Chapter 92
The place where Dandian is located is the source of a piece of earth fire veins, and there is also a fire gathering array arranged.

Introducing the fire of the earth veins to alchemy will not only get twice the result with half the effort, but also increase the success rate a lot.

Passing through the foyer, there are rows of alchemy rooms built of purple-red rocks behind, densely packed, and I don't know how many there are.

Those purple-red rocks are the unique fire lin rocks of the meteorite, which can prevent the loss of temperature and fire spiritual power, and are quite rare.

Arriving at a pill room with yellow letter No. 18, Long Hao opened the door and went in, a wave of heat rushed towards his face.

These alchemy rooms are divided into four grades of heaven, earth, black and yellow. Even the lowest yellow-character alchemy room has hundreds of square meters. In the center of the alchemy room is a half-person-high alchemy furnace, which is located on the fire-gathering circle.

There is a side room on the side of the Dan room, which is a place for people to rest, and even the toiletries are complete.

It can be said to be quite humane.

Just such a yellow-character alchemy room costs 100 yuan a day for low-grade spirit stones. Of course, the alchemy disciples are free to use it.

As for alchemists, alchemists can do alchemy in as few as three to five days, and as many as years and months, which is a waste of money.

However, with the blessing of Senior Sister Lingshu, the deacon disciple of Dandian generously waived Long Hao's fee.

Obviously, this senior sister Lingshu has a high status in the alchemy hall, not only can she invite the elders, but other alchemy disciples are also respectful to her.

"Junior Brother Long, the fire of the earth veins is extremely violent, it is very dangerous to accidentally blow up the furnace..."

Before sending Long Hao to the alchemy room, Senior Sister Lingshu reminded him very carefully.

"Haha, what a joke, senior sister, just take a look."

Ling Shu really didn't understand why this junior who had just been promoted was always so confident, but in the end he smiled and nodded.

Close the door, the prohibition is activated, and the entire secret room is completely sealed.

Long Hao took a deep breath, and then urged the jade talisman key to activate the fire gathering circle.

Boom boom boom...

Blazing flames spewed out from the ground like dragons and snakes, the whole body was purple-red, and the burning air crackled.

The fire of the earth's veins is indeed violent, and it is difficult for the body-protecting true energy of an ordinary super-mortal powerhouse to resist.

However, the more violent the flame is, the more it is perfectly controlled, the higher the efficiency of alchemy will be.

As the flames rose ragingly, the alchemy furnace also shone with bursts of spiritual light, spreading the temperature evenly.

"This alchemy furnace is actually a spiritual weapon."

Long Hao was quite surprised, there are so many alchemy rooms here, and there is also a Tianzi alchemy room that can only be used by elders, and the alchemy furnace in it may be a treasure or even a Taoist tool.

It is said that the alchemy hall is rich and powerful, and one can peek a little from the small alchemy furnace.

A worker must first sharpen his tools if he wants to do well.

Now that the sharp weapon is available, the next step is to look at Long Hao's true abilities.

With a thought, spiritual light continuously bloomed on the Prisoner Dragon Ring, herbs, even dragon bones, dragon marrow, dragon blood... all floated out of thin air and lined up beside Long Hao.

Of course, to refine the Dragon Heart Concentration Pill, the most important thing is a dragon heart, held by Long Hao in his hand, until now it still beats occasionally, with extremely strong vitality.

These materials were naturally pulled from the dragon demon lord.

When he was in Town of Demon City, Long Hao specially collected auxiliary herbs.

After sorting these materials according to the precise ratio, everything is ready.

If you want to refine a batch of pills, you need to go through material selection, preparation, fire control, smelting... until the furnace is turned into pills, there are more than ten extremely complicated procedures.

And every step is critical, and there is no room for sloppy.

To put it bluntly, every time an alchemist starts alchemy, he feels as anxious as if he had gone through the college entrance examination or even a catastrophe.

However, Long Hao was extremely calm, and even showed a different alchemy technique.

He threw all the materials into the alchemy furnace at once, without distinguishing between the main and auxiliary materials, and condensed them at the same time.

Doing this, if those veteran alchemists saw it, their jaws would drop in shock.

Putting so many materials together, it is impossible to control them precisely, and in the end it must be smelted into a paste, or even fried.

The reason why Long Hao is so unrestrained is naturally because his true energy reserves are far beyond ordinary people.

And because of the Chaos Ancestral Dragon Jue, every ray of energy in itself can be precisely and perfectly controlled.

Of course, in alchemy, one relies most on Fen Tian's Good Fortune Kung Fu.

"The flames of burning the sky, nothing can't be refined, it can be turned a thousand times, and the good fortune reaches the sky..."

As one after another of the dharma seals were issued, a green flame bloomed immediately, and soon dyed the fire of the earth's veins into light blue, and the fire suddenly became fierce.

Qianjue Poisonous Flame is one of the strange fires of heaven and earth, and after being sacrificed by the Fentian Good Fortune Art, it is even more like a driving arm.

Blessed on the fire of the earth's veins, it showed an incomparably astonishing power.


The materials in the alchemy furnace were calcined by this raging flame, and the impurities were immediately decomposed, and the powerful medicinal power was released quickly, and began to fuse under Long Hao's precise control.

For ordinary alchemists, if they want to condense a material, they need at least a few hours.

But in Long Hao's hands, it can be done in minutes.

Moreover, his techniques were extremely skillful, and he manipulated the majestic medicinal power in a short while, fusing them into brilliant pills.

At this time, Long Hao just needs to hold the fire and wait for the pill to condense.

Everything went so smoothly.

After accumulating for several hours, the condensing pill was opened.


Light blue beads of light soared out, dazzling like stars, and taking a sip of the rich Dan Qi made people feel refreshed.

Long Hao stretched out his hand to grab it, and saw that he had refined seven spirit pills, which was a [-]% success rate, much better than many veteran alchemists.

Just kidding, after devouring the remnant soul of Emperor Fentian, Long Hao is equivalent to obtaining the lifelong attainments of an alchemy emperor.

With the help of Fen Tian Hao Hua Gong, if he can't even refine the top-grade panacea, then he doesn't have to mess around, he should go home and pet the cat.

He even dared to refine treasure pills if he had enough pill materials.

"With these Dragon Heart Concentration Pills, it is more than enough to break through the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm."

Do as soon as you think of it, Long Hao's temperament has always been vigorous and resolute.

After adjusting his breath for a while, he swallowed the Dragon Heart Concentration Pill in the alchemy room and began to break through the bottleneck.

The cultivation of the Transcendent Realm needs to go through the sea of ​​Qi, refine the true Qi, and manifest the spiritual consciousness. In the end, one can unite with the Qi, understand one's thoughts, and enter the realm of supernatural powers.

Breaking through the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm is a process of penetrating the Heavenly Palace and opening up the consciousness.

Tiangong is the Niwan Palace in people's mind, commonly known as Shangdantian.

Under the huge medicinal power of Longxin Ningshen Pill, the true qi in Long Hao's body, like a potential dragon ascending into the abyss, broke through the gate of heaven, and everything came naturally.

At the moment of breaking through, behind Long Hao appeared a golden vision of a giant dragon.

Gather Qi to form a phenomenon!

This is the powerful method unique to the powerhouses above the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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