Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 837 Battle Corpses

Chapter 837 Battle Corpses
"Zombies, so many zombies!" Dao Yu shouted, his face turned pale.

It was really those zombies that were too ferocious and terrifying, which caused great trauma to her young heart.

The life of other people is not easy. Each silver armored corpse has the powerful strength of the king. Although those bronze armored corpses only have the cultivation level of Nirvana, they are also indestructible.

Under the control of Qin Yin Moqu, a swarm of bees rushed up, like an indestructible torrent of steel, capable of destroying everything.

Although Huang Chonggu and others forcibly suppressed the crazy money and Liu Ji, they were also besieged by a large number of war corpses.

Soon, they were all beaten back and reunited, only passive defense was left.

"No wonder Yuling Zhanwang knew that we would come, but he didn't mobilize heavy troops. I didn't expect him to have such a means!" Pu Bucheng was shocked and angry, and regretted following him.

Obviously, Lorraine City is a trap.

All living creatures, as long as there is energy, cannot escape the detection of the spirit disk.

But these corpses are all dead things, the energy in their bodies has long since dissipated, and they were only temporarily refined into battle corpses by the Great Array of Yuling Thousand Corpses.

"It is estimated that they are also afraid that they will scare us away if the army is recruited, so they set up this large array of imperial spirits and thousands of corpses." Jian Yu gritted his teeth and said.

Those war corpses are indeed extremely tyrannical, and there are so many of them, even if they are exhausted, they can all be exhausted to death.

This is more effective than sending more Xu Zujie troops.

"Supernatural power - Heavenly Tribulation Dragon Claw Hand!"

hold head high--

Like a runaway ancient thunder dragon, Long Hao suddenly struck out his claws, unleashing the berserk power of thunder, and finally smashed a bronze armored corpse into pieces.

"It really works." A smile appeared on the corner of Long Hao's mouth.

The power of thunder is inherently powerful, so it is inherently restrained against such filthy things as war corpses.

And Long Hao's envoy is the king of thunder, the thunder of the god of heaven, unparalleled in dominance, and can suppress all raging and raging dead energy.

clap la la...

Waves of surges of mana poured out of Long Hao's body, among which were countless mysterious inscription patterns that exploded, linking the heavens and the earth, rotating around Long Hao's side, and soon formed a vast sea of ​​thunder.

"This is the City Lord's... Heaven's Punishment Domain!"

Seeing those ferocious and fearless battle corpses falling into the sea of ​​thunder, with their attack power and defense greatly reduced, Huang Chonggu and others immediately showed surprise.

"Unexpectedly, the Heaven's Punishment Domain of the city lord can restrain these war corpses?"

Under the joint attack, many bronze-armored corpses were quickly destroyed. As for the attack power of those silver-armored corpses that were comparable to masters of the king realm, their attack power was also greatly weakened, and they could no longer pose much threat to them.

After finding the weakness of Zhan Zombie, Long Hao didn't talk nonsense, he reached out and grabbed a lightsaber made of golden thunder.

On the resplendent lightsaber, the inscriptions flickered and the laws appeared, containing the most domineering power in the world.


Facing a silver-armored battle corpse rushing forward, Long Hao stabbed out with a sword.

An ordinary sword burst out with incomparable sharpness, and the silver armor on the body was as fragile as tofu and was directly pierced.

Long Hao's eyes lit up, and he held his sword to fight, and suddenly a violent thunderous sword energy raged, completely tearing the silver armored corpse to pieces.

"God's punishment!"

Staring at the lightsaber in his hand, Long Hao was moved: "As expected of the divine weapon of the ancient emperor, it contains the blessing of the Dao rule, and it is indeed the supreme power in this world!"

With the God's Punishment Sword in Long Hao's hands, its power might not be as powerful as that of a saint.

But the level of this kind of power is supreme, far surpassing all powers such as mana, holy power, and magic power, and it is the original power that directly points to the ultimate realm.

Under this sword, everything decays, and nothing can stop it.

Whoosh whoosh!
Straight lines of sword energy are like long dragons criss-crossing the wilderness, and when they are gently rolled, countless war corpses are wiped out in ashes.

In just a few breaths, a large number of war corpses who came to besiege Long Hao were beheaded, and the world was covered in a blood dance, as terrifying as the forest of ghosts.

The aloof Yuling Zhanwang was shocked again.

Looking helplessly at the battle corpses that he sacrificed and refined, Long Hao swept a large area like chopping melons and vegetables, and an inconceivable look appeared in the pupils of Yuling Zhanwang.

"What power is this?"

Especially the power released by the lightsaber made her feel chills down her spine, and her spiritual consciousness was threatened with death, as if waves of catastrophe were hanging above her head, ready to kill her at any time.

"The power of God's punishment!"

As he said that, Long Hao shook the world with his sword, and wiped out more than ten war corpses, just like the manifestation of the rules of the Dao, everything is invincible, and everything is invincible.

Everything in the world, under the lightsaber, looked extremely dim.

The King of Yuling does not understand this great and supreme power.

But one thing, she is very clear.

This power can restrain the virtual world, it can restrain her magic song of piano sound, and it can restrain war corpses...

And Long Hao, who controls this power, is completely the nemesis of their Void Ancestor Realm powerhouses.

"Must be eradicated!"

After making up his mind, the Yuling Zhanwang sat cross-legged in the sky, quickly plucked the strings, and played a series of strange magic sounds, sweeping the world.

hoo hoo hoo!
In an instant, those war corpses burst out with even more terrifying potential as if they had been injected with chicken blood. They broke free from the shackles of the Heaven's Punishment Domain and launched a more violent attack torrent.

"I want to see how long you can last!"

Yuling Zhanwang is a semi-saint powerhouse after all, so he quickly regained his composure.

In her opinion, although Long Hao's strength is strong, his cultivation is after all only at the eighth level of the King Realm.

The power of God's Divine Punishment is so tyrannical, it will inevitably consume a lot of mana and physical strength to cast it, and Long Hao, who has a relatively low cultivation base, will definitely not be able to last.

Unfortunately she was wrong.

Long Hao has already concluded the Wanwen Golden Pill, and his mana is as majestic as the sea.

The more than [-] flying dragon veins in his body can provide him with a steady stream of inexhaustible power.

Even after fighting for ten and a half months in a row, he would not feel tired at all.

However, the trap that Yuling Zhanwang worked so hard to set up the Yuling Thousand Corpse Formation is not so easy to deal with.

Every time a group of corpses were wiped out by Long Hao, another batch of corpses would break out of the ground immediately and besiege them again, seemingly endlessly.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Long Hao and others had killed more than 3000 war corpses.

However, looking around, the number of corpses around has not decreased in the slightest, and corpses continue to break out of the ground and join the battle group.


"How many bodies did they bury here?"

Gradually, Huang Chonggu and the others began to exhaust themselves and became frightened and angry.

You must know that these war corpses were at least Nirvana-level powerhouses before they were alive, and there are still a large number of corpses of King-level powerhouses among them. It is not easy to get so many at once.

(End of this chapter)

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