god system

Chapter 113 Xiao Dongliu and Feiyan

Chapter 113 Xiao Dongliu and Feiyan
Xiao Sheng completely forgot about his mission, he walked like the wind, and flew all the way without looking back.

He was like a gust of wind, sweeping past the four peaks of the outer gate.

The disciples were not surprised by this. In the outer mountain peak, there are often disciples who test their body skills and speed. The disciples have long been familiar with it, and only a few of them will stop and watch.

The strength close to that of a martial artist is considered average among the four peaks of the outer sect.Martial artist and martial artist are two watersheds. Even if you are one step short of becoming a martial artist, you can only be considered average in the outer sect.

And as long as you break through to the realm of a martial artist, even if your realm is unstable, then you will be considered a master in the four peaks of the Outer Sect!

To become a martial artist, you have the basic qualifications to enter the inner sect, and then you can enter the inner sect through meritorious service and strength improvement.

In other words, before you become a martial artist, you will always be a disciple of the outer sect. Only when you become a martial master can you step into the inner sect!
So in the outer sect, the first task for the disciples is to become a martial artist, which is also a big step towards the inner sect.

If Xiao Sheng did not break through as a martial artist for a day, he would not have obtained the most basic qualifications to enter the inner sect, so he has nothing to be proud of.

At this moment, Xiao Sheng turned into a gust of wind, almost passing through half of the four peaks of the outer gate, and finally stopped in front of a certain courtyard on the mountainside.

When he stopped, Xiao Sheng turned his head for the first time, but there was nothing behind him, and there was no trace of Xiao Ye.

At first Xiao Sheng had a happy expression on his face, but then his expression changed drastically.

"Oh, I was so busy with the competition that I forgot about the business, why did this kid get lost?"

Xiao Sheng patted his forehead with a gloomy expression on his face. It was obvious that he was just taking care of someone, so why did he get to this point in the end?
"Third Brother, what are you yelling about? What about the person you want to bring? You won't leave him on the road and come back by yourself, right?"

In the other courtyard beside him, there were five disciples in total, only one of them was a martial artist, and the one who spoke was the leading martial artist.

The five of them stared at Xiao Sheng maliciously, as if they already knew what happened.

"Haha, hahaha... I just wanted to try this kid, who knew that if I accidentally got interested, I left him behind." Xiao Sheng smiled awkwardly.

"Third brother, you need to correct your combativeness. Don't compete with anyone you see. You will suffer a lot from this sooner or later." The leader martial artist also looked to be in his twenties, and his body was calm. The long hair is tied back, which is quite a bit of a fairy style.

He was none other than Xiao Dongliu who was summoned by Xuan Hong to Hospital 2055 that day, but did not give Xuan Hong a good face.

As for Xiao Sheng and the others, of course they are Xiao family disciples other than Xiao Dongliu. They have been in Sifeng for quite a long time, and now they are led by Xiao Dongliu.

"The third brother did something wrong, I'll go find him right now." Xiao Sheng said wrongly, turned around and prepared to leave.

"No need!" Xiao Dongliu stopped Xiao Sheng.

"Brother, that kid is being watched by many people now, if you don't get it back quickly, I'm afraid he will be in danger." Xiao Sheng was anxious.

Xiao Dongliu shook his head and smiled, turned around suddenly, and said to the corner of the courtyard: "Brother Ye, we are all disciples of the same clan, so don't play tricks on my third brother, come out."

"Brother, what did you say?"

As soon as Xiao Dongliu opened his mouth, Xiao Sheng was startled. He quickly followed Xiao Dongliu's line of sight, and saw Xiao Ye walking out slowly at the side corner of the courtyard with a smile on his face.

"You, when did you..."

When Xiao Ye appeared, Xiao Sheng and the four Xiao family disciples were terrified. Only Xiao Dongliu looked unusually calm, but there was clearly a strange color in his eyes.

"Are you all disciples of the Xiao family?" Looking at the six people in front of him, Xiao Ye didn't explain why he came first, but asked with a smile.

"This is not a place to talk, let's talk after we enter the house." Regardless of the shocked Xiao Sheng, Xiao Dongliu waved his hand and directly welcomed Xiao Ye in.

The five of Xiao Sheng looked at each other and entered the courtyard with doubts.

The courtyard where Xiao Dongliu lives is different from other courtyards. It occupies a huge area, and the house is divided into ten cabins, all of which are equipped with geothermal beds, and there is also a living room. It does not look like a temporary residence, but more like long-term residence.

"There are very few disciples of our Xiao family who can enter the Ziyun sect, and you are the only one in the past two years. This courtyard is not named after a number. Zong directly bought the courtyard in the four peaks of the outer gate, and only our disciples of the Xiao family can live in it."

Seemingly seeing Xiao Ye's doubts, Xiao Dongliu explained for him.

"Oh? Buy this entire courtyard?" Xiao Ye took a deep breath, and buying him in Ziyunzong probably cost a lot of treasures, and it can almost be said to be a big deal.

"Hehe! Sit down."

Under the leadership of Xiao Dongliu, including Xiao Ye, a total of seven Xiao family disciples sat down around a stone table.

"Xiao Ye, you are the son of the Patriarch, and logically speaking, your status is higher than us, but you also know that Zhengyuan Continent actually doesn't care about these seniority at all, what they value is strength, and it's the same in Ziyunzong, so the family It doesn’t matter how high or low the status is here.”

