god system

Chapter 121 5x Gravity

Chapter 121 Five Times Gravity

The power used in the skill book is sealed in the skill book, not true energy, let alone spiritual energy. His unique energy is so miraculous that it cannot be explained. It is said to be a great curse technique set by the ancient shaman ancestors.

Using the skill book does not need to consume Xiao Ye's energy, the only thing to care about is the cooling time.

"If I remember correctly, the Sky Opening Slash in the game represents a full blow from the peak of a martial artist. Among other things, just this move of the Sky Opening Slash is enough to instantly kill an ordinary martial artist."

The skill book is currently Xiao Ye's secret weapon, and it can only be used once every six hours, so it needs to be used with caution.

Naturally, the Sky Opening Slash cannot be used in the secret room, otherwise the secret room will be damaged, and there is no need to continue this retreat.

After waving Kai Tianzhan into the package, another ancient scroll and a pill appeared in Xiao Ye's palm.

Pills are double true qi pills, which are necessary for killing monsters and leveling up in games. However, in this world, the effect is obviously much smaller, but it is not useless.

"Double True Qi Pill still needs to be used in conjunction with the Small Gathering Spirit Formation, so it's still reserved for now."

After thinking about it, Xiao Ye took back the Double True Qi Pill, leaving only the Gravity Scroll in his hand.

This is the lowest level gravity scroll. After using it, the gravity within a certain range will increase by five times, lasting for half a month.This is used by warriors for cultivation.

You must know that practicing under strong gravity, the pressure is very high, the muscles will be exercised unexpectedly, and the agility, speed, strength, and explosive power will all be improved.

In this case, the consumption of true qi is also very fast. If the true qi is consumed quickly, the absorption will naturally keep up, which is of great help to the improvement of strength.

The most important thing is that if you adapt to five times the gravity, you will feel as light as a swallow when you return to the original gravity state, and you will have an absolute advantage in battle.

Of course, gravity training is very hard. Once you start, you have to tense your nerves. If you relax for a moment, the strong gravity will cause irreparable damage to your body. If you are not careful, you will even be directly disabled.

In the game, there are also some strange people who use gravity scrolls to set up an ambush. He first adapts to gravity, and then deploys gravity scrolls within a certain range, waiting for the enemy to take the bait.

When the enemy steps into the gravity area and cannot adapt, he shoots instantly and takes his head.

To be honest, Xiao Ye has no idea about gravity training. He is not sure that he will be able to adapt to this kind of high-intensity gravity training.

"Five times the gravity, the increase is a bit much."

Xiao Ye thought quietly, he has two choices now, one is to ask if there is a slaughterhouse in the main peak of the outer sect, and practice in the slaughterhouse.

The second is to release the gravity scroll, and practice body, sword and body skills in the gravity scroll.

The first is the cultivation of qi, endless killing, respect for life, no matter what the life under the knife is, it will invisibly increase the murderous aura.

Xiao Ye already had a bit of murderous aura in his body, and occasionally he could release a murderous aura in battle to deter the enemy and achieve very good results.

"Ding dong, the task is released. Gravity training will last for fifteen days. The task rewards one spirit eye pill, one seal, one pair of black iron combat boots, and two parcels."

When Xiao Ye was hesitating, the Shenzhuang system issued a task and made a decision for Xiao Ye.

Without complaint or hesitation, Xiao Ye summoned the Lieyan Knife with a wave of his hand, and at the same time, with a thought, Ling Zixin sensed Xiao Ye's meaning, stood opposite Xiao Ye, and also stood up with the sword.

"I want to use the gravity scroll now. First of all, we must adapt to standing, breathing, and walking in the gravity scroll. When these three aspects are adapted, we can adapt to using Luo Fengbu. Start practicing swords."

Xiao Ye arranged: "When everything is adapted, you and I can practice together. If we can exert [-]% of our strength in five times the gravity, then it will be considered a success."

In half a month, if there was only Xiao Ye alone, he would definitely not be able to fully adapt to five times the gravity.

He needs a competitor, and Ling Zixin is the best one, because Ling Zixin doesn't know what submission is, and she will only follow Xiao Ye's orders.

To put it bluntly, Xiao Ye wanted to treat Ling Zixin as a training partner, and even persisted as a training partner, so why couldn't he persist?

After getting everything ready, Xiao Ye pointed, and the gravity scroll floated out and spread out in the void.Although it is the lowest-level gravity scroll, it still covers a radius of three feet, which is beyond the secret room where Xiao Ye is.

Fortunately, the gravity range of the gravity scroll can be considered to be narrowed. It only needs to be manipulated with the mind to narrow the range.

Soon, Xiao Ye controlled the coverage of the gravity scroll. After pursing his lips, the gravity scroll in the void suddenly turned into a ray of light, blending into the ground below.

In an instant, Xiao Ye and Ling Zixin bent their knees, their bodies leaned forward involuntarily, Ling Zixin was expressionless, and Xiao Ye clenched his teeth a little.

He only felt that the center of gravity was being pulled towards the ground, especially his head, which was as heavy as a huge boulder, almost falling directly.

