Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 871 Brothers of the Long family, defeat the saints against the sky!

Chapter 871 Brothers of the Long family, defeat the saints against the sky!

The wind blew, and the world collapsed.

This world seemed to be under Long Si's control, the surrounding void was shattered like a spider's web, silently, possessing the terrifying power to overthrow a saint.

Seeing Long Si drawing formations in the void, a deadly threat enveloped the hearts of the saints in the Xuzu Realm.

"The power of the laws of the world! How is this possible?"

The sage of Xuzu Realm was shocked.

This is their leader, the supreme divine power possessed by Master Xuzu, but now it actually appears on a strange little old man, which makes him unbelievable.

However, what made him even more unbelievable was yet to come.

In an instant, the sky and the earth trembled, and the clouds moved in all directions.

With the speed of lightning, Long Si carved out a series of mysterious lines in the void, connecting each other with mysterious trajectories, causing this world to tremble again and again.

"This, this... Could it be..."

Seeing the changes in the surrounding world, and the revival of formation patterns, Long Si seemed to be in an evolving world, arousing the endless flow of mysterious and yellow energy, and the power of mysterious laws intertwined in the void.

hold head high--

The terrifying sound of dragon chant rose into the sky, and a giant black and yellow dragon that was ten thousand feet long condensed out of thin air.

In an instant, the thunder was shining brightly, the dragon's roar was shocking, and an extremely terrifying aura permeated the sky, fierce and terrifying.

With Long Si as the center, the world with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles began to tremble, and the endless air of the earth rose up. The black and yellow dragon seemed to be a true ancient dragon who came to the world, and the dragon's might was extremely powerful.

"Da Yan World Rising Dragon Formation!"

"Impossible, how did he master it?"

The eyeballs of the sages in the Xuzu Realm almost popped out, and the horror in their hearts could not be increased.

"Hmph, fourth master, I am the Dragon Emperor who is the most accomplished in all time and space, and is proficient in countless ways! How can a small magic circle be called fourth master?" With a maniacal laugh, Long Si's expression was rather haughty.

Although this old guy likes to brag about himself, he does master many formations and secret techniques of the ancient heavens, and has an extraordinary talent for formations.

Although the Dragon Rising Formation of the Dayan World is extremely complicated and mysterious, with his profound background, after carefully comprehending the diagrams one by one, he will be able to integrate and master the Dragon Formation of the Dayan World thoroughly.

At the same time, the power of the world law is derived.

Long Si didn't talk nonsense, and quickly urged the black and yellow dragon to start a shocking attack. The dragon's tail swept across, like a pillar of heaven collapsing, and directly swept away the saint of the virtual ancestor world who had transformed into a golden-armored giant.


The huge black and yellow dragon claws were unparalleled in sharpness, and they grabbed the golden armored giant directly across the air, and with a sudden pull, they tore apart the golden armor with large inscription patterns.

The dragon scales around the black and yellow dragon seemed to have turned into hundreds of millions of divine swords, bombarding the golden-armored giant with an unimaginable speed.

In a short while, the golden-armored giant was riddled with holes and tattered, as if it was about to collapse at any moment.

The black-and-yellow giant dragon is so fierce that everyone below is terrified.

Every attack is like the manifestation of this world, containing the terrifying power of suppressing all living beings and obliterating all magic.

Even in people's eyes, that black and yellow giant dragon is this world!

"This is the power of the Dragon Rising Formation in the Dayan World?" Long Hao saw it in his eyes, and secretly took a breath.

He clearly felt that Long Si had only mobilized the power of the world with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, just like the birth of an ancient real dragon, sweeping away everything, even saints could not resist.

If the power of the entire Golden Light Realm of hundreds of millions of miles is mobilized to generate a giant dragon, how terrifying would it be?
It will definitely be thousands of times stronger than the one in front of you.

Not to mention saints, great sages... even the supreme emperor would be killed in an instant.

It would be unimaginable if such a terrifying attack really fell on the Xuanhuang Myriad Realms Mountain.

hold head high--

The high-pitched dragon chant sounded from time to time, shocking people's minds.


The sage of Xuzu Realm roared and wanted to escape, but was entangled by the black and yellow dragon in an instant.

The black and yellow giant dragon is extremely agile and has unparalleled divine power. It tightly entangles the saints of the Xuzu Realm circle by circle, and quickly circles up, like a huge millstone, obliterating the golden armor on the saints of the Xuzu Realm.

Under the great struggle of the sages of the Xu Ancestor Realm, Long Si spat out a mouthful of reverse blood, and his aura weakened a little.

Those formations imprinted in the void seemed to collapse in a burst of disillusionment.

"Grandma, I'm not skilled enough to comprehend the formation diagram just now."

Wiping his mouth, Long Si mobilized all his strength to manipulate the black and yellow giant dragon to restrain the sage of the virtual ancestor world, and at the same time shouted at Long Hao: "Quick, now!"

Long Hao had been prepared for a long time, seeing the golden armor around the saints in the virtual ancestor world gradually crumbling, he suddenly became a killer.

"God's divine punishment—cut!"

Huge and blazing sword energy slashed out, like the thunder of the Nine Heavens God, bursting out with terrifying and destructive power.

At the same time, Zhan Puppet Dragon II broke out with peak power and used the divine light of destruction.

Long Xiaomiao, who turned into a magic dragon, opened his mouth as if to swallow a piece of sky, and then spit out a bright divine light.

Three powerful and unparalleled attacks bombarded the past like a mighty torrent, aiming at the head of the sage of the Xu Ancestor Realm, their power was shocking.

At worst, the three attacks can be compared to the semi-holy strike.

Among them, the golden sword is the most powerful, and it is blessed with laws, which can rival the saint.

Under such a terrible attack, the sage of the Xuzu Realm who lost his golden armor and was entangled tightly by the black and yellow dragon, how can he resist?
"Do not--"

Under the infinite panic, the saint of Xuzujie only had time to let out a monstrous roar, and then completely lost his voice.

A piece of the sky exploded above, and the endless turbulence of destruction raged, triggering the power of destroying the world.

Huang Chonggu and the others who were fighting fiercely, as well as those experts in the Xuzu Realm, were all stunned subconsciously, looking at the sky in horror, their pupils were full of horror and inconceivable expressions.

Because at this moment, they sensed the mighty aura of a saint just now, and it disappeared!
"Really, are you against the sky?"

"That's a genuine saint! Even if he doesn't master the laws of heaven, he has already transcended into a saint and stepped into another level of life!"

After a while, the energy tide in the sky gradually dissipated, leaving only a headless corpse lying horizontally. The whole body still exudes a faint wave of holy power, but it has no life breath.

In the terrorist attack just now, his head was smashed, his holy soul was destroyed, and those who were already dead could not die anymore.

"We... have witnessed history!"

Ling Shu spoke slowly in a trembling voice.

Three kings plus a puppet formed a group to destroy a saint. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe it.

It's a legend!
It will soon shake the Golden Light Realm, the Xuanhuang Realm, and even the heavens and myriad realms!
(End of this chapter)

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