Chapter 874

Daoxuan and the others, these young talents of the younger generation, all of them are imposing and full of fighting spirit.

Even facing the power of the Holy Dao and Tianwei, even being in the midst of thousands of troops, he did not show the slightest comfort. His whole body was covered with the strength of the Xuanhuang Realm, and he looked down upon the world!
Even the sages of the Xuanhuang Realm looked at them with radiant eyes, and seemed to be touched by their courage, and the pressure was greatly relieved.

"With them here, my Xuanhuang Realm will always be able to stand in the Ten Thousand Realms and prosper forever!"

Great Sage Yuan Lei showed a gratified smile.

"Yeah, ever since the ancient sages opened up the Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain and conquered the Myriad Realms, I have never been afraid of anyone in the Xuanhuang Realm, even the Demon Realm of the super-big world, we have nothing to do with it. The Xu Ancestor Realm is trying to annex us, delusional! "

"These powerhouses in the Ancestral Realm hide their heads and show their tails all day long, and I am already tired of it. This decisive battle is just a decisive battle!"

Many saints from the Xuanhuang Realm were also fighting, and they all looked at the Great Sage Yuanlei.

"Let's rely on the big formation for the time being to hold on, dampen its spirit, and then go out of the city for a decisive battle!"

Great Sage Yuan Lei said in a deep voice.

At the same time, the menacing Void Ancestor Realm powerhouses couldn't bear the murderous intent in their hearts, and their momentum began to rise.

"No one of the inferior races in the Xuanhuang Realm can resist the great Xu Zu, and anyone who disobeys will be wiped out."

A great sage of the Xu Ancestor Realm gave a cold shout and waved his big hand, and suddenly a series of kings of the Xu Ancestor Realm wearing black robes burst out of the air, and they approached the Xuanhuang Holy City together with him.

"People from the Xuanhuang Realm, listen up, when your bird formation is broken, it's your time of death!"

Those kings of the Ancestor Realm are obviously masters of formations. Under the command of a great sage, they came here holding the formation flags and wanted to break the formation.

For a moment, there was a hint of worry in the eyes of many Xuanhuang Realm powerhouses.

Right now, the Xuzu Realm's army is powerful, without the protection of the city guard formation, it would be difficult for them to stop the Xuance Ancestor Realm's army from charging.

"Break the formation!"

The leading Great Sage of the Ancestor Realm shouted angrily, flew over first, and hit the formation plate into the void, reflecting the sky and the earth.

A bright light flickered, and a faint mist filled the air, misty and mysterious. A large number of kings of the Ancestor Realm rushed forward. Just as they unfurled their banners, they were instantly moved into an inexplicable time and space.

"It's a mere ban, what can I do?"

"Brothers, the Buxu Realm Ten Thousand Swords Breaking Formation, today we broke this bird formation!"

A leading king of the Ancestral Realm sneered, and all the strong men of the Ancestral Realm acted at the same time. They stepped on the ground, and they were connected with each other by divine light. They looked dazzling and filled with mysterious symbols.

They each unfurled their formation flags, and like hundreds of millions of divine swords coming across the sky, piercing through the thick fog, their eyes were full of ferocity, and they directly hit every node of the large formation protecting the city.


At this moment, the sky was filled with thunder, and a law-breaking divine thunder fell, blazing unmatched, emitting a force that shattered everything.

A strong man in the Xuzu Realm's complexion changed drastically, and he felt a death threat that made his scalp tingle, and was instantly hit by the Zixiao Divine Thunder, before he even had time to scream, he turned into a piece of flying ash.

"Not good, it's the magic-breaking thunder of Dayan Holy Land, which is specially used to restrain the flags and arrays."

The Great Sage of the Xu Ancestor Realm who led the team to break the formation just exclaimed, and then he was shocked to find that the entire defense formation was rumbled into motion, and one after another, thick magic-breaking thunder blasted out one after another, turning into billions of waves. Shenguang completely included the area hundreds of miles in front of the city into the sea of ​​thunder.


The great sage of Xuzu Realm turned pale with shock, and hastily exclaimed, but unfortunately it was already too late.

The densely packed magic-breaking divine thunder erupted, blasting out all the formation flags and disks in an instant, and then fell on the kings of the Void Ancestor Realm. No one could resist, and they were all blasted into flying ash.

A moment later, only the great sage of the Xu Ancestor Realm escaped in embarrassment, the array in his hand became tattered and almost died in it.

"Hmph, compared to my Xuanhuang Realm, you are still far behind!"

A great sage of Dayan Sacred Land sat cross-legged in the void, hooked up the formation tower, and held the Dharma plate. He only lightly circulated the power of the city-protecting formation, and wiped out countless powerhouses in the Xuzu Realm.

"it is good!"

Everyone in the Xuanhuang Realm was in high spirits, and their eyes showed extremely excited expressions. The defensive formation that had been reinforced first was indeed very strong. Hundreds of kings from the Void Ancestor Realm didn't even have the slightest resistance, and directly broke The Dharma God thundered and turned into fly ash.

Even a great sage of the Xuzu world was severely injured and almost died.

Winning the flag has strengthened the undefeated belief among the strong in the Xuanhuang Realm!

The sages of Xuzu Realm were furious. Although he felt that the protective formation of Xuanhuang Sacred City was unusual, he did not expect it to be so terrifying.

"I didn't expect the Xuanhuang Realm to be so tyrannical in the cultivation of formations. They even mastered the secrets of formations in the ancient heavens, such as the God of Breaking Thunder."

"Master Xu Zu once said that after the destruction of the ancient heaven realm, many inheritances fell into the Xuanhuang Realm. Otherwise, a mere Xuanhuang Realm would have been destroyed long ago. How could it survive for a million years without even being able to invade the Demon Realm?"

Many sages of the Xu Ancestor Realm stared at the majestic giant city in front of them, with anger, jealousy and passion in their pupils.

As long as they break through the city in front of them, it will be equivalent to opening the portal to the Xuanhuang Realm, and everything there, including the inheritance of the Ancient Heaven Realm, will belong to them.

"Hmph, no one has ever been able to stop what Master Xuzu is going to do, Xuanhuang will be destroyed!"

A grand sage of the Xu Zujie shouted proudly, waved the command flag, and issued an order: "Attack, break the formation!"

Brilliant spiritual light erupted one after another, the nine heavens rotated, and the clouds moved in all directions. It seemed that the power of this world was absorbed.

Hundreds of red dragon puppet cannons flashed terrifying energy fluctuations.

In the surrounding military formations, arrows and crossbows were as dense as rain, and each shot pierced the sky like a meteor, possessing extremely strong destructive power.

Almost at the moment when the puppet cannon started to roar, there were hundreds of millions of attacks, like the falling of a galaxy, pouring on the large formation protecting the city.

The majestic energy tide, accompanied by deafening roars, flooded the entire Xuanhuang Holy City.

In the Holy City, all the strong men in the Xuanhuang Realm could feel the oppressive and terrifying atmosphere, and their complexions changed drastically.

Such a huge attack tide is like the sky pouring down, and the bombardment of ten thousand calamities, even the great sage can't resist it, and will be killed in an instant.

That majestic and endless destructive aura, wave after wave, shook the world, as if the supreme emperor shot to break this world.

Nearly 20 powerhouses above the Nirvana Realm, led by dozens of saints, launched an attack that was too shocking.

Can you still hold on to the big defensive formation?

(End of this chapter)

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