god system

Chapter 178 3 Demons

Chapter 178 Three Devils

The idea of ​​the magic weapon was automatically ignored by Xiao Ye.

Two people and one beast are in this space, facing the three docking spaces and half of the phalanx, and fell silent.They are waiting, waiting for changes in this space.

At the same time, I am also observing, observing what is special about this space, and what is the connection between this place and the change of the tomb mountain?

In such a situation, Xiao Ye and Hu Xiao calmed down and waited quietly while adjusting themselves.The magic weapon is to just close your eyes and fall asleep.

As Fabao said, he is not interested in everything in this space, and if possible, he still hopes to leave immediately.

It's a pity that with his own strength, he can only stay here for now.

After an unknown amount of time, the brilliance of the space suddenly faded, and it was the half of the phalanx that began to withdraw its own light.As the light faded, the ground under his feet began to become hot again.

Because of the demon thunder, they didn't even notice when the heat under their feet disappeared.

At this moment, the hot air appeared again, and the surroundings were pitch black, only a faint light flickered, and the half of the finger bone floating in midair seemed to melt into the darkness, and its momentum gradually disappeared.

The rope covering the two people and the beast disappeared, and Xiao Ye, Hu Xiao and Fabao instantly regained their ability to move.

"Damn! I can finally move, but I'm suffocating this magic weapon. Look at this magic weapon and leave this damn place now."

"Space, break it for me!"

As soon as the magic weapon regained its ability to move, it didn't talk nonsense to Xiao Ye, and directly stamped its paws in the void, trying to break open the space.

The power contained in this claw can completely open a hole in this space, allowing the magic weapon to escape.However, when this paw print was made, all the power was completely swallowed by the dark space, and there was no reaction at all.

"Damn it, break it for me!"

"Broken! Broken! Broken!"

The magic weapon was furious, and several paws were printed in the void in a row, and the power of each paw was stronger than the previous one.Each of these claws can crush a huge boulder weighing a thousand kilograms, but when it hits the void, it only stirs up a layer of ripples, and the energy has been completely dissolved by the ripples without even a chance to explode.

Fa Baokong has a lot of abilities, but all his attacks seem to be hit in the quagmire, without the slightest effect.

This made him extremely aggrieved, and he used several methods in a row, but the result was still the same, and he finally gave up helplessly.

"What broken space, it's completely different from just now. Damn phalanx, what happened to this space, do you want to lock this magic weapon here?"

The magic weapon kept complaining, but there was nothing he could do.

"Look at those three spaces."

Hu Xiao's words attracted the attention of Xiao Ye and Fabao, and they immediately looked at the three connected spaces, only to find that there was something faintly moving in those three spaces.

But with the passage of time, in the three pitch-black spaces, there was a faint sound, which became more and more clear, and it was all transmitted to the ears of two people and one beast.

The chaotic sounds sounded like bones rubbing against each other, and there seemed to be a huge breathing sound, and there was also the faint sound of continuous collision of weapons.

It's all miscellaneous, everything is there, and it's impossible to judge anything from the sound.

"There is light."

The two people and the beast became cautious at the same time. They held their breath and found that the light in the three spaces was getting brighter and brighter, and blurred shadows could already be seen.

The changes are still going on, Xiao Ye has already opened his spiritual eyes, but unfortunately, the spiritual eyes are still completely suppressed in this space and have no effect at all.

The brilliance in the three spaces became brighter and brighter, and the scenes in the three spaces were finally able to be clearly seen in the line of sight. Seeing this, the two of them and the beast took a few breaths.

The three spaces seem to be three small rooms. In these three small rooms, there are three large blood coffins.

The blood coffin was two feet long and three feet wide. It was bright red, as if cast from fresh blood, exuding a bloody aura. Just by looking at it, one felt as if one's mind was being sucked into the blood coffin, and one's mental power seemed to be sucked into the blood coffin. Drag into hell and suffer.

In the space, there is nothing but the blood coffin.

The three blood coffins were shaking violently, the blood coffin on Xiao Ye's right was the most violent, and the lid of the blood coffin moved to the right as far as he could see.

