god system

Chapter 146 System Lucky Draw!

Chapter 146 System Lucky Draw!

When Xiao Ye walked forward, he still held the Lieyan knife tightly in his hand, especially guarding against Tie Niu.

"Tch, with your three-legged cat's cultivation, it's not a matter of one hand for me to kill you. As for being so careful?" Tie Niu cast a haughty look at Xiao Ye.

"Tie Niu, this is my benefactor, that is, your benefactor. If you continue to speak rudely, get the hell out of Purple Cloud Sect and go back home to farm!"

Mu Qingshu was furious, his eyes widened.

As soon as she heard that she was going home to farm, the disdainful Tie Niu immediately laughed apologetically, and nodded and bowed to Xiao Ye: "Benefactor, big benefactor, I was joking with you just now, don't take it to heart, haha, Hahaha……"

The change in Tie Niu's tone and attitude was a 180-degree change. Xiao Ye sighed, but he still didn't relax his vigilance.


However, just as Tie Niu nodded and bowed her waist, her gaze suddenly turned cold, and she turned to look somewhere behind Xiao Ye!This glance is full of dominance and fierceness of a strong person, this glance, this moment, she is the real strong person.

"Tie Niu, what's the matter?" Mu Qingshu also saw that something was unusual, and asked with a frown.

"Just now, there seemed to be a strong aura hiding in the rear, and now it has disappeared. Little master, it seems that someone is watching us in the dark. We have to be careful on the way forward."

Tie Niu no longer seemed to be joking at all, and even put away the chicken leg in her hand.

She still doesn't have any strong aura on her body, but the invisibly intimidating force is like a sharp knife. If anyone dares to attack her, she will pierce through him!
"Can't you find out who it is?" Mu Qingshu felt uneasy.

Tie Niu shook her head: "I can't find it, the other party is a master, and the aura is hidden too deeply, leaving no clues. Unless he exposes himself, he will not be found."

"Oh? Such a powerful person?" Mu Qingshu was more cautious.

"Hehe! Don't worry, little master, maybe the other party doesn't have any malicious intentions." Tie Niu suddenly comforted her.

"You mean, she sent someone in the dark? How is this possible? She has only been here for a long time, how could she send an expert of the same level as you?" Mu Qingshu seemed to have guessed something, with a face full of disbelief.

"It's hard to say, in short, you can't go wrong if you are on guard. If you want to fight, you can continue to fight. With me, Tie Niu, I want to see which wolves, tigers and leopards dare to act wild!"

After Tie Niu finished speaking, her aura dissipated, she flipped her hands and took out the chicken leg and ate it again, seemingly casually, but her eyes told Xiao Ye that Tie Niu was on high alert at the moment.

With Tie Niu guarding her, Mu Qingshu is not afraid.

He no longer thought about hiding in secret, but turned around and smiled at Xiao Ye: "Benefactor, Qingshu has not yet repaid the favor of saving Xuanwulin before, and I don't want to be able to meet benefactor here. The opportunity is rare, this time Qingshu must repay you well."

"There is no need to repay. If you are interested, you can break through the blockade of ordinary zombies with me and go to a higher level to kill bronze zombies. Dare?"

Looking at the dense army of zombies in front of him, Xiao Ye knew that it was not an option for him to break through like this alone. If someone cooperates to form a sharp knife and charge all the way up, it would be great!

"Engong, shouldn't it be better for us to wait for the big army and attack together?" Although Mu Qingshu is also a strong martial artist, his true energy is not like that of Xiao Ye, which can be recovered by using the little blue potion. Zombie, he couldn't help hesitating.

"Can't wait, since I don't want to, I'll charge and kill alone. Let's go!"

Xiao Ye didn't want to waste time, raised the Lieyan knife, and directly killed. With his extremely fast Luo Fengbu, he killed the zombie group in the blink of an eye. Leave no stone unturned!

"Little master, this benefactor is really good at killing now. Based on my calculation of his true energy, if he kills at most ten ordinary zombies, his true energy will be exhausted. But his true energy is amazing. The free transformation into sword energy is very powerful, a bit like the sword energy of Zongjian Villa, but it is much more miraculous."

Don't look at Tie Niu eating chicken legs casually, she can see Xiao Ye's state at a glance.

"Engong killed so happily, I will risk my life to accompany Junzi!"

Mu Qingshu pursed his lips, the sword in his hand let out a bloodthirsty long cry, and followed Xiao Ye, into the crowd of zombies.

The two of them, with one knife and one sword, completely burst out their true energy and no longer kept it.

Xiao Ye's gait is superb, and the saber technique can explode with extreme power in a small space. In addition, it is a magic weapon of fate. Once used, even ordinary zombies are strengthened by the virtual tomb, and they are not the enemy of him at all.

What's more, he still has sword energy, cloud-swallowing palm, and the transforming power of his natal Shajia from time to time!
The sword heart cyclone releases and absorbs true qi at a fast speed, and the evil power occasionally released by the zombies will be refined by the natal sand armor. There is no doubt about the persistence of Xiao Ye's battle at this moment.

But even so, he still had to take a sip of the little blue potion from time to time.

His combat power has been fully activated, even the protection of the holy light is always activated, fighting without sparing any energy.Sometimes even in order to deal with ordinary zombies faster, he even used the golden sword energy!

