Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 859 Peerless elegance, proud of the world!

Chapter 859 Peerless elegance, proud of the world!
"Just now, Long Ritian, who was so angry and fearless, turned into a little mouse all of a sudden?"

"Is the reputation of the fluttering saintess so terrifying?"

Seeing Long Hao's aura softening all of a sudden, everyone was a little confused.

Xiao Liu frowned and murmured suspiciously: "But what does Lace Girl mean?"

Fang Tianhua said with blindfolded eyes: "Is it just like those fairy fairies in the legends, who have shocking talents and magical powers to change fate?"

"I think so. Otherwise, how could Long Hao, who is not even afraid of the Great Sage, turn into a little mouse the moment he sees her?" Jian Yu pursed his lips and smiled.

Although they couldn't understand the name, they all thought it was very powerful.

"Ben Miao knows, Ben Miao knows..." At this moment, Long Xiaomiao rushed out, striding forward with a proud expression on his face.

"To shut up!"

Long Hao and Huang Bingyan almost spoke in unison.

This smashing sound was like a dragon and a phoenix screaming together, and the thunder exploded, shaking the sky and the earth.


Seeing the solemn Long Hao and the murderous Huang Bingyan in the sky, Long Xiaomiao shrinks her neck, rolls into the void and disappears.

This guy gets tired of being with Long Hao every day, he doesn't learn the good ones, but he is proficient in all the messy things on the earth.

Long Hao was afraid that this bastard would slip his mouth and cause Huang Bingyan to kill him immediately, so he stopped talking.

"These two must have known each other for a long time..."

"And it seems that the relationship is not ordinary."

"Of course, you didn't see the fluttering maiden's expression of wanting to eat Long Hao as soon as she met?"

Everyone looked at Long Hao and Huang Bingyan eagerly, feeling an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

At the same time, the Great Sage Yulong and Yan Donglou looked at each other, as if they were quite surprised by the arrival of the Holy Lady.

"Didn't the Holy Son confirm before that the Holy Maiden of the Light will not come to rescue Long Hao?" The Great Sage Jade Dragon frowned.

Yan Donglou turned his eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "Huang Bingyan couldn't be the one who rescued Long Hao, she must have sensed the distress light talismans released by those fluttering disciples, so she came here."

"It's okay."

While Yan Donglou was speaking, there was an air of indifference and self-confidence that naturally flowed from his body.

"Bingyan...we meet again."

After a while, he stepped forward, showing a domineering and domineering posture, standing opposite Huang Bingyan, with exquisite eyes and extraordinary momentum.

"This perverted guy dares to stare at the saint like that." Xiao Liu was quite upset to see his goddess offended.

Ji Hanshuang said in a low voice: "I heard that Yan Donglou has always been in love with Her Majesty the Holy Maiden, and that the Holy Land of Zixiao once oppressed us to get married! Although the Holy Master did not agree in the end, it is obvious that Yan Donglou has a wicked heart. Not dead."

"Hmph, Her Majesty the Holy Maiden is the leader of our young generation in Shaking Light Holy Land, how can she be a victim of making peace with jackals?" Xiao Liu said indignantly.

However, Huang Bingyan didn't even look at Yan Donglou, and even a trace of disgust passed between her brows.

"Hehe, it looks like our Holy Lady doesn't like him at all." Fang Tianhua sneered, then glanced at Long Hao and joked, "It seems that we are more interested in the little mouse in Shaking Light Holy Land." .”

Ling Shu pinched her fingers, feeling a little worried, she always felt that Huang Bingyan looked at Long Hao with unusual eyes.

Yan Donglou, who felt good about himself, didn't seem to notice this at all.

He just said in a proud tone: "I have heard long ago that this son of Long Hao is domineering in the Yaoguang Holy Land, and even offended you. But this little mouse is very insidious and cunning, and this time it was easy to catch him. The son can just vent your breath for you."

As he spoke, he glanced at Ling Shu and the others, and said calmly: "Of course, for Bingyan's sake, I will not hurt these Yaoguang disciples in the slightest."

Although Yan Donglou's tone was calm, the overbearing and threatening meaning in the words was beyond words.

Hearing this, Ling Shu and the others felt their hearts skip a beat, thinking it was over.

No one expected that there seemed to be deep grievances between Long Hao and His Royal Highness the Saintess.

But regarding this, Long Hao remained calm, he had already guessed this result.

But he still didn't have the slightest fear, one was fighting, and the other was fighting.

If he really went crazy, the other party should not think about it.

The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken.

What you sow, you swallow the fruit.

He doesn't regret it either!

Huang Bingyan let out a cold snort, and an extremely cold breath erupted. This world seemed to have fallen into the ten thousand year glacier, and everyone felt their souls trembling.

Although she is a semi-saint, the extremely cold aura on Huang Bingyan's body does not feel weaker than a saint in the slightest.

It seemed that as long as the holy power in her body erupted, everyone could be frozen to death.

When everyone was trembling secretly, Huang Bingyan swept Long Hao's body with cold and indifferent eyes, and then said to Yan Donglou: "His life belongs to this saint!"

This short sentence has already shown Huang Bingyan's attitude.

Even in the face of the holy son of one holy land and an unrivaled great saint, she is still cold, arrogant and indifferent, and extremely powerful.

Hearing this, everyone froze, as if frozen.

"Haha, this is Her Royal Highness the Saintess of our Shaking Light Holy Land, who is responsible and courageous!" Fang Tianhua laughed loudly, casting admiring gazes at Huang Bingyan.

Ling Shu and Ji Hanshuang looked at each other, both showing surprise.

Although Huang Bingyan's tone was very unkind, she made it clear that she wanted to protect Long Hao together.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Long Hao's eyes, but he recovered quickly.

He didn't believe that Huang Bingyan had such kindness.

That cold and arrogant woman probably wanted to torture herself to death with her own hands.

At this time, Yan Donglou's aura changed, he was as heavy as a mountain, oppressing the sky, and said with cold eyes: "Bingyan, I have already looked at your face, and let those Yaoguang disciples go. Don't push yourself too hard, or you will harm yourself, and this Holy Son will not be able to protect you!"

"The life and death of Yaoguang disciples can only be decided by this saint, and no one else is qualified, including you Zixiao Holy Land!"

However, Huang Bingyan was more powerful, and her tone was more domineering than Yan Donglou.

"His Royal Highness is domineering!"

"I feel like I'm going to become a fan of Her Royal Highness!"

"Okay, okay, this is the courage that our saintly highness should have, this is our strength of character!"

All the Yaoguang disciples flushed with excitement, as if they had reached the climax of their lives, they threw themselves at Huang Bingyan.


Huang Chonggu and other powerhouses from other forces showed expressions of admiration in addition to being shocked.

"The Holy Maiden of the Light! Although it's just the first time I've seen her, I feel like the Holy Son of the Supreme Dao, who treats the world as if nothing exists. I am the only one in the nine heavens and ten earths, and my pride is soaring to the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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