Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 808 The person from years ago

Chapter 808 A person from thousands of years ago

As soon as Emperor Jiuhua was mentioned, the expressions of these Yaoguang disciples became unpredictable.

When they were in the Holy Land of Waving Light, they seldom even heard the name and deeds of their own great emperor, and even the saints seldom mentioned it.

However, after coming here, facing the entire Xuanhuang Realm and even the strong from other worlds, they gradually realized how much energy this mysterious Great Emperor possessed, and even the strong from other worlds were in awe of him.

It can be said that Emperor Jiuhua was a person who influenced history!

"Since that's the case, why didn't we inherit this supreme magic skill in the Holy Land of Wavelight, but instead inherited it in the Holy Land of the Ultimate Dao?" Ji Hanshuang asked curiously.

After becoming a True Inheritance Disciple, she had browsed through the inherited exercises of the Yaoguang Holy Land, and clearly remembered that there was no Daomo Xuantai Jue.

"Because this exercise is too extreme, practitioners can easily go mad."

"Strictly speaking, Emperor Jiuhua did not pass on this exercise to the Xuanhuang Realm, but only passed it on to two people."

"One is Daoxuan, and the other is Burning Heaven Devil Emperor!"

Yuexian tried to speak in a calm tone, but the shock in everyone's hearts did not diminish at all.

"Pass it to both of them."

"It's no wonder that Demon Emperor Burning Heaven has this miraculous skill in his memory."

A strange light flashed in Long Hao's eyes.

However, after the Fentian Demon Emperor obtained this miraculous skill, he never dared to practice. Instead, he first found many demon powerhouses to test the waters, but all of them went mad and exploded to death, without exception.

This also made Demon Emperor Fentian finally give up practicing this miraculous skill, but he finally became the strongest Demon Emperor of a generation by virtue of Fentian Good Fortune.

"Then how did Daoxuan succeed?" Long Hao was very curious, after all, this is a marvelous achievement that even Emperor Fentian Modi kept secret.

Hearing this, Yuexian looked at Long Hao meaningfully, and said, "It is said that it is because Daoxuan's soul mutated when he was cultivating the water and fire dual body, that's why he succeeded in this skill!"

Long Hao's pupils shrank, and thousands of waves arose in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, practitioners are absolutely unable to cultivate the five elements treasure body and control the power of the five elements world.

Back when he was cultivating the Water and Fire Twin Treasure Body, under the collision of two extreme forces, his mana was reversed, and his soul was almost torn apart... He still remembers the pain and terror so vividly.

If it wasn't for the relationship between the Xuanhuang Dao species, he would definitely end up with a broken soul, after all, he didn't practice the Dao Demon Xuantai Art.

The existence of the Xuan Zodiac species is extremely dangerous, but from a certain aspect, it is of great help to practice.

Its existence is complicated, and even the Sword Master of Absolute Heaven can't figure it out, and it's a secret.

"No, no, no."

Ling Shu frowned suddenly and said: "Emperor Jiuhua fell thousands of years ago, and it is possible to have some contact with Emperor Burning Heaven, but Daoxuan doesn't seem to be much older than us, how did Emperor Jiuhua preach to him? "

This question, which was neglected by people, has been haunting Lingshu.

"it's actually really easy."

Yuexian's eyes were a little dignified and said: "Because Daoxuan is also from a thousand years ago!"

"Since Daoxuan practiced this skill, after his soul mutated, he was sealed for a thousand years, and finally cultivated into twin twins of Dao and Demon."

One stone stirs up a thousand layers of waves, and the words are not amazing!

This time, everyone was completely confused.

"Sealing for a thousand years, erasing the traces of time, how could such a thing happen in the world." Ling Shu felt that his brain was almost running out.

But Long Hao gradually understood based on the memory of Demon Emperor Fentian.

This kind of thing sounds incredible, but an emperor who has mastered the way of time can do it, such as the Emperor Forbidden Immortal.

Although the higher the cultivation base, the harder the seal is, and the shorter the duration.

But Daoxuan's cultivation level at that time was far inferior to what it is now, and Emperor Forbidden Immortal could still do it if he sealed him for a thousand years.

"So, wouldn't Dao Yu also be from a thousand years ago?"

Long Hao suddenly remembered that Long Si had said that Dao Yu's blood power was still in a sealed state, and now Long Si was helping her to gradually unseal it.

"Emperor Jiuhua, Emperor Forbidden Immortal, Demon Emperor Burning Heaven, Daoxuan Daoyu..."

The actions and deeds of these people are linked together, and Long Hao gradually touches the crux of the problem.

Judging from the various performances of Emperor Jiuhua, he probably knew that his time was approaching, and everything he did seemed to be cultivating successors.

There are quite a lot of people coveting the Xuanhuang Realm, and if there is no powerful person to suppress it, it is easy to suffer a devastating blow.

Before the fall of Emperor Jiuhua, he went west to Huangquan and east to Town Moyuan, buying a lot of time for the Xuanhuang Realm to grow and develop.

Then the Burning Demon Emperor was born, and suppressed Xuanhuang's luck for 500 years.

From Taichu Wentianjun and Emperor Jinxian to the extremely fast-growing Daoxuan and Daoyu...

"This Emperor Jiuhua seems to have deduced everything long ago, he is really a strange person!" Long Hao took a deep breath, feeling sincere admiration.

At the same time, the way he looked at Yuexian gradually became strange.

His second senior sister, who actually knew so many secret things, obviously had an extraordinary background.

Speaking of it, the Sword Master of Heaven Absolute seemed to accept disciples at will based on his relationship, but now Long Hao gradually realized that these disciples all had extremely profound backgrounds and heritage.

"Junior brother, another glorious world is coming, this is also your fate!"

Finally, Yuexian sent a sound transmission to Long Hao meaningfully.

"Brilliant world?" Long Hao's eyes lit up.

Changes in the demon world, invasion of the ancestral world... Even people from a thousand years ago have come to life, and the current Xuanhuang world is chaotic enough.

But heroes come out of troubled times, no matter which world they are in.

Soon after, Daoxuan, who had strangled all the strong men in the Xuzu Realm, returned.

Almost everyone looked at him with incomparable awe.

"The body of Taiyin, the heart of the sword is bright..."

And Daoxuan stared at Yuexian with a faint smile on his lips: "In three years, the bottom line is finally completed. If you transcend the ordinary and become holy, I'm afraid even I can't match it."

The talent of the Moon Immortal is astonishing, once it becomes a saint, it will be able to condense the Holy Body of the Taiyin, and at the same time, the way of swordsmanship will be the most holy.

Invincible physically, unparalleled in the way of the sword, he can be called the supreme powerhouse in the holy way.

"Senior brother Daoxuan praised it absurdly. It would be great if he could compare with one of the twins of Dao and Demon." Yuexian said that without humility.

Only those who are closer to the peak will understand how powerful Daoxuan is.

"Ha ha."

Smiling, Daoxuan's eyes turned to Long Hao's body, and there seemed to be strands of magic light blooming in it, which could penetrate the soul.

"Brother, he is Long Hao, but he is amazing. I think he will be no worse than Big Brother in the future."

Jumping off Daoxuan's back, Daoyu excitedly recommended to Daoxuan.

Staring at Long Hao, Daoxuan said: "You seem to have many secrets."

Long Hao was noncommittal.

There are also many secrets about Daoxuan, even the origin of the siblings is a mystery.

But now, Long Hao has a general understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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