Chapter 1 Preface
In 2011, when I was 24 years old, I suffered from insomnia for a long time.At that time, I often sat alone in the room, empty, without turning on the lights.Just sit like this, think about it, and then call the agent. I can’t tell what I want to express, and I don’t remember what I said. Maybe she doesn’t know what I’m talking about, so she calls inexplicably.

This is the turning point when I decided to really shift the focus of my work from records to acting.At that time there was a problem with my small environment, and of course, the overall environment of the recording industry was not good.The most experience is limitation. To describe the situation at that time in one word, it is "trapped beast" - I want to rush out strongly, but I can't find a way or direction.

After the EP of "That Song" was released, the feeling of anxiety began to accumulate, and it was wrong to do anything.There are also countless voices around me saying, "No! No! What you want to do is wrong, and what you do is wrong; what you say is wrong, and not speaking is even more wrong."

It was a kind of humidity and pressure similar to the air in midsummer, with depression and hot flashes penetrating into the skin.Emotions slowly accumulate until thunderstorms.And before the heavy rain fell, I became unsure of myself.It seems that I can't even find the naturalness of my initial rookie period.Before, I wouldn't think about what I should do.But when I started to think about "how to do it", everything seemed impossible.Although I have released records, I don’t know how to sing; I have been on shows before, but now I feel stiff on the show, and I feel uncomfortable when I laugh, and it’s wrong not to smile; I didn’t talk much to the media before, but Still willing to communicate, but now I feel like I want to sew my mouth shut.

At the beginning, the self who did things by nature was manipulated by many voices at that time: "You should do this", "You are wrong now", "You should be like this", "If you can't do these things, then you don't have to do anything anymore. I did"'s clearly a "cub", oh, maybe it was originally a "golden cow", but it has to be dressed up as a "docile rabbit", because it will be more marketable.At that time, I belonged to the kind of person who was not so independent. Like a child, I would be led by the nose by others, and I would be what I said.But the real me is unwilling to force myself, and I don't want to make unnecessary changes and cooperation.It's a pity that I have obviously been affected. I started to think about whether my inherent nature should be corrected. I became thinking too much and trapped myself.

As a man, when he doubts and denies himself, he panics.I have no confidence in myself or my future, and I feel like I can't hold on to anything.I even thought, should I just go back to Chengdu?What can I do when I go back?what do I do? ... On days like that, it's like being locked in a dark room.I know there is an exit from this room, but there is no light to guide you through it.Panic and stubbornness appear alternately.You believe that you can go to the light, but you are afraid of how lonely it will be if you are really trapped in this dark room forever.After that period of dormancy, after going through some things and getting to know some people, you will gradually understand the environment and understand where you are, and you will give yourself a vaguely exiting direction to go on.In this dark room, I finally figured out where there are chairs and where there are potholes. Even if there is no light, I feel at ease.

In fact, everyone will experience such moments in their lives, whether it is the bottleneck caused by the environment or themselves.Once I saw an interview about Jay Chou on the plane, he said: "I can't sing forever, sing "Nunchuck" until I am 60 years old." He is also constantly changing himself-be an actor, film Movies, being the boss.Everyone is constantly changing, constantly extending their tentacles and enriching their lives.As long as we don't surrender to life when we are bound by our established selves, life will never "just be it".

So sometimes I tell myself that I am still lucky, have time, and be young.And, the best is yet to come.Everything I want to do is slowly being nice.

After going through the dark period, looking back at that time, it is too artificial to say thank you, but it is true that because of such an experience, I let myself feel uncomfortable, entangled, and broken, and I became the current Li Yifeng.I make compromises every day, and in the face of these compromises, I feel weaker and weaker, less and less powerful.I persisted every day, picked up my confidence little by little, and found myself little by little. In this kind of swing, in those conscious discomforts, I slowly confirmed my true self.Do not shake hands with the world, but also find a balance point of peace and harmony.

Thunder strikes, rain falls, and the sky will naturally be sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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