Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 887 The city is broken, fight to the death!

Chapter 887 The city is broken, fight to the death!

A roar of broken laws resounded in the depths of Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain.

Outside Zhan Tianya, a huge space-time channel collapsed suddenly, and countless divine chains of order were intertwined together, like heavenly knives and divine swords strangling each other, waves of terrifying and destructive light emerged, and finally turned into black holes and annihilated in the boundless void .

"The space-time passage connecting the Golden Light Realm has been shattered. In this way, isn't the Golden Light Realm..."

Seeing this sudden scene, the people on Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain were stunned, but a sense of sadness welled up in their hearts.

But only a few people know that the destruction of the space-time channel not only means that the strong people in the Xuanhuang Realm will face a devastating blow, even the Xuanhuang Myriad Realm Mountain may also be destroyed because of this.

In the void and turbulence outside the mountain, a burst of law brilliance flashed, and the might of the emperor emerged, suppressing the sword light.

A white-clothed and white-haired figure flew upside down, his aura fluttering slightly, but his melancholy and handsome face showed a rare hint of worry.

Even in the face of the fierce attack of a supreme emperor, the Sword Master of Tianjue is not afraid, but looking at Zhan Tianya's direction at this moment, he is moved.

Having lost his wife in his early years, he no longer wants to see his relatives die.

Now, the two disciples are fighting to the death in the Golden Light Realm, and it seems that there is a lot of danger, but he is close at hand, but he cannot rescue them.

For him, this is the greatest tragedy.

Not only him, but all the saints who fought to the death in Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain, and even the Great Emperor, all felt a sense of sorrow for the death of a rabbit and a fox.

But the only thing they can do now is to fight desperately, block the enemy in front of them, and protect the Xuanhuang Realm with their own blood and will!

Golden Light Realm, the first domain.

A huge black and yellow dragon pressed across the sky, unleashing an unparalleled coercion. Thousands of gods descended from the sky, like a hundred thousand gods falling down, destroying everything.

The already dilapidated moat formation could no longer provide effective protection, and it turned into a cloud of smoke under the mournful eyes of countless people.

"Xuanhuang is immortal, Xuanhuang is immortal!"

The haggard Saint Fulei let out a final cry, his body disintegrated naturally in the void, and his body and spirit disappeared.

"Mysterious yellow is immortal!"

Those who fell with him were also the formation masters in each formation tower.

In order to resist the violent attack of the Xu Zujie, they did not hesitate to use themselves as the foundation of the formation, and their lives had already been connected with the formation to protect the city.

At this moment, the city is broken and people are destroyed!

"Fellow Daoist, let's go!"

Seeing Fulei Great Sage and the others annihilated in front of their eyes, the powerhouses in the Xuanhuang Realm mourned to the extreme.

But they no longer cared about tears and sadness, because not far away, there were countless murderous Xuzu Realm troops watching.

The black-yellow giant dragon pressing across the sky is more like a divine sword hanging above its head, it may fall down again at any time, killing all living beings in the city.

In the continuous army formation outside the city.

All the saints in the Xuzu Realm let out a sigh of relief, and then looked at the ruins of the Xuanhuang Holy City, showing a grim smile.

"Although it was damaged due to the impact of the great sage's self-destruction, the black and yellow dragon is the cohesion of the power of the world after all, and it is more than enough to destroy a large formation."

"It's a pity that those low-level Xuanhuang people were not wiped out at the same time. It will inevitably take a lot of trouble."

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, let them live a little longer."

The sages of Xuzu Realm looked proud and sneered again and again.

"Holy war has broken out, attack immediately and completely wipe out the Xuanhuang people."

"Continue to accumulate the power of the Dragon Rising Formation in the Great Evolution World, and attack Xuanhuang Wanjie Mountain immediately after the space-time traction formation is completely destroyed!"

The sword master Kong Mie with a cold expression gave the final order for the general attack.

In his opinion, the remaining strongmen in the Xuanhuang Realm are already a chopping board, and there is no need to waste the power of the Xuanhuang Dragon. It only needs the army to charge forward, and they can be completely killed.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Accompanied by the earth-shattering shouts of killing, more than a hundred thousand Xu Ancestral Realm's army, arranged in a neat square formation, moved across the void, like a huge wave, and wanted to completely overturn the decayed ship of the Xuanhuang Holy City.

"Xuan Huang is immortal, fight!"

The Great Sage Yuanlei, who had finished adjusting his breath, stood up suddenly, and the power of the five elements around him appeared again, standing like a war god, bursting out with an amazing fighting spirit.

The countless surviving black and yellow realm powerhouses in the city also immediately woke up from their grief, staring at the mortal enemy in front of them with their blood-red eyes, and let out hysterical roars.

swoosh swish...

There is no need for any formation, nor any tactical command.

The strong men from the two worlds who had already gone mad all roared and rushed out, launching a large-scale life-and-death fight in front of the dilapidated holy city.

There were bursts of bursts of explosive energy, like a series of thunderclaps.

The domineering holy power continued to wreak havoc in the void, falling like a heavenly sword, harvesting a large number of creatures.

People kept screaming, and people kept falling.

Blood stained the entire holy city red.

A mysterious aura suddenly raged, turning into a monstrous sword light that stirred the sky, unparalleled in sharpness, and contained a sword intent to destroy everything, as if it wanted to shatter the sky, earth, and sky, and make all spirits extinct.

The five-element barrier around Great Sage Yuanlei shattered in an instant, and he flew upside down like a kite with a broken thread, and the holy blood spilled into the sky.

"Battle, fight!"

However, after a while, he flew back again, supporting his blood-drenched body, and the black-clothed swordsman who held the scythe of death was once again foolishly together, fearless of death.

A savage look flashed in the pupils of the Sword Master Kong Mie.

As a majestic sword master, dealing with ordinary saintly powerhouses has always been a matter of life and death.

However, the great sage Yuanlei, who is determined to die, is extremely crazy, just like a prehistoric beast that fears no death. No matter how deadly the attack is, that proud body and high fighting spirit will never die .

"Since you want to die, then you can do what you want!"

A look of admiration flashed across the sharp eyes of Sword Master Kong Mie, and then it was replaced by murderous intent.


The holy sword in his hand burst into a strong light, and it fell across the sky, containing an aura of destroying the world, directly tearing a large area of ​​space, and the sky and the earth were white, as if only the peerless sword light was left!
With one sword, the world is destroyed, and even here!
"Great Saint!"

The expressions of countless strong men from the Xuanhuang Realm changed greatly when they felt the destructive sword energy wafting down from the sky.

This sword was too terrifying, as if it was struck by a peerless sword fairy. The peerless crushing and murderous intent made everyone feel powerless.

Can the great sage Yuanlei, who is almost exhausted, be able to block this knife?
(End of this chapter)

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