Xiao Dongliu seemed to be afraid that Xiao Ye might misunderstand something, so when he opened his mouth, he explained a few words tactfully to let Xiao Ye understand that it is useless to put the young master's score here.

"Hehe! Of course I know this. Do you think I look like the kind of person who shows off?" Xiao Ye smiled, stood up, and said solemnly, "Although everyone knows my name and background, I still have to be myself." Let me introduce, my name is Xiao Ye."

The reason why Xiao Ye was friendly to Xiao Dongliu and the six was precisely because he heard the conversation between Xiao Dongliu and Xuan Hong in the geothermal bed that day. From the bottom of his heart, Xiao Ye had a good impression of Xiao Dongliu and the six.

They are all disciples of the Xiao family, and they feel close when they are away from home.

"Under Xiao Dongliu, you brothers don't mind, call me big brother."

"I'm Xiao Mu, the second child." A young man who looked like a scholar stood up.

"Haha! I'm Xiao Sheng. The six of us have long been sworn brothers. I'm the third brother of these three little guys." Don't look at Xiao Sheng's laughter.

"My name is Xiao Rui, and I am the fourth eldest."

"Xiao Jingang, fifth child."

"Hehe, my name is Xiao Liu, the sixth child."

The six members of the Xiao family introduced themselves separately. They all entered the Purple Cloud Sect at different times, and finally gathered together, and all of them became brothers.

"Xiao Ye, you are a disciple of the Xiao family. I invite you here today to ask if you are interested in joining us and becoming the seventh among us. Maybe our strength is not the strongest, but we are the most united."

Xiao Dongliu didn't mean to make a detour with Xiao Ye, he brought Xiao Ye here just to ask Xiao Ye to join them!
The disciples of the Xiao family are full of arrogance in their bones. However, from the outside world, the pride of the Xiao family of the ancient clan is stubborn and dismissive. Therefore, the disciples of the Xiao family seldom get too close to outsiders. disciple.

"Haha, everyone is a disciple of the Xiao family, don't be shy, give me a sweet word." When I first met Xiao Sheng, I thought he was a reserved person, and he didn't even speak more than three sentences. Fighting, quite a heroic character.

Before Xiao Ye opened his mouth, Xiao Sheng hurriedly urged, as if you had to agree if you didn't agree.

"Everyone should know that since I, Xiao Ye, stepped into the Four Peaks, I first beheaded Wei Tianyi, and then wounded people from the Tang Sect twice in a row. Now that the Tang Sect regards me as a thorn in their side, everyone wants to stay away from me now. Some, but you want me to join you, aren't you afraid of revenge from the Tang Sect?"

When going out, there is one more friend and one more way, and they are all disciples of the Xiao family.Xiao Ye was naturally willing to join them, but now that he was in trouble, he had to clarify the matter first, so as not to cause any unpleasantness in time.

"Hmph! Zongjian Villa has been spying on my Xiao family for a long time, so Wei Tianyi killed it well! As for the Tang Sect, although it is a bit troublesome, but in the outer mountain peak, his Tang Sect will not do anything, after all, it is just a trivial matter. Fei Yan said it once, and the matter is over."

Xiao Dongliu is naturally aware of the troubles Xiao Ye is currently encountering, and it is precisely because of this that he wants to recruit Xiao Ye into the gang as soon as possible.

"Fei Yan? Who is that?" Xiao Ye asked suspiciously.

"Fei Yan is the representative of the Tang Sect in the outer sect. He is very powerful and has already been able to enter the inner sect. As long as he says a word, your matter can be settled. Earlier, Fei Yan owed me a favor because of some things, and I will come forward. , this matter should not be difficult to solve.”

Xiao Dongliu patted Xiao Ye on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't worry, this is just a trivial matter. Although the Tang Sect is powerful, the outer sect is not their main battlefield, and it is impossible for this matter to become an issue to the inner sect. Disciples don't even care."

Listening to Xiao Dongliu's words, Xiao Ye felt warm in his heart.

Among the four peaks of the outer sect, no one dared to approach Xiao Ye except that Lan Feng because of offending the Tang sect.Now Xiao Dongliu and the other five Xiao family disciples didn't care about Xiao Ye's troubles, which made Xiao Ye feel warm.

"Brother Dongliu, can you show up and see?"

Just when Xiao Ye was about to agree, a voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard, which was extremely thick and mixed with true energy.

"Feiyan?" Xiao Dongliu frowned: "Unexpectedly, he came in person. It seems that this matter is really troublesome. Xiao Ye, you go to the inner room to hide, and I will send Feiyan away."

Hearing the word "Feiyan" and looking at Xiao Dongliu's ugly face, Xiao Ye knew that trouble was coming.

At this time, Xiao Ye did not talk nonsense. According to Xiao Dongliu, he hid in the back room. Through the window gap in the back room, he could clearly see the situation in the hall. What a character.

In order to find himself, such a person actually came to Xiao's courtyard in person. How many people did he bring with him? Could it be that he was going to raze the Xiao's courtyard to the ground?

As expected, Xiao Ye opened his spiritual eyes.

Outside the house, shortly after Xiao Dongliu led the others out, he brought a white and clean boy with long braids into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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