Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 800 Fluctuating Light 3 Swordsman——Moon Immortal!

Chapter 800 The Three Musketeers of Fluctuating Lights——Moon Immortal!
"Second Senior Sister, it's me!"

Under people's surprised gazes, Long Hao in white robe took a step forward and waved towards Fairy Moon Palace above the void.

What he held in his hand was the shattered sword talisman.

"Long Hao's second senior sister?"

"Could it be the legendary Silver Moon Sword King?"

The first ones to react were Lingshu and other disciples of the Shrine of Light. They stared at the legendary figure in the void, with strong surprise and admiration in their eyes.

As a disciple of Yaoguang, who doesn't know the famous Three Musketeers of Yaoguang?
Almost all the disciples of their generation grew up listening to the many legends about the Three Musketeers of the Fluctuating Light, and regarded them as idols.

"It is said that this senior sister is as beautiful as a fairy, like a bright moon among the stars, so she is called a moon fairy. Although she has not seen her face today, her peerless temperament is enough to prove that the rumors are true!"

Xiao Liu's nature of licking dogs broke out again.

But this time, people didn't question it. Even Ling Shu and Ji Hanshuang seemed to pale in comparison to each other in terms of temperament.

"It is estimated that only Senior Sister Lu Yao or Mu Tianyan from the Extreme Holy Land can stand shoulder to shoulder with her."

Just when people were amazed, a fierce sword force suddenly erupted, sweeping every corner of the world like a storm.

"Bullying my Tianjue sect, colluding with Zixiao Holy Land... Gou Shengjun, you deserve to die!"

A domineering cold drink burst out accompanied by a sharp sound of piercing through the air.

I saw Yuexian holding the sword and fighting around, the sword energy penetrated the sky and the earth, and suddenly there were rainbows of Lian Shenhong coming across the sky. It was an extremely cold sword glow, which stretched across the sky, shining like a crescent moon, facing Gou Shengjun across the sky. cut to.

In an instant, there seemed to be the sound of the Great Dao trembling, and the inscriptions of the Dao Dao were intertwined into a chain of laws, shattering the void along the way.

"The power of the law?"

"Senior Sister Yuexian has indeed mastered the law!"

Ling Shu and the others exclaimed, and the crowd cheered.

A smile flashed across Long Hao's face.

Speaking of it, it was the first time for him to see this second senior sister, but there was a pure and profound friendship between the two parties, as if they were real brothers and sisters.

Especially Yuexian's domineering posture moved him even more.


Gou Shengjun kept his face cold and didn't speak, then he let out a loud shout, his whole body exploded, and he swung the broken sword to attack him.


The two swords slashed together, sparks shot out all over the place, the unparalleled sharpness of the sword swept across the four directions, and a burst of earth-shattering air burst out.

Even though they were far away, everyone could feel the terrifying aura that seemed to destroy the world, and the suppressed battle fluctuations made them all look extremely pale.

The void exploded, and a figure flew out in embarrassment, rolling up a spray of blood.

Gou Shengjun hit the ground so hard that even a large piece of the hard rock was cracked, and he vomited blood.

Even though he had the ninth level of the King Realm, even though he held the incomplete sacred weapon, which could arouse the power of the law, he was still defeated and was severely injured by Yuexian's sword.


"Senior Sister Yuexian is too strong, this combat power is comparable to that of the King of War!"

Ling Shu and the others were both surprised and delighted.

clap clap clap...

Suddenly, Du Tiancheng stroked his hands forward, staring at the Moon Immortal above the void, with a faint smile on his face: "The Three Musketeers of Shaking Light really deserve their reputation!"

Then, he changed the subject, and the cold light in his eyes burst out: "But after today, there will only be two swordsmen left, and only two of the four disciples of Tianjue will be left!"


"What a big breath!"

Ling Shu and the others glared angrily.

Du Tiancheng's strength is almost the same as that of Gou Shengjun. Now that even Gou Shengjun has been severely injured by a single sword, why would he dare to challenge the Three Musketeers of Yaoguang?
"Finally can't stand it anymore?"

Long Hao narrowed his eyes and stared at Du Tiancheng. Now he finally understood that the reason why the other party didn't make a move was obviously waiting for Yuexian's arrival.

The opponent had planned everything, and if he wanted to take his life, he would naturally expect that he would invite reinforcements, which is normal.

But what puzzled Long Hao was that with Du Tiancheng's strength alone, he was absolutely unable to compete with Yuexian.

"Yuexian, long time no see!"

A cold voice came, and the woman in black behind Du Tiancheng suddenly took off the outer cloak, revealing a glamorous face.

In particular, there is a faint sword mark on her eyebrows, which further highlights her poisonous snake-like eyes, which are vicious and cold-blooded.

"Huang Lengchan, is that you?"

Yuexian obviously knew each other, and her face under the veil showed no emotional changes, but a pair of beautiful eyes like stars and moons flashed a hint of surprise.

"Huang Lengchan?"

"She is Huang Lengchan, who ranks No. 30 on the Xuanhuang merit list?"

After hearing this name, everyone's face changed drastically.

Those who can be listed on the list of Xuanhuang merits and virtues are all the most outstanding talents in the Xuanhuang world, with incomparably strong foundations and unparalleled combat power.

Huang Lengchan was able to overwhelm many arrogances and ranked No. 30. It is really hard to imagine how terrifying strength she possesses.

"In order to deal with Junior Brother Long, they dispatched not only two peak kings, but also invited the top [-] powerhouses on the Xuanhuang Merit List!" Ling Shu's face turned pale, and he was very worried about Long Hao.

"Hmph, you think too highly of him."

Du Chenglong sneered, stared at Long Hao with resentment, and said contemptuously: "Senior Sister Huang ranks in the top five in terms of strength among all the kings in our Zixiao Holy Land, and Long Hao is just a match for our Senior Sister Huang? "

Everyone was angry, but they also knew what Du Chenglong said was true.

From the battle just now to now, Huang Lengchan has not moved, she didn't even look at them, until Yuexian came, and she took the initiative to show up.

What is her real purpose, who can't see it now?
"Ha ha……"

Suddenly, the woman in black named Huang Lengchan laughed loudly.

The laughter was full of viciousness and resentment, combined with her gradually distorted face, it made everyone feel creepy.

"Three years ago you left this sword mark on my face, and I have never erased it, just to use your blood to clean it thoroughly today!"

Huang Lengchan pointed at the sword marks on his eyebrows and shouted in a tone almost roaring.

The anger and hatred that had been suppressed for three years suddenly came out, sweeping across the universe like a stormy sea, shaking the surrounding mountains.


"What a terrifying evil spirit!"

Huang Lengchan, who was not breathing just now, suddenly erupted with an incomparably majestic aura at the moment he faced the Moon Fairy, like a supreme real demon, with fierce aura surging, as if he wanted to suppress this world.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a festival between Huang Lengchan and Senior Sister Yuexian."

In the east, everyone knows that the Holy Land of Yaoguang and the Holy Land of Zixiao are opposed to each other, and the hatred has accumulated for nearly a thousand years.

(End of this chapter)

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