Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 852: The True Power of the Vientiane Dharma Plate

Chapter 852 The True Power of the Vientiane Dharma Plate

Yin-Yang Daotong can see through even the weird and unpredictable virtual world, and the mere guardian formation is naturally even more difficult.

In the past, everyone cooperated with each other like this, and a tacit understanding has been cultivated.

"Don't be so troublesome, just guarding the magic circle, fourth master, I can easily break it."

Just when Dao Yu was ready to go forward eagerly, he was pulled back by Long Si.

"This old boy, if he doesn't pretend for a while, he will die." After being hit on the face with a plate, Pu Bucheng had a deep prejudice against Long Si.

Others are also slightly different.

Although Long Si is the grand master of the formation, but the protective formation in front of him is hidden in the power of the virtual world, and cannot be seen by the naked eye, so how can we break the formation?

However, Long Si didn't pay attention to the gazes of the crowd, and walked forward in a grand manner, and the spirit-exploring plate in his hand began to emit a bright light on the battlefield, which became more and more intense.

"Myriad phenomena, obliterate all dharmas!"

After a short shout, Long Si directly shot out the Spirit Exploring Disk and landed in the sky above the barren mountain in front of him. The Tai Chi disk rumbled and spun, and a mysterious celestial glow emanated from it. Along with the law of the inscription pattern, it quickly extended, as if it wanted to include the whole world. .

In an instant, the divine chain of thousands of Dao laws shot out from the Tai Chi disc, penetrated into the void of the earth, and turned rumblingly, forming a huge heaven and earth millstone, in which the immortal power seemed to be stimulated, breaking the limit of heaven and earth.


At this moment, the world seemed to be torn apart.

People were horrified to find that after the barren mountain in front of them collapsed, it took on a completely new look, eerie and strange, full of evil spirits.

A moment later, when the power of the surrounding virtual world dissipated, a huge black fortress lay in it, like a giant beast dormant, it was the stronghold of the virtual ancestor world.

After one blow, not only the protective formation outside, but also the power of the virtual world within it was broken.

This is something that even Long Hao can only do if he scored two steps.

"Hastily..." Pu Bucheng's eyes almost popped out.

"Tang Ling Pan, oh no, it's the Vientiane Dharma Plate, and it can still be used like this?" He was also shocked when he didn't have enough money, and now he finally convinced Long Si.

"This, is the power of the magic weapon of the immortal way?"

Feeling the divine power of the immortal way that emerged at that moment just now, all the people present felt a kind of fear and awe as if they were facing a fairy god.

"Hey, if it's the imaginary space laid down by a strong man in the Great Emperor Realm, I might be helpless, Fourth Master."

Glancing at the annihilated void, Long Si's face showed a hint of arrogance again: "But this level of void space is not a problem at all."

swoosh swish...

Domineering auras rose from the fortress, and the moment they saw Long Hao and the others, the expressions of anger on their faces turned into fear and fear.

"A person from the Xuanhuang Realm again?"

"It must be Yan Donglou, the son of Zixiao. These damned guys are so lingering, they are so rampant!"

Countless experts in the Xuzu Realm have all become frightened birds.

There is no way, Long Hao and others' previous records are too astonishing, but in all the strongholds of the virtual ancestors that were breached by them, the casualty rate of the strong in the virtual ancestors is above 80.00%.

The situation of annihilation of the whole army is not unheard of.

"All the sages have a law, but if you encounter these Xuanhuang people, retreat immediately!"

With a loud shout from a peak king of the Xu Ancestor Realm, all the strong men of the Xu Ancestor Realm gave up their fortresses without hesitation, and fled in twos and threes in all directions.

"Stop them!"

"Quick, let's do it together!"

Everyone in the Xuanhuang Realm let out a loud roar, full of murderous aura, and they were about to rush up immediately.

"No need to chase."

But Long Si stopped them, and laughed in a contemptuous tone: "How can we let them escape under Si Ye's nose?"

Before he finished speaking, the formula in Long Si's hands changed, and he hit the Vientiane Dharma Disk high in the sky again.

"Myriad phenomena, seal the heavens and the earth!"

Following the Dao Dao Jue in Long Si's hand, the Vientiane Dharma Plate in the sky stopped immediately, but a brighter divine light bloomed, covering the world in a moment.

The two peak kings of the Void Ancestor Realm who took the lead in escaping unleashed the strongest blows, bombarding the piece of divine light, but it only shook the surrounding void, and the barrier of divine light was not damaged at all.


The other kings of the Xu Ancestral Realm who wanted to escape from the earth also bumped into walls everywhere, and they couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

The majestic Vientiane Dharma Plate in the sky seems to have completely stripped this world from the Golden Light Realm. Unless there is a supernatural power that breaks the limit of the world, it is absolutely impossible to rush out.

"Fuck, the Vientiane Dharma Plate actually has this kind of use, it's worthy of being a fairy weapon." Pu Bucheng was stunned once again.

He opened his mouth and couldn't speak because he didn't have enough money, but he also felt that his previous life was in vain, and he didn't know it with empty hands. For him who regards money as his life, it is simply the greatest irony and shame.

"If you don't kill now, when will you wait!" Liu Ji roared and rushed forward first.

"Haha, you scumbags of the Ancestor Realm, feel the power of my master Fang Tian's painting of a halberd!" Fang Tianhua did not fall behind, his speed soared to the extreme, and his aura was extremely fierce, like a wild beast running wild.

The remaining Xuanhuang Realm powerhouses reacted quickly and joined the battlefield one after another.

As for Long Hao, he directly faced the three peak kings.

Qi explodes, and the universe shakes.

There are continuous fierce sword qi and sword light, tearing the void, and the mighty dragon power sweeps across all corners...

The battle happened extremely suddenly and ended even more quickly.

Although there are many people in the Ancestor Realm, they have no fighting spirit, especially when one of the peak kings was beheaded by Long Hao, the rest were all terrified.

The battle then turned into a one-sided massacre.

"Haha, I knew that if the fourth master took action, none of these guys could escape." Dao Yu stood on the shoulder of the violent war bear, pinching his waist, extremely excited.

In less than a quarter of an hour, she teamed up with the Violent War Bear and beheaded seven or eight kings of the Xu Ancestor Realm, and the Nirvana Realm's venerables were countless, and the results were quite fruitful.

Although Long Si had never killed directly, he was still extremely excited at this moment, and rushed directly to the fortress of the Xuzu Realm.

Because the Vientiane Dharma Plate broke the power of the imaginary world, everyone did not attack the stronghold of the fortress, and it was well preserved.

A while later, Long Si found the special inscription pattern imprinted here under the stronghold of the fortress, densely packed like the characters of the gods, arranged in a mysterious way, and formed a special formation.

"Have you found anything?"

After taking care of the three peak kings of the Xu Ancestor Realm, Long Hao also stepped into the fort stronghold, looked at the excited Long Si, and asked curiously.

"Ha ha……"

Long Si seemed to have not heard it at all, and was still staring at the formation, his pupils were full of fanaticism and eagerness, and he kept roaring excitedly: "Miao Miaomiao, the person who created this formation is really a ghost!" !"

(End of this chapter)

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