The muscles all over his body were tense, Xiao Ye held his breath for a while, and just took a few deep breaths, and then his breathing became heavy.

"Stand up straight. The muscles all over the body must not adapt to gravity now. What we have to do is to stand up straight and let the muscles adapt. During this process, the muscles will be sore and even lose consciousness, but as long as we grit our teeth and persist, we can survive."

Xiao Ye didn't know if he said this to Ling Zixin, or to remind himself.After saying this, he and Ling Zixin slowly straightened their bodies, a man and a woman, holding a knife and a sword, standing straight and looking at each other under five times the gravity.

There was no other movement, just standing up straight like this, Xiao Ye was quite relaxed at first, but then he completely clenched his teeth, and later, his face began to twitch, and his whole body had a sense of seeing that he was about to fall, but he was desperately persevering.

Ling Zixin's condition is similar, but Ling Zixin doesn't have much expression, she just persists, unless her body collapses, or she receives orders from Xiao Ye, otherwise this persistence will not stop.

The persistence of the physical body alone is obviously not enough. When the physical strength is exhausted to a certain extent, the true qi will be mobilized naturally, and it will circulate in the flesh and blood meridians over and over again, providing an endless stream of energy.

During this process, zhenqi is already strengthening the muscles and meridian bones, but this strengthening will not be so fast, it will only be subtle.

This stop lasted for three days and three nights. During these three days and three nights, Xiao Ye and Ling Zixin spent the first two days in pain and suffering.

Until the third day, the pain began to decrease rapidly, and then disappeared, and the physique of the two finally got used to five times the gravity.

On the fourth day, Xiao Ye and Ling Zixin began to walk in five times the gravity, not fast, but kept a constant speed, and kept going around in circles.

On the fifth day, Xiao Ye and Ling Zixin started to try running in circles. After getting used to it for about half a day, they boldly started Luo Fengbu's training.

This kind of speed is not unpleasant, even Xiao Ye didn't expect it, maybe it was because Ling Zixin was practicing with him.Just like what was said in the original world, men and women are matched, and work is not tiring.

But he neglected that Ling Zixin was his incarnation outside the body, and the bodies of the two had a resonance effect. They practiced the same thing together, and their speed was extremely fast.

To use Luo Fengbu under five times the gravity, this is like learning Luo Fengbu for beginners, you have to start from the basics.For Xiao Ye who has already mastered Luo Fengbu, this is very boring, but he must persist.

When Xiao Ye and Ling Zixin were cultivating in the secret room, the tomb hill in the south of Ziyunzong had undergone tremendous changes.

The tomb mountain seemed to have turned into a red volcano, with red blood rushing up to the sky, bordering the sky and the earth.

In the void in the south, the clouds were slowly being dyed blood-colored. Every night, ghosts and wolves howling would erupt from the tomb hill and spread throughout the Purple Cloud Sect.

Tomb Mountain does not belong to Suzaku Mountain. It exists alone. The surrounding mountains are all dead mountains, and the vegetation grows there are some sinister and evil vegetation. Other than medicinal materials, other disciples are determined not to step into it.

There is a legend in the tomb mountain, that is, in the center of the tomb mountain, a tomb of an ancient great demon was set up. It will form a tide of corpses and endanger the world.

For countless years, the Purple Cloud Sect has not destroyed the tomb mountain, not because they are incapable, but because they need corpses.

The tide of corpses is a good way to train disciples in the sect. Occasionally, there will be corpse pills in those zombies. This thing is a rare material, which can be used for refining alchemy.

If the tomb mountain is destroyed, the corpse pill will be lost, which is a great loss to Ziyunzong.

Furthermore, whenever a tide of corpses breaks out, the outer sect, inner sect and core disciples will all be dispatched. It can be said to be a battle feast. Deep in the mountains, deal with some extremely powerful corpse kings!

The existence of the tomb mountain is good for cultivation, good for the atmosphere, and there are countless treasures, Ziyun Sect will naturally not destroy them.

However, the existence of the tomb mountain is not always a good thing. Sometimes when the tide of corpses erupts violently, an extremely terrifying corpse emperor will appear. When the corpse emperor appears, he can often command the tide of corpses and form an impact on Ziyunzong.

There was a time when the tide of corpses got out of control. At that time, almost half of the inner sect was destroyed by the tide of corpses. Ziyunzong suffered heavy losses, and Ziyunzong almost destroyed the tomb mountain.

In the end, Ziyunzong still believed that the existence of the tomb mountain was good for Ziyunzong, so he stayed.

After so many years, Ziyunzong has become more certain of this idea. The tide of corpses has provided their disciples with combat experience, brought them endless treasures, and also promoted the atmosphere of Ziyunzong. It should indeed exist.

The outbreak of the corpse wave is imminent, and countless disciples are preparing for it.

In the secret room, Xiao Ye and Ling Zixin moved like flying, dare not say flying over the eaves and walls, but they were very elegant. When they used Luo Fengbu, they would raise their swords from time to time, and their movements were chic.

This is already the tenth day of gravity training!
(End of this chapter)

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