god system

Chapter 168 Breakthrough Space

Chapter 168 Breakthrough Space
The two corpse kings were cornered by the magic weapon, they sacrificed their lives at the last moment, rushed through the space, and formed a huge storm, trying to drag everyone around into the space.

The magic weapon escaped fast enough, and the speed was absolutely unmatched. Although the space storm had been chasing behind him, it failed to finally catch up with him.

The magic weapon escaped a distance of three hundred feet before it escaped the engulfment of the space storm.Looking back, the black wind billowed in the rear, and the storm enveloped a radius of three hundred feet.

Inside the storm, everything was swallowed, including the corpses on the ground, Mu Qing'er, Mu Tianyang, Tie Niu, Xiao Xiaojia and a series of people.

With a radius of three hundred feet, no one was spared except the magic weapon, they were all swallowed by the space storm and sucked into the space.

Looking at the black hole in the center of the space with a radius of hundreds of feet, the magic weapon curled its lips: "Damn beast, now you know that offending this magic weapon will be miserable? It was cool to show off your power before? Now give me a fright."

Magic weapon This is pure revenge, no other reason is needed.

I was bullied by you when I was low in strength, but now that I am strong, I will kill you, it's that simple.


Magic Treasure talked to himself, and suddenly frowned: "Why is the master's breath in that space? I destroyed the virtual tomb before, and the space in the virtual tomb should have been transferred. Now the space opened by the corpse king is actually the same as the master's place." The space is connected."

The magic weapon is quite helpless at the moment, he vaguely perceives that Xiao Ye may be in danger, this kind of perception is unique between magical beasts and their masters, and generally there is no error.

"I finally escaped, it seems that I escaped in vain."

The magic weapon sighed, with a bitter face, he bumped his head into the space storm, suddenly lost control of his body, lost his center of gravity, was rolled up by the space storm, and was sucked into the space.

There is no doubt that they were drawn into the circulation space where Xiao Ye was.

The corpse kings are powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, they can't choose what space they break through.

Boom boom boom!

In the circulation space, Xiao Ye and Hu Xiao, who were falling to look for the demon thunder, suddenly felt a violent shaking around them, and a sound of explosion lingered in their ears, and then about a hundred feet below, the space exploded violently, and corpses were washed away came in.

"The space has been washed away from the outside world? Boy, control your body and don't let the space storm below get involved."

Hu Xiao held Xiao Ye with one hand, stepped on the battle ax under his feet, and floated in place without falling.

Xiao Ye nodded, his eyes fell down, watching the sand and entities enter the circulation space, and at a certain moment, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

"Xiao Jia." What Xiao Ye saw was Xiao Xiaojia, Tie Niu and Mu Qingshu. When they were rushed into the circulation space, they obviously didn't resist at all. Their bodies were directly rushed down and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Before they disappeared, Xiao Ye sensed Xiao Xiaojia's gaze, and it seemed that Xiao Xiaojia also found herself.

The three of them were mixed with the corpses of humans and zombies, rushed into the recirculation space, and then went all the way down under the sweeping of the storm. It was unknown how far this charge would fly.

There were really too many corpses, and there was also a lot of sand and sand that rushed into the circulation space. Whether it was corpses or sand, it was extremely dangerous in the high-speed shooting.

Xiao Ye and Hu Xiao had to fly high and stay away from the entrance of the space.

"I don't know who broke through the space channel from the outside world. We were lucky. If the space channel was blown up, we happened to be in the center, and we were probably smashed to death at this moment."

Seeing the corpses continuously rushing into the circulation space, both Hu Xiao and Xiao Ye felt a sense of dread in their hearts. Just now, if they fell faster, they might die on the spot.

At this moment, they are considered survivors.

"Huh? This is..."

Suddenly, Xiao Ye narrowed his pupils, and he saw two voices mixed in the corpse, being rushed into the circulation space.Xiao Ye could see one of the figures very clearly, so couldn't the beautiful figure be Mu Qing'er?
Mu Qing'er, Xiao Ye's S-level mission, she was also rushed to the circulation space.

When Mu Qing'er was rushed into the circulation space, her consciousness was still clear. When her eyes came into contact with Xiao Ye, she froze for a moment, her body seemed to be stiff, and a strange color flashed across her face unnaturally.

She didn't seem to believe her eyes, that the man in front of her was Xiao Ye whom she cheated that day, and she didn't believe that Xiao Ye would appear in the virtual tomb, in a special space!
Everything in front of her made Mu Qing'er at a loss, she knew Xiao Ye's character very well, she knew that Xiao Ye who was deceived would only sink into nonsense.

However, today, she never thought that Xiao Ye would rekindle his confidence and embark on the path of cultivation again.

But she didn't know that the Xiao Ye in front of her was no longer the trash she knew.

The Xiao Ye in front of him was not a great person at all, and in the original world he had only accomplished something in the field of games.But he regards Zhengyuan Continent as a game world, and he is in the game, so he is undoubtedly very scary in the game.

