Chapter 942
For Long Hao and Master Shenxiu, it was a surprise that they could meet here.

But the two looked at each other and smiled, and what they did to each other was quite expected.

Master Shenxiu is still using his compassion and Buddhism to save all sentient beings, although the result does not look very good.

And Long Hao is still going his own way, fearless.

"Where is the boy, he hasn't reported his name yet!"

The blood-clothed man who was ignored was full of anger.

Being interrupted for no reason made him a little embarrassed in front of his two companions.

"Hehe, tell me my name, I'm afraid it will frighten you!" Sensing the murderous intent coming from behind, Long Hao turned around slowly, glanced at the man in blood and others, with a teasing smile on his lips.

"Dragon Benefactor, the three of them are members of the Heaven Devourer Pirates, with great supernatural powers and strong backgrounds, you don't need to take risks for me." Master Shenxiu said compassionately.

"The Sky Devourer?"

Long Hao frowned, and couldn't help curling his lips: "I haven't heard of it!"

"Zhuzi is arrogant!" The blood-clothed man was furious.

"Boy, to tell you the truth, we Heaven Eater Demon Thief are the masters of this land, even if it is a holy land, we have to give our boss some face, if you are sensible, quickly kneel down and beg for mercy, cut off your arm and leave, otherwise you will regret it Come to this world!"

An old man in black at the back stared at Long Hao with snake-like eyes, and said viciously.

Although the other middle-aged man in purple didn't speak, he looked arrogant and arrogant to the extreme.

"Kneel down and beg for mercy, cut off your own arm? How embarrassing!"

Long Hao smiled coldly and said, "It's better to kill you all to save trouble!"

The so-called Heaven Devourer Bandit was originally a strong man of the Demon Sect in the extreme north. After he was expelled from the Demon Sect because he practiced extreme sorcery and killed his comrades, he began to run amok, burning, killing and looting everywhere.

Not much else to say, a guy who can't even tolerate the devil's religion, which has all kinds of teaching but no discrimination, can only be described as a scum.

But these so-called Heaven Devourers are extremely powerful because of their practice of extreme sorcery.

Especially their leader, although he is only a great sage, he is a real holy man of the Dao of the sword. His combat power is comparable to that of a holy king, and he has great magical powers and many protections. He once escaped under the hands of the supreme emperor.

Therefore, many Holy Land sects, seeing that these people are difficult to deal with, stay away from them, so as to encourage their arrogance.

Now they are rampant in the Western Regions and continue to do their old business.

Originally, based on their strength and reputation, as long as they didn't fight to the death with the Four Great Sacred Lands of the Western Regions, they could do whatever they wanted with ease.

Unfortunately, they met Long Hao.

A person who is crazier and more ruthless than them!
Long Hao had never heard of the so-called Heaven Devourer, and he didn't care.

He only knew that if he wanted to completely get rid of his inner demons, he had to rely on Master Shenxiu's Tianxie Buddha Emperor lineage for help.

Whoever dares to be unfavorable to Master Shenxiu is to be his enemy.

It doesn't matter what kind of sword master you are, what kind of shit devours the sky demon thief.

Dare to make him an enemy, and kill them all!

Long Hao's understated expression and contemptuous words completely angered the three members of the Sky Devourer.

"It's the first time I've seen someone who dares to challenge me, the Heaven Devourer! Alright, wait until I've peeled off your skin, stretched your tendons, and tempered your soul, let's see if you still dare to be arrogant!"

The blood-clothed man snorted coldly, his black hair fluttered, revealing a pair of cold and scarlet eyes, and a cold murderous intent erupted.

The long knife in the blood-clothed man's hand suddenly slashed out. It was unparalleled in sharpness. It was like a rainbow flying across the sky. It was as red as blood. The knife was sharp and vicious. everything.

"court death!"

Long Hao's eyes turned cold, revealing a cold murderous intent.

The next moment, the inscription pattern between his palms and fingers flashed, and the violent thunder of Tiangang surged out, and he struck out directly with his palm, like a dragon reaching for its claws.


With a single palm strike, it seemed to contain the power of the ancient thunder dragon, and instantly shattered the long knife in the blood-clothed man's hand, and then bombarded him with undiminished power.

The blood-clothed man only had time to let out a scream before his body exploded and he died.

"What kind of rubbish is this? It's so rampant. I thought it was so strong that I didn't even pay attention to me." Long Xiaomiao folded her arms and curled her lips with a look of disdain.

Long Hao blinked his eyes, but he didn't expect the blood-clothed man to be so vulnerable, his strength was far behind that of the Void Ancestor Realm Battle King.

Of course, the main reason is that Long Hao's strength is too strong, and he doesn't pay attention to Bansheng at all.


The old man in black and the middle-aged man in purple were shocked.

To be able to become a member of the Heaven Devourer, the strength must at least be far superior to that of the same rank, and it is not impossible to master many powerful supernatural powers, even if you fight across the ranks.

Although the blood-clothed man didn't have a high status among the Heaven Devourers, he was still a semi-holy man, and he was killed with a single palm!
In particular, the Heavenly Gang Divine Thunder that Long Hao displayed was as strong as the yang, full of mighty power to destroy all life, making these magicians who practiced insidious sorcery feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Boy, if you dare to kill my members of the Heaven Devourer Demon Thief, even if you are the true descendant of the Holy Land, you will definitely die!"

The middle-aged man in purple quickly regained his composure, and then burst into a monstrous rage.

The light in his eyes was blazing, and his peak and semi-holy cultivation base erupted, as if the sky was falling apart, and the vast and incomparable fluctuations of holy power surged like a tide, and an ancient and mysterious purple stone gate rose above his head.

"Supernatural powers - prison-suppressing magic gate!"

Shimen seems to be the supreme fetish that suppresses the foundation of the world, exuding a frightening aura, thick and powerful, coming towards Long Hao to suppress it.

"This is the supreme supernatural power of the abyssal demons, the prison-suppressing demon gate?!"

Someone in Panshan Continent exclaimed, and there was a hint of shock in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the middle-aged man in purple clothes made a move, he directly displayed the shocking demonic power. Legend has it that the prison-suppressing demon gate is the gateway to the ancient holy demon world, which contains the original power of the demon world, and its evil spirit is overwhelming.

As soon as the prison-suppressing magic gate came out, the gods retreated and suppressed all enemies.


The prison-suppressing magic gate oppresses the world. It is ancient and mysterious, with fiery magic power permeating the air. Runes and ancient characters are intertwined, as if a sea of ​​magic power descends. That terrifying power makes many kings and even semi-saints stare in the eyes. He showed an incomparably dignified expression.

"That kid looks half-holy, but can he take this blow?" The people in Panshan Continent showed a look of confusion.

They have already learned that the middle-aged man in purple is the most powerful existence among the three, mastering the power of the law, can resist the power of a saint.

The three most powerful half-sages in Panshan Continent were directly killed by him with this move, leaving no bones left.

(End of this chapter)

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