Chapter 828

Nine domains and seventeen districts, Iron Eagle Fort.

The three red dragon puppet cannons roared in unison, spewing out powerful and terrifying beams of light, blasting through the battle of the moat in an instant, raging past like three giant dragons, and dividing the huge Iron Eagle Fort into several halves.

Countless disciples of the Xuzu Cult turned into fly ash without knowing it.



Fang Tianhua and Liu Ji, the two militants, took the lead, as if they were fighting for the limelight, they refused to give in to each other, rushed into Iron Eagle Fort immediately, and started the merciless massacre.

Ling Shu and the others followed, each with a fighting spirit and awe-inspiring murderous aura.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, there is a heavenly palace inspecting it, except for a few people with extreme temperaments, no one dares to massacre.

But here, in the face of the enemy, everyone has no scruples at all.

People from the Golden Light Realm in Iron Eagle Fort, regardless of their level of cultivation, whether they joined the Xu Ancestor Sect or not, were all slaughtered.

Long Hao didn't join the ranks of massacres, but specifically selected those masters of the King Realm of the Xu Zu Cult to attack.

With his powerful strength, except for the peak king, no one is his enemy.

Only Huang Chonggu stayed outside the city, constantly urging the red dragon puppet cannon to launch devastating attacks.

Under the stormy and violent attack of the crowd, the Xuzu Cult powerhouses were powerless to resist, and they anxiously sent out a distress call.

It's a pity that the nearest stronghold of the Ancestral Realm has been breached by Long Hao and others, and the other strongholds of the strong in the Ancestral Realm are far away, even if they come to rescue, they will not be able to arrive in a short while.

Moreover, Long Hao and the others didn't like to fight, they only spent a quarter of an hour strangling the high-level combat power of the Xuzu Sect.

The rest of the hundreds of thousands of ordinary disciples of the Xuzu Cult were mediocre in strength and not worth many merits. They didn't get entangled, and after killing a bloody path, they walked away.

Although the short battle did not completely wipe out the Xu Zujiao, it also seriously injured its vitality.

The Xu Zujiao, which has lost its high-level combat power, will definitely be attacked by other forces.

In the end, whoever wins and loses, Long Hao and others don't bother to care about it.

"The next target is Nine Regions and Sixteen Districts!"

After leaving Iron Eagle Fort, Long Hao led the crowd and did not return to Liujin City, but went straight to the next target without stopping.

"'s not over yet." Pu Bucheng was speechless.

In this battle, they broke through a stronghold of the Void Ancestor Realm, which was already a great achievement and accumulated a lot of merit. He thought he would be able to regain his freedom, but he didn't expect that Long Hao was far from satisfied.

According to this posture, he seems to want to push all the way across and uproot all the strongholds of the Xuzu Realm.

"Crazy, he must be crazy!" Although the money is not enough and wants to accumulate merit with Long Hao, it is extremely dangerous to attack the stronghold of the Void Ancestor Realm.

This time they were lucky, they only encountered two peak kings with average strength, and they were beheaded by Long Hao.

But next time he might not be so lucky, maybe he would run into a battle king of the semi-holy level.

Even when the powerhouses of the Xuzu Realm were furious, they might even send saints to kill them.

Although more than [-] merits are quite a lot, they can't satisfy the current Long Hao at all.

His goal is to be in the top ten of the Xuanhuang merit list, at least 300 million merits are required.

If Pu Bucheng and Qianqiu knew about this, they would have to be scared to death.


Sanctuary of Los Angeles.

Above the sky-high tower, the incarnations of saints gathered together again.

At the head is a great sage from the Xu Zujie, wearing a black robe, with a majestic and boundless aura, surrounded by fierce and unparalleled sword lights, ruthless, and just one look seems to be able to tear the world apart.

He sat cross-legged there, but it seemed that he existed in a different space hundreds of millions of miles away, making it hard to see clearly.

The other sages of the Xuzu Realm were all in awe when they faced him.

Because although this person is only a great sage, he is already the sage of swordsmanship, and he is revered as the sword sage of Kong Mie!

He is the supreme commander who invaded the Golden Light Realm and controlled the army of the Xu Ancestor Realm.

"Base No. 96 has been breached!" The voice of Sword Master Kong Mie was ethereal and illusory, but it contained a sharp edge that could reach the depths of the soul.

The saints were slightly startled.

In recent days, both sides have been dispatching strong men to accumulate strength, and large-scale battles have rarely occurred.

But it's just a loss of a stronghold. Their Void Ancestor Realm is strong and can afford to accompany them.

But not long after, a king of the Xuzu Realm came to report that the No. 95 stronghold located in the sixteenth district of the Nine Regions was also breached.

A day later, another battle report came.

The No. 94 stronghold located in the sixth district of the Nine Domains was breached.

This time it was even worse, more than [-] experts in the Xuzu Realm, including a peak king, were all killed, and none of them survived.

Finally, the saints were furious.

Three strongholds were pulled out one after another, making them realize that this matter was not simple.

"Investigate! We must find out who leaked the news and who did it!"

Although the powerhouses from the Xuanhuang Realm have been searching for the position of the strongholds of the Void Ancestral Realm, it is not so easy to find out because of the power of the Void Realm.

Occasionally a stronghold was pulled out, but it was not normal for strongholds to be breached one after another.

"Could it be that the strong in the Xuanhuang Realm have found a way to break the power of the Void Realm?"

This is what the sages of the Xu Ancestor Realm are most worried about.

The power of the imaginary world has always been their biggest reliance. Once the strong in the Xuanhuang world find a way to break it, they will completely lose their advantage.

"The No. 93 stronghold is guarded by Yuling Zhanwang. He is ready to set a trap and wait for the other party to come." A sage from Xuzujie sent a summons and said to the saints.

"Would you like to send some more powerful people there? I am the closest to the No. 93 base, and I can arrive there in an hour." Another saint incarnation said fiercely.

"I don't need it for the time being. If I send out saints and startle the opponent, the gain will outweigh the loss." The leader Kong Mie Sword Master denied this proposal.

The saints nodded.

The strength of Yuling Battle King is extremely strong, he is a semi-saint powerhouse, and he is also in the forefront among the top ten battle kings.

Even if he is a saint, the Yuling Warlord can contend against one or two, and it should be more than enough to deal with those strong people in the Xuanhuang Realm who can only attack secretly.

"Hmph, I want to see which fanatic from the Xuanhuang Realm dares to be so presumptuous!"

The eyes of Sword Master Kong Mie turned to the sky, in which flickered the terrifying scene of the shattered universe and the collapse of space.

All the saints were stunned.

They knew that this was the expression of the Sword Master Kong Mie showing his murderous intent.

Within two days, three strongholds were destroyed, and thousands of elite powerhouses fell. Even the powerful Xu Zujie could not bear such a huge loss.

And Kong Mie Juggernaut has a bad feeling.

If it is not stopped, things will become more troublesome, and even change the situation of the Golden Light Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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