Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 797 The Peak King——Gou Shengjun!

Chapter 797 The Peak King——Gou Shengjun!

Long Hao directly ignored the threats and reprimands from Du Chenglong and others.

In his eyes, there are only two real opponents, Gou Shengjun and Du Tiancheng!
Both of these two people are well-known in the East, and they have practiced in the realm of kings for many years, with profound foundations and great magical powers.

But there was another person that Long Hao cared about a lot, that glamorous woman who was always by Du Tiancheng's side.

This person's face was cold and arrogant, and he kept silent from the beginning to the end, as if everything in this world was ignored by her.

It's just that the aura on her body is not obvious, and the depth of her cultivation can't be seen for the time being.

"Long Hao, you will repay the humiliation of the past a hundredfold today!"


Du Tiancheng and the others who were ignored became furious and violently murdered.

They each displayed their supernatural powers and unleashed magic weapons, like a series of startled dragons, shooting stars one after another, all of them suppressed Long Hao.

"Junior Brother Long, we will help you."

Lingshu and the others, with their treasured bodies, were already exceptionally gifted geniuses of the holy land, but now most of them have broken through to the realm of kings.

But just as they wanted to step forward to help, they were stopped by Long Hao.

"It's just a bunch of waste, and it can be suppressed with a single hand."

With a sneer, Long Hao's body was full of energy and blood, and a primordial thunder dragon vaguely evolved.


Long Hao's speed was too fast. Before he finished speaking, everyone saw a terrifying burst of divine light erupting in the void. The dragon's power filled the sky, and the sound of the dragon's chant shook the sky, accompanied by a huge thunder dragon claw protruding out. , directly exploded the void ahead.

Supernatural powers - Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand!

bang bang bang...

Although the attacks made by Du Chenglong and the others looked majestic and terrifying, they were all like rotten wood under the dragon's claws, and they were smashed to pieces in an instant.

"how is this possible?"

Du Chenglong rolled back from the void, only feeling a huge shock in his viscera, and his tense meridians were almost shattered.

Xiaohan Wang and others ended up similar to him, being severely injured with every blow.

"Trash is trash, no amount of it is useless." Glancing at them, Long Hao sneered, his arrogance remained undiminished.

Although they are both in the King Realm, Du Chenglong and the others are no threat in his eyes. If they fight one-on-one, they can be killed with one blow.

The only thing that surprised Long Hao was that Ouyang Yan, who did not show much on the surface, had those cold and deep eyes, which were not human like a ghost, filled with a strange magical power that eroded the soul, which made Long Hao very uncomfortable.

"This guy, did he become possessed in the Dark Thunder Prison?"

For some reason, Long Hao always felt that Ouyang Yan's aura was somewhat similar to the terrifying aura that permeated out when the Dark Thunder Prison was destroyed.

But now he didn't have time to think about it, at the same time he severely injured Du Chenglong and the others with one blow, a majestic coercion erupted, and Gou Shengjun came out of nowhere and appeared in front of Long Hao.

"Shengtian died because of you, and you must be buried with him!" Gou Shengjun's voice was extremely indifferent, full of strong murderous intent.

"Hehe, it looks like you and Du Tiancheng really like each other!"

Long Hao sneered.

Speaking of which, the reason why Du Tiancheng and Gou Shengjun hated him so much and wanted to put him to death every time had a common reason, to avenge their younger brother.

After sneering, Long Hao went on to say: "But you just want my life, it has nothing to do with them, for the sake of the same sect, how about letting them go?"

"Long Hao, it's all because we didn't notice for a while, so we were used by them and harmed you instead. Is there any reason to leave now?" Xiao Liu said.

"If you want to fight, fight together, if you want to die, die together, I'm afraid he's an egg!" Fang Tianhua was also completely fearless.

Long Hao values ​​friendship, and Ling Shu and others can become friends with him, so naturally they are not greedy for life and afraid of death, and forget righteousness for profit.

"Brother, we must not let them go."

"These people are the same as Long Hao. They are always our enemies. They deserve to die."

Du Chenglong said sharply that he was not Long Hao's opponent, so he wanted to vent some of his anger on Long Hao's friends.

"Of course, Junior Brother Zhuanlun can't die in vain, they all have to pay for it!"

Du Tiancheng had long been eyeing Dao Yu beside Long Hao, and he had already made a clear investigation. When Long Hao killed the King of the Wheel, Dao Yu did a lot of power.

"No." Gou Shengjun also directly refused.

Although he, Ling Shu and the others had no enmity, letting them leave would be tantamount to leaking the news.

When the time comes to shake the light of the saints or the Ten Thousand Realms Heavenly Palace to blame, it is simply asking for trouble for oneself.

Long Hao had expected this.

He just sent a voice transmission to Ling Shu and the others while he was talking, telling them to retreat to the depths of Yueluo Mountain.

Just now, Dao Yu sent him a voice transmission, telling him about his unexpected discovery.

After Dao Yu came to Yueluo Mountain, he kept urging Yinyang Daotong to look around, trying to find the stronghold of the powerful in the Xuzu Realm, but he didn't seem to care about the current dangerous situation at all.

It's a pity that the so-called Stronghold of the Void Ancestor Realm was just made up by Du Tiancheng to lure Long Hao and others to come.

However, she did not find nothing, and accidentally found a special place where people can live.

According to her observation, the gravity of that place has reached more than a hundred times that of the outside world, and it is difficult for even a master of the king realm to display much combat power. Long Hao and the others can defend there according to danger and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Both Du Tiancheng and Gou Shengjun are very powerful, Long Hao is not sure how to deal with them.

And the cold-faced woman in black gave him an extremely dangerous feeling.

Reckless is not the best choice.

Ling Shu and the others understood, and began to retreat towards the depths of Yueluo Mountain vigilantly.

They also understand that with their current strength, they cannot help Long Hao, and the most correct way is not to hold back.

"Want to leave? How can it be so easy!"

Du Chenglong gave a cold shout, and chased after Xiaohan Wang and others.

However, although Ling Shu and others are not as strong as Long Hao, they are definitely not the generation to be slaughtered. They are still capable of fighting against Du Chenglong and others. With Long Xiaomiao's help, there is basically no danger.

Everyone fought and retreated.

"You don't have to go, this is your cemetery."

At the same time, Gou Shengjun also made a move, his body exuded a powerful and unparalleled aura, the cultivation base of the ninth level of the King Realm was undoubtedly revealed, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he stared at Long Hao firmly.

The next moment, he pointed out that the void was shattered.

Terrible destructive power poured down like a violent storm, and even Long Hao was slightly startled: "The peak king!"

Although Gou Shengjun has not yet reached the ten major perfections of the King Realm, his combat power is extremely strong, not much worse than the peak king.

But Long Hao didn't hesitate at all, and mobilized surging power to fight against him.

Like a round of divine sun exploding, endless inscription patterns flickered, energy exploded, and terrifying fluctuations swept all directions.

In spite of a reckless blow, although Long Hao was knocked back by the turbulent shock wave, he was not injured at all, only his viscera were a little shaken.

(End of this chapter)

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