Chaos Ancestor Dragon Art

Chapter 98 The Great Competition Begins

Chapter 98 The Great Competition Begins

During the recent period, Long Hao's strength has skyrocketed one after another, and Long Xiaomiao, who is talented in Hengtong, is naturally not idle.

It was eating and sleeping all the time, his body was a lot fatter than before, and his strength improved even more than Long Hao.

Coupled with these two innate supernatural powers, it's no wonder that even the elders of the Dan Palace have nothing to do with it.

Unable to withstand Long Hao's 'torture' and all kinds of accusations, Long Xiaomiao finally had no choice but to give up half of the benefits to Long Hao.

"That's good. We father and son are with each other. How can we take advantage of the benefits?"

Long Hao, who had achieved his goal, immediately changed into a smiling face, and kissed Long Xiaomiao fiercely on the head.

Not only that, he even actively advised Long Xiaomiao: "When we go in the future, we have to pick when they are slack, and we can't take too much at a time..."

"The route I took last time was very secret, next time you can follow it and try..."

Long Hao was extremely excited, as if he had discovered a way to make a fortune.

Anyway, Dandian was very rich, and what Long Xiaomiao took was not even a drop in the bucket. Rather than being secretly greedy for money by those Dandian disciples, it would be better to take advantage of himself.

Looking at Long Hao who was so quick to turn the page when his face changed, Long Xiaomiao wiped the drool on his head with his paw, with a disgusted expression on his face.


A few days after the farce in the Arena Hall, news soon spread that this year's potential star list will be jointly organized by Zhenwu Hall and Inspection Hall.

The time is set on the first day of the twelfth lunar month.

There was not much time left, so Long Hao hurried to sign up.

The registration went quite smoothly this time, the lunatics in the Zhenwu Hall didn't bother to make small moves behind their backs, and the inspector hall supervised it, everything was done according to the rules.

When pushing the elites of the inner sect horizontally, Long Hao's expression changed a lot, and with the hidden spirit beads covering his aura, the superhumans couldn't recognize his true face at all.

Although the disguise is only a stopgap measure, it will be found out sooner or later.

But as long as Long Hao doesn't admit it personally, even if Gou Shengtian and others suspect him, if there is no conclusive evidence, no one will answer him even if they report to the Law Enforcement Hall.

What's more, the current Gou Shengtian may not even dare to enter the door of the Hall of Law Enforcement, and will hide away when he sees the disciples of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

Last time, it was the disciples of the Hall of Law Enforcement who beat him the hardest. Even if the Master of the Hall of Competition hadn't stepped forward, he would have been thrown into the Dark Thunder Prison long ago.


Unlike the proud Long Hao, Gou Shengtian at this moment vomits blood almost every day, can't sleep at night, and his whole face is as ugly as a zombie.

"Long Hao, Long Hao, Long Hao!"

In a courtyard in the Hall of Competitiveness, Gou Shengtian, who was wrapped in gauze like a zongzi, couldn't calm down and smashed everything in the room, chanting this name all the time, his eyes tearing open.

Long Hao guessed right, Gou Shengtian was the first to suspect him.

After all, from the moment Long Hao walked out of the Arena, no one came in again.

It's just that he didn't want to believe that Long Hao had such great energy, pushing countless elites across the board and turning the entire inner sect upside down.

The most hateful thing is that Long Hao is still using his name to make enemies everywhere, one by one under the orders of Senior Brother Gou.

Let him become the public enemy and laughing stock of the inner sect.

People who used to respectfully call out Senior Brother Gou when they saw him, now they all avoid him like a plague god, laughing behind their backs.

But it's useless to say anything now, his reputation is already rotten on the street, no matter what he explains, no one will believe it, but it will only increase the jokes.

Every time he thought of this, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

That humble ant was originally a straw bag for his concubine... Now he actually rode on his head to shit and pee.

Is there anything more hateful in the world than this?

"Good good..."

"Don't you want to participate in the competition?"

"I abolished you in public in the arena, to let you know how terrifying it is to anger me, Gou Shengtian!"

Roaring twice in his heart, Gou Shengtian went to the table and wrote vigorously, and shouted towards the door: "Come on, call me all the people above."

An inner disciple outside the door came in following the sound, glanced at Gou Shengtian fearfully, took a look at Yubo, and was immediately dumbfounded: "Senior Sister Lei Yin, Brother Guifeng...these are all masters of the last potential star list! !"

"Gou... Brother Gou, call them now, I'm afraid they won't come?" The inner disciple said tremblingly, and quickly lowered his head, for fear that Gou Shengtian's anger would be vented on him.

Now that Gou Shengtian's reputation has long been ruined, who would associate with him?

Although the inner disciple's words were very cryptic, but Gou Shengtian heard it and almost vomited blood again.

"Hmph, with these things, are you afraid they won't come?"

Gou Shengtian casually threw out a storage bag, which was filled with all kinds of treasures. Even a strong person with ten great consummations in the Transcendent Realm would be moved when he saw it.

Obviously, in order to deal with Long Hao, Gou Shengtian bleeds a lot.

Not only that, but he also wrote a letter of divorce, borrowing many powerful magic weapons from his elder brother, which are enough to suppress and kill the supernatural powers.

With these two preparations, Gou Shengtian is full of confidence that he will put Long Hao to death.


Time flies, and the first day of the twelfth lunar month arrives as scheduled.

On this day, it was clear after the snow, and the warm sun was shining down, making the entire inner courtyard shine brightly.

Located on the inner gate square between the mountains, it was full of people, all dressed in standard white robes, and there were tens of thousands of people as far as the eye could see.

However, only the thousand or so people who stood at the forefront signed up for the competition.

All of these people's auras are extremely strong, and the weakest are experts above the seventh level of the Transcendent Realm.

The rest came to watch the battle. After all, the potential star list has always been a grand event in the inner sect, and no one wants to miss this good show.

Standing in the crowd, Long Hao had a restrained aura, very inconspicuous, quietly enjoying the morning sun.

However, not everyone has the same kind of leisure as him.

A pair of gloomy eyes had been fixed on him from the very beginning.

Anger, murderous intentions, resentment... the eyes with all kinds of emotions intertwined make people feel hairy.

The owner of those eyes is naturally Gou Shengtian.

In just a few days, he who was beaten to death became alive again.

People can't help but sigh, it's good to have a big brother who is awesome.

Long Hao naturally ignored Gou Shengtian's gaze.

But what surprised him was that besides Gou Shengtian, there were actually quite a few malicious eyes in the crowd that swept past him one after another.

"Hey, don't give up yet."

Long Hao knew without thinking that Gou Shengtian was planning something.

"Since I brought my face back together again, I have no choice but to help you with plastic surgery again."

(End of this chapter)

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