Ten ordinary zombies run out of energy?

Xiao Ye told Tie Niu with practical actions that even if he killed twenty ordinary zombies, he was still full of energy and energy!

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Benedict, are you an iron man?"

Mu Qingshu charged and killed for a while, imitating Xiao Ye's full combat power, it was fun to kill, but after a while, he was exhausted and out of breath, and was surrounded by ordinary zombies.If Tie Niu hadn't shot out a chicken leg and killed the ordinary zombies around, Mu Qingshu would have died on the spot.

"Tie Niu, lend me your true energy." Seeing Xiao Ye charging ahead, Mu Qingshu gritted his teeth and said suddenly,
"What? Little master, I want to protect you. There are still people lurking in the dark. I don't know if it's an enemy or a friend. True energy can't be wasted." Tie Niu finally became serious.

"Stop talking nonsense, just borrow it if you want, or let me go home and farm." Mu Qingshu also has a stubborn temper, and few people can change his decisions.

Xiao Ye once saved his life, how could he let Xiao Ye charge ahead alone?What's more, the taste of full combat power just now is so good, he wants to try again.

As soon as she heard that she was going home to farm, Tie Niu's face drooped immediately: "Little master can do whatever he wants."

As Tie Niu spoke, she pointed a little bit, and a red line formed by energy passed through her fingertips and directly connected to Mu Qingshu's back.

In an instant, Mu Qingshu's decadent look disappeared, and the sword in his hand once again condensed amazing power!

"Engong, today I will accompany you to have a good time killing!"

Mu Qingshu raised his sword, and charged in again, fighting side by side with Xiao Ye. The two of them were two sharp knives, and directly entered the group of ordinary zombies, leaving the large team of Yunzong disciples far behind.

Of course, no matter the front or the rear, there are Yunzong disciples to restrain them, otherwise ordinary zombies will all jump at the two of them, and they will surely die even if they have a hundred lives!

Mu Qingshu's sword moves are extremely fierce, and the sword power is also quite strong. Although it is not as powerful as Xiao Ye's means, nor is it as fierce as the sword energy, but relying on the power of the sword, he is not weaker than Xiao Ye in killing wildly all the way.

This also made Xiao Ye even more eager to get the second heavy sword Xinjue. As long as he gets him, his sword power will be considered complete. It goes without saying that his strength will rise when the time comes!

"Haha! Have fun, this is how you kill the enemy, it's the best!"

Mu Qingshu showed all his arrogance, while Xiao Ye buried himself in the killing at the fastest speed. His purpose was very simple, to get the most gold coins, to get close to the bronze zombie at the fastest speed, to complete the task, and to get the second stage. Jianxinjue!

"Ding Dong, kill fifty zombies, the system will give you a chance to draw a lottery, please draw a lottery."


When Xiao Ye had a good time killing, the magic costume system gave Xiao Ye a special reward, which was to let Xiao Ye draw a lottery. This was the first time he encountered it, and Xiao Ye didn't have time to think about it, so he started to draw the lottery directly.

"Drawing lottery..."

"Congratulations, you have received the level-up bonus, and your level has been raised by one level. Your current status is a second-level martial artist and an eighth-level spirit warrior."

With a random lottery bonus, Xiao Ye's Warrior and Healer levels were raised by one level at the same time!At this moment, he only felt that the aura had grown a lot, and the qi in the sword heart cyclone was surging, and the state of his whole body had improved a lot.


With a hearty laugh, the Lieyan Knife in Xiao Ye's hand struck faster, more accurately, and more ruthlessly. Killing zombies is like killing livestock.

"Engong, is your strength improved? It's really abnormal. You can still improve your strength in this kind of battle. Are you crazy?" Xiao Ye's sudden surge of strength made Mu Qingshu roll his eyes. Only then did I realize that the reason why Xiao Ye fought so frantically was because he was seeking a breakthrough!
Of course, everything is his wishful thinking. In short, Xiao Ye's killing is better now, and his speed is even faster!

"The task is released, climb to the top of the virtual tomb, and the task rewards a magic egg!"

The killing was going on happily, and the system issued another mission, but this mission made Xiao Ye a little helpless, why was the reward another magic egg?Won't another magical beast that is as troublesome as a magic weapon be born?
If Xiao Ye's thoughts were known to the magic weapon hidden behind, he would definitely retort: ​​"What's wrong with this magic weapon? She is naturally beautiful, cute and kind, and even helps you clean up the battlefield and eat treasures. How hard is it to do this?"

good!The terrifying aura that Tie Niu sensed before was the magic weapon lurking behind. At that time, the magic weapon was devouring a treasure. Because she was unprepared, the aura didn't restrain much, so Tie Niu noticed.

When Fabao sensed the danger, he immediately withdrew his breath and then dodged. After that, he never dared to be so arrogant again.

"That fat man is stronger than me. With him, as long as it's not the top battlefield, there shouldn't be any danger. That's fine, this magic weapon just relaxes."

Magic Bao thought so, but still followed closely all the way.

As a magical beast, when it senses that its master may be in danger, it is impossible to relax as the magic weapon said no matter what!

(End of this chapter)

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