Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 865 True Dragon Power?

Chapter 865 True Dragon Power?

Seeing these three guys, one eats the holy stone as a jelly bean, one clings to the storage bag and does not let go, and the other uses a high-level holy stone to practice, he is so angry that he doesn't have enough money and trembles all over.

The high-grade spirit stones in Yan Donglou's storage bag are not rare, but they are only enough for Long Hao to evolve [-] flying dragon veins.

Long Hao wants to use this to break through the king's ten major perfections in one fell swoop, but he is still far behind.

Anyway, these holy stones are all picked up for nothing, and they are not used for nothing.

I still want to use it.

"As expected of a holy stone, a single piece can evolve a hundred flying dragon veins." After refining, he felt the majestic energy traveling through his limbs and bones, and finally lit up each dragon vein. Long Hao's face revealed A hint of joy.

The energy in the holy stone is not only majestic, but also pure. It hardly needs to be refined. He can directly absorb it when he operates the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Art, and his cultivation speed is extremely fast.

Waves of powerful energy waves dissipated, and hundreds of holy stones lingered around Long Hao, like densely packed stars, shining intensely.

"Grandma, you actually used the holy stone to raise your cultivation to the king realm, do you dare to be a little more extravagant." Qian Buqi gritted his teeth.

"It's a waste of money." Pu Bucheng also shook his head and sighed.

But gradually, they were all speechless.

Because after refining a large amount of holy stones, the aura on Long Hao's body has become unimaginably tyrannical.

His whole body was illuminated by golden rays of light, and dense inscription patterns emerged, covering his body surface like shining dragon scales. The four kinds of energies of water, fire, gold, and wood were circulating around his body, exuding unparalleled power fluctuations.

hold head high--

Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon chant, Long Hao's aura suddenly increased.

Majestic qi and blood soared into the sky, vaguely evolving into a mighty primordial chaotic dragon. The dragon power released swept across the four poles and eight wildernesses, subverting the nine heavens and ten earths, just like the supreme ruler of this world .

The general trend was so strong that Pu Bucheng and the kingly masters like Qianbu felt a sense of powerlessness as an ant looking up at a giant dragon.

"Wow, why does this guy feel like a saint?" Pu Bucheng said with wide-eyed eyes.

At this moment, it seems that even the world is revolving around Long Hao, and he is the center of this world, like a sage who guides Tianwei.

The power of heaven and earth all around boiled up, whistling and rolling like a vast ocean, the scene was horrifying.

"Isn't it just breaking through a small realm? Why does it look like a transcendent every time... This freak!"

Huang Chonggu and others who followed from behind were also particularly shocked when they saw this scene.

"it is good!"

Long Hao got up suddenly, his eyes were full of light, and his whole body was full of divine light, like a hundred thousand thunders exploding, or like a hundred thousand dragons roaring, shaking the world.

The Ten Great Consummations of the King!

However, the practice is not over.


Hundreds of holy stones rose up again, like hundreds of huge energy vortexes, releasing majestic prehistoric power, pouring into Long Hao's body frantically.

As for Long Hao, the giant dragon hovered around, stirring the void, like a huge black hole, devouring everything.

"What else does this guy want to do? Hasn't he already completed the Ten Great Kings?"

"Could it be that he wants to directly break through the semi-saint?"

Everyone was stunned.

"No, Long Hao's Five Elements Treasure Body has not yet been completed, breaking through the semi-sage at this time would be self-destructive." Jian Yu said in disbelief.

To this day, Long Hao has already completed the body of the Four Spirits, which is only one step away from the Great Perfection of the Five Elements. It would be a pity for anyone to give up at this time.

"This lunatic's behavior has never been judged by common sense, just look at it." Fang Tianhua folded his arms and watched quietly, as if he had already gotten used to it.

Majestic qi and blood surged up again, gathering above Long Hao's head like divine chains of order, as if they wanted to establish the rules of the world's operation.

As the energy in Long Hao's body became more and more majestic, mysterious brilliance flickered one after another, and those chains of order were all intertwined, as if explaining the truth of heaven and earth, and wanting to understand everything in this world.


Long Hao's eyes were solemn, and a strange light flickered in his pupils, and he became resolute: "Give it to me!"

When the 12 flying dragon veins were all lit up, 12 divine chains of order evolved, interweaving the heavens and the earth, outlining the avenue, and finally condensing into a huge dragon shadow.

That dragon shadow was extremely dazzling, as if it was the first ray of brilliance from the beginning of heaven and earth.

Although under the phantom of the ancestral dragon, it still looks very small, but it exudes unparalleled power fluctuations, sweeping the universe.

A terrifying tide of energy suddenly erupted from Long Hao's body, as if a sun had exploded around him.

The tyrannical shock wave raged across the world, sweeping away Huang Chonggu and others.

"My darling, is a real dragon awakened?" Pu Bucheng was startled.

"Hastily, this guy is really crazy." Even Long Si was so frightened that he hurriedly got into the ground, until his head was exposed, and he looked in Long Hao's direction in horror.

"Meow~" Long Xiaomiao wailed, and also disappeared into the void.

After a short while, when the tyrannical shock wave turned into hurricanes and raged away, the world gradually recovered from the chaos.

In the center of that chaos, the dragon shadow in the sky disappeared, leaving only a blood man.

All the clothes and robes on his body exploded, his skin and flesh were all cracked, golden lines flashed, and a large amount of energy dissipated, as if his body would explode at any moment.

"A'ou, I failed meow." Long Xiaomiao popped up with a regretful expression.

"Hmph, it's not that easy to obtain the power of a real dragon all at once. At the very least, you have to sanctify your body first, otherwise you won't be able to hold it at all, and you will explode and die." Long Si curled his lips.

How overbearing is the power of a true dragon?

Absolutely no ordinary physical body can support it.

Long Hao didn't directly explode and die because of the solid defense of the Four Spirits Treasure Body, if it were someone else, he would definitely not be able to survive.

Ling Shu hurried forward, and after feeding Long Hao a few healing pills, he released soft magic power to heal his wounds and stop the bleeding.

At the same time, he also comforted: "Don't worry, the journey of cultivation has never been smooth, and it will definitely succeed next time."

Long Hao smiled lightly, he would not be hit because of this failure.

It was just a whim to try.

"It seems that if you want to condense the power of a real dragon, you have to sanctify all the dragon veins."

To sanctify the dragon's veins means to break through the semi-sacred.

But before the Five Elements Treasure Body is completely cultivated, Long Hao will definitely not do this.

(End of this chapter)

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