Looking at each other after two years, Mu Qing'er originally thought that there would be anger, suspicion, and even love in Xiao Ye's eyes.However, what she saw in Xiao Ye's eyes was excitement. That kind of excitement didn't come from seeing her, it seemed that there was something in her that he wanted, just like...

Just like the look in his eyes when he saw Xiao Ye and knew his identity.

The staring happened in an instant, before Mu Qing'er and Mu Tianyang had disappeared from sight without any further action.

At this point, the space storm began to weaken rapidly, and the opened entrance also quickly healed.

"Although Mu Qing'er is powerful, she is made of flesh and blood after all. In Cai Cai's eyes, her mood was obviously a little confused. She is not a saint, but she is much stronger than her peers. To defeat her, it seems It's not impossible either."

With just an exchange of eyes, without physical or even verbal contact, Mu Qing'er probably had a model in Xiao Ye's mind.

This girl, Mu Qing'er, was very scheming, she deceived the original Xiao Ye, took the Jiuyou Soul Suppressing Pill, and then entered the Purple Cloud Sect, only two years later she entered the core, and joined the Eastern Court Academy, where she was appreciated.

Needless to say, her talent is of course, the most important thing is her means, without some means, she will never be able to thrive.

In Xiao Ye's cognition, Mu Qing'er has great means, excellent talent, and must be good at hiding and acting in a low-key manner.

This kind of task is very difficult to deal with, even Xiao Ye has to be cautious, now that he and Mu Qing'er looked at each other, Xiao Ye had some confidence in his mind.

"The S-level task may be completed in this circulation space."

Xiao Ye pursed his lips, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"Damn! How can you close the space that my uncle wants to enter? Open it for me!"

Just as thoughts were flowing in Xiao Ye's mind, the entrance of the space that was about to close shook violently, as if it had been hit by the outside world, and then the entrance that was about to close suddenly paused.

Immediately, a stream of technical light shot into the circulation space, lingered in the void for a while, the brilliance dissipated, and the figure of the magic weapon appeared.

"Bah bah bah!"

The magic weapon spat a few times in displeasure, and spit out a lot of sand from its mouth. It seems that it suffered a lot when entering the recirculation space.

"Baby, what are you doing?" Xiao Ye didn't expect the baby to appear in such a posture.

"Hmph! Others were dragged into this place by the space storm, and this magic weapon is the one who wants to come in. What do you think I'm doing?"

"Hahaha! This kitty is interesting, but the strength of the attack just now is not trivial. It is not a little bit stronger than before. What kind of elixir did you take to get a great opportunity?"

The sudden appearance of the magic weapon also surprised Hu Xiao, especially the strength of the magic weapon at the moment, which is not as high as 01:30.

"Hehe. Big man, you left us and ran away alone, but in the end, you gave me a great opportunity and let this magic weapon take advantage of it. This magic weapon has to thank you very much."

Before the matter of Hu Xiao leaving alone, the magic weapon was brooding, and now he took the opportunity to tease, just to play with Hu Xiao.

"Oh? So that's it, haha." Who knows that Hu Xiao didn't care, he just scratched the back of his head, and smiled naively: "This is your chance, it's just fate, it has nothing to do with me, so I don't care about it." You don't need to thank me."

The words were simple and simple, but it left the magic weapon speechless. He had prepared a lot of words to tease Hu Xiao, but with Hu Xiao's words, he typed back all the words prepared by the magic weapon, leaving him silent for a while down,

Seeing Fabao's cat's eyes widening and deflated, Xiao Ye shook his head and smiled wryly: "Baby, are you responsible for all those things outside? You mentioned outside investigation, did you find any news?"

The magic weapon rolled his eyes: "There is news, but this magic weapon doesn't want to say it."

After finishing speaking, he playfully stuck out his cat's tongue at Xiao Ye, as if he didn't show any face at all.

Xiao Ye knew very well that the magic weapon didn't go to investigate anything at all, this little thing was simply out for revenge, and finally made a big noise, and even broke through the space, taking Xiao Xiaojia, Mu Qingshu, Tie Niu, Mu Tianyang and Mu Qing'er Involved in the circulation space.

All of this was caused by the magic weapon, and Xiao Ye could feel it even if he didn't admit it. After all, the magic weapon was Xiao Ye's magical beast.

The gap in the space was closed, and the circulation space returned to calm again.At this moment, the virtual tomb outside has been destroyed, and the corpse king and zombies have also been wiped out, so it is extremely safe to go out.

"Master, there is nothing to stay in this broken space, let's go out now." The magic weapon waved its sharp claws, ready to take Xiao Ye out of this place.

"No. I still have things to do here, and I'm not going to leave for now."

Xiao Ye shook his head, hiding the matter of the space compartment in his heart. After all, Hu Xiao was by his side, so this matter should not be exaggerated.

"Cut, isn't it just for the treasures in the space compartment? It's easy to handle. After a day or two, I will open the space compartment. As for the reward, just a hundred treasures."

Xiao Ye deliberately concealed it, but the magic weapon was careless. When he said this, Xiao Ye's expression changed.

(End of this chapter)

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