind of situation happened more and more frequently recently, especially when Long Hao started to kill, he would be affected by the evil spirit and become violent and bloodthirsty.

If things go on like this, one day he will be replaced by his own ideology and become another person.

Seeing that Long Hao restrained his evil spirit and returned to normal, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At this point, the battle was drawing to a close.

Under Dao Yu's guidance, Huang Chonggu and others have already killed more than a hundred Nirvana Realm powerhouses guarding the puppet cannons.

Eight of the nine kings died and one escaped under Long Hao's hands.

Although there were a large number of strong men from the Golden Light Realm rioting in Liujin City, under Long Xiaomiao's attack, they suffered a large number of casualties and could not approach the City Lord's Mansion at all.

The threat was temporarily lifted, and they held their positions.

But some people don't think so.

"City Master, the people from the Golden Light Realm in Liujin City dare to gather together to rebel. Why don't they all be killed and buried with their dead brothers?" Liu Ji said with a sullen expression on his face.

The king of the Xuanhuang Realm who fell just now was his good friend, eager for revenge at this moment, his eyes turned red.

" this going to massacre the city?" Everyone else gasped.

Although they didn't like the people of the Golden Light Realm, but a city of millions of people would be slaughtered as soon as they said it. Such a huge killing, the psychology of ordinary people may not be able to bear it.

"There are more than [-] rebels gathered this time. The rest of them didn't want to participate, but they just don't have the ability. In the future, they will also be enemies of my Xuanhuang Realm. It's better to kill them on the spot to frighten the world!" Tu Sheng, who was bloodthirsty, also followed suit.

"Shock the world?"

Long Hao sneered in his heart.

If the massacre of the city can really shock people's hearts, then the huge empire built by the proud son of his hometown will not be like a flash in the pan, falling apart in a moment.

After thinking for a while, Long Hao finally issued an order: "Suppress and kill all those who participated in the rebellion, and drive the others out of Liujin City."

He is already haunted by demons, and if he continues to commit large-scale killings, he may not be far from being insane.

Although he didn't need to do anything, but he, the city lord, had to issue the order. At that time, the karma of karma would also be counted on his head.

Long Hao would not put himself in it just to satisfy some people's perverted psychology.

"City Lord..."

Seeing this, Liu Ji, Tu Sheng and other main assassins wanted to say something, but were interrupted.

It was Jian Yu who interrupted them: "The wanton massacre may be deterrent for a while, but it will also arouse more hatred and resistance. If that is the case, the Xuanhuang Realm will be enemies everywhere, and what is the difference between them and the abyssal demons?"

Even Huang Chonggu followed suit: "Even if our Xuanhuang Realm can suppress all turmoil with great strength, the Golden Light Realm will be destroyed once, and everything we do will be meaningless."

The purpose of Xuanhuang Realm to capture other worlds is to plunder resources and strengthen oneself, not to kill and destroy everything indiscriminately.

"Old Huang, are you a woman's benevolence?" Tu Sheng said coldly.


Suddenly, a pair of icy eyes projected towards him, and Tu Sheng felt his scalp tingling, as if he was being targeted by a terrifying demon god.

"The city lord made atonement, and I made a slip of the tongue."

Tu Sheng, who had always been arrogant, was also terrified at this moment, and quickly apologized.

I can still vividly remember the scene where Long Hao turned into a Demon God and slaughtered all directions, including beheading eight kings of the Void Ancestor Realm.

"There will be next time, you know the consequences." Long Hao cast a cold glance at him, and Long Hao ignored everyone and walked away.

After watching Long Hao leave, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

The fierce aura that suddenly erupted just now made all of them feel chills down their backs and it was difficult to breathe.

"Tu Sheng, as a friend, I would like to advise you that it is a time of war, if you dare to disobey the city lord, even I will not be able to save you." Huang Chong said in an old saying earnestly.

"What's the matter? After the last sparring session, have you been completely convinced, Old Huang?"

Tu Sheng was unwilling to say: "I know, you still have a lot of cards, you may not be able to beat him, why respect him as the city lord?"

Hearing this, Huang Chonggu just gave him a cold look: "You underestimate him, this city lord is unfathomable!"

Not to mention Long Hao's domineering power like a real dragon when he was fighting.

The burning sky fire lotus displayed just now made Huang Chonggu feel unstoppable.

Under such burning flames, even his middle-grade king-level puppets couldn't stop them and would be burnt out.

"I have a hunch that the city lord's hidden cards are far more than these."

Sighing, Huang Chonggu finally said solemnly: "I know you don't accept him in your heart, but don't provoke him."

As a friend, Huang Chonggu has done everything.

But Tu Sheng's heart became even more resentful, especially Long Hao's majestic gaze just now made him lose face in front of everyone, and resentment gave birth to hatred.

"Long Hao, let's wait and see!"

Saying something viciously in his heart, Tu Sheng flew away directly.


The battle outside the City Lord's Mansion ended soon.

Those rioting Golden Light Realm powerhouses, although numerous in number, were relatively weak in combat power. Without the support of the Void Ancestor Realm powerhouses, they quickly fell apart and fled to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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