Chapter 861

The surging holy power shot out like millions of rays of light, illuminating the sky.

In the sky, Huang Bingyan stood tall and straight, like a proud swan, even if she faced a great sage who was in charge of the law, she would not be afraid.

She held the sword and slashed out, like a divine bird hitting the sky.

The yang energy in the world sinks, and the yin energy rises. The incomparably cold holy power seems to freeze the world.

The space that had just been torn apart by the dragon's claws was instantly smoothed out by the sword energy.

The light blue icy fairy sword flew across the sky in an instant, like a divine light splitting the two poles of heaven and earth, the sword energy surged for thirty thousand miles, and the cold light covered the nine heavens.


When the fairy sword and the dragon claw collided, there was no earth-shattering energy explosion. There was only a sharp sound, and people were shocked to find that countless strange divine patterns bloomed on the ice fairy sword. The world is all frozen.


The Frost Immortal Sword crossed across, and the world and the dragon claws in it were instantly annihilated into nothingness, as if they had been wiped out from this world.


The Great Sage Jade Dragon rolled his eyes, showing an expression of disbelief.

Out of fear of Huang Bingyan, he didn't hold back from this attack at all, and even exploded with supernatural powers.

Unexpectedly, it was broken by a light sword.

What shocked him the most was that the strange divine pattern that bloomed from the Frost Immortal Sword contained the power of the Dao of Freezing Law, which made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"Isn't Her Majesty a half saint? Why is she so strong?"

Everyone was stunned.

Even if a semi-saint powerhouse has mastered the laws of the heavens, he can only challenge the weakest saint. When he meets a great saint who also masters the laws of the heavens, he will only be crushed.

However, the shocking attack that Huang Bingyan showed just now, like a divine bird of ice phoenix, struck across the nine heavens, shattered the law, and sealed the universe with ice, it was really frightening.

"What kind of law does the saint master? She can beat the great sage!" Ji Hanshuang said in disbelief.

There are hundreds of millions of laws of heaven, and naturally there are strong and weak, and they restrain each other.

But the great sage Yulong has practiced for hundreds of years, how profound is his background?The power of the laws he possesses is far from comparable.

No matter whether Huang Bingyan has mastered the law of ice or the law of yin, it is impossible for her to possess such heaven-defying power.

"The law of innate extreme yin?"

Long Si's eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't believe it: "This little girl, can't she really have a chaotic physique that transcends the Dao?"

"What do you mean?" Long Hao asked.

Long Si came back to his senses, and said in a heavy tone: "There are three thousand ways in the world, but no matter what kind of way, they are all within the Yin-Yang and Five Elements."

Long Hao nodded his head, he knew about it, but he had never heard of the so-called innate extreme yin law and chaotic physique.

"Is it stronger than Second Senior Sister's Taiyin Body?"

The Way of the Taiyin is one of the highest avenues between heaven and earth, and it can be regarded as the ultimate.

However, Long Si curled his lips indifferently, and said: "The sun, the sun, and the five elements of time and space are all Dao, but they are all within chaos, and the legendary innate Yin body is a chaotic physique beyond the Dao." , is the source of the Dao, and the acme of all rules in the world.”

What is congenital?

Born from heaven and earth, beyond the avenue.

"Innate chaotic physique, sounds very powerful."

Long Hao nodded inexplicably.

What Long Si said was mysterious and incomprehensible, it was too mysterious.

"Speaking of which, you use the law of power and the power of heaven's punishment condensed by the God of the Heavenly Gang. It is the power of innate extreme yang, and it is the power of detachment. If you can strengthen the body of the five elements to the extreme , in the future you can also cultivate the Innate Polar Body!"

Long Si pouted towards Huang Bingyan, and said to Long Hao with deep meaning.

"Are you so sure?" Long Hao couldn't believe it.

What kind of innate avenues and chaotic physique are too mysterious.

And what Long Si likes to do the most on weekdays is to show off and brag, which is extremely unreliable.

"That little girl has already awakened the body of ice and phoenix, and possesses a trace of innate extreme yin power. Although it is not certain that she will be able to successfully transcend the Dao, at least she has a chance." Long Si said solemnly.

How difficult is it to break away from the Dao?

Throughout the ages, only the Primal Chaos Dragon and the Ancient Heavenly Emperor have been able to achieve this step.

Although the void power mastered by Xuzu is also a power that transcends the Dao, this old guy has lived for endless years, but he still has not been able to deduce it to the extreme and take that last step.

hold head high--

The tyrannical Longwei once again wreaked havoc on the world, accompanied by a high-pitched bird song, like a revived ice phoenix, intending to overthrow the world.

"Hey, that old guy's Jade Dragon physique is mixed and inferior, far less pure and vast than the Ice Phoenix's body, and only relying on the suppression of his cultivation level can he barely gain the upper hand." Long Si sneered.

The battle in the sky was extremely fierce, and the powerful power of the law of heaven continued to appear to tear the space of the sky, but it was soon annihilated and collapsed by the power of the innate extreme yin.

The collision of two extreme forces turned the battlefield into chaos, a scene of doomsday.


Such a shocking battle scene made even Long Hao's scalp tingle.

Especially that Huang Bingyan, who wields the Frost Immortal Sword, is like standing in the chaos, trying to open up the Dao, she is like a goddess above the nine heavens, she is peerless and looks down on the world.

Gradually, Long Hao believed what Long Si said.

If it wasn't for relying on that mysterious power, Huang Bingyan, who was only in the semi-holy realm, would definitely not be an opponent of the great saint, and would be instantly suppressed.

And the most important thing is, under Huang Bingyan's extreme attack, that mysterious innate extremely yin force did somehow arouse the majestic energy and blood in Long Hao's body, and it seemed that it was going to complement it, and it was necessary to separate it. High and low.

"Inborn extreme yin and extreme yang! These two extreme forces..."

Forcibly suppressing the violent energy and blood in his body, Long Hao glanced at Huang Bingyan in the sky and said in his heart: "It seems that we really can't coexist, we are natural enemies."

"It's almost like watching big brother fight." Dao Yu blinked his big eyes, subconsciously showing reverence.

In this world, the only one who can challenge the Great Sage with a semi-sacred cultivation is the Son of the Supreme Dao.

However, he is the number one existence in the fantasy merit list, and he is a contemporary leader in the Xuanhuang world, and he has become famous all over the world.

Compared with Huang Bingyan, whether it is her own fame or the ranking of Xuanhuang merit list, there is a huge difference.

However, in today's battle, Huang Bingyan did not seem to lose to the Holy Son of the Ultimate Dao.

Under the joint efforts of the Dao Demon twins of the Son of the Extreme Dao, there is an existence that can defy the heavens and slaughter the Great Saint.

Huang Bingyan's current fighting power is at least comparable to one of the Taoist twins.

(End of this chapter)

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