As the blood coffin moved away, a bloody gust of wind blew up in the small space, a bloody sharp blade suddenly protruded from the bloody coffin, and then an arm was attached under the bloody blade, and then, A blood-red monster with a human body but hands like blades and no fingers stood up from the blood coffin.

The monster is about ten feet tall, wearing a red armor, with bright red skin, and there are strange lines on it, as if the meridians are imprinted on the skin, it is extremely weird.

As soon as the monster's body moved, the armor clinging to the body squirmed. The strong muscles were really like granite, extremely strong.

The monster's facial features are the same as those of human beings, and its feet are also the same as those of human beings. It is that the sides of the hands are made of blades, and the cold light is shining. Xiao Ye has no doubt that if these sharp blades attack him, even if it is Lieyan Dao, he will Be cut off instantly.

The monster's whole body was blood red, except for his eyes which were strangely blue. He opened his bloody mouth, as if stretched, then stepped out of the bloody coffin, closed the lid, and the monster sat on the bloody coffin.

In front of the monster, a millstone floated at some point, its whole body was snow-white, revealing a touch of thickness.

The monster who sat down put his hand directly on the millstone, and began to grind it with a "click".

The sound of sharpening the knife was extremely ear-piercing, and it was clearly transmitted to the ears of the two and the beast through the space.Listening to the sound of sharpening the knife, it was like being in the middle of a hail of bullets, and the mental strength was involuntarily raised to the highest level, making it impossible to relax.

Xiao Ye even doubted that if he had been listening to the sound of sharpening the knife, he would have been mentally tense and eventually lead to a nervous breakdown and died.

"It seems that the devil can't see us, and he can't hear us." Fabao said suddenly.

Xiao Ye and Hu Xiao nodded at the same time. They could see clearly that since the devil stepped out of the bleeding coffin, his eyes had never locked on to the three of Xiao Ye, as if the devil only lived in his own space and could not see the outside world. Condition.

"It seems that those three spaces are sub-spaces that extend from this space. They are completely enclosed. We can see them and hear their voices, but they cannot see us or hear us. conversation."

Hu Xiao's analysis was exactly what Xiao Ye thought. At this moment, the second blood coffin in front of him also opened, and another devil stepped out of the blood coffin.

This demon is even more weird, his body is not fixed, but keeps changing.Sometimes it turns into a ferocious blood tiger, sometimes it turns into a flying vulture, and sometimes it looks like a monkey, jumping up and down.

This is an ever-changing monster. He seems to have gathered the blood of all beasts, and he can change and change his body shape at will.Every time it is not changed, there will be an explosion-like bone friction sound, which is very scary.

This was the bone rubbing sound that Xiao Ye vaguely heard before, and it turned out to be from this monster.

"How does this look like a release? It's the half of the phalanx that suppressed the three demons and put them in the blood coffin. When the phalanx rests, they can leave the blood coffin to breathe?"

Even the magic weapon can see the relationship between the space, the blood coffin, the monster and half of the phalanx, so Xiao Ye and Hu Xiao can naturally see it clearly.

Just as the magic treasure said, the half phalanx is to suppress the three demons, maybe it can't be said to suppress, it should be said that the three demons are afraid of the half phalanx, but the half phalanx doesn't seem to care about the existence of the three demons at all.

clack clack...

The lid of the last blood coffin also began to move, Xiao Ye immediately cast his gaze, and he couldn't help being startled by this cast.

Because from the blood coffin, what Xiao Ye saw was not a monster, but two figures, one of which was somewhat similar to the first monster, but its hands were normal like human beings.

This figure is just a change of human skin and a huge physique. There is no obvious difference from human beings in other parts.

If he is also a devil, he is undoubtedly the most normal of the three devils.

The point is not him, what startled Xiao Ye was the rather small figure beside the monster, he was none other than Lan Feng who teamed up with Xiao Ye before.

"Why is he here?"

Xiao Ye's pupils shrank, and the scene after entering the tomb with Lan Feng and every sentence of Lan Feng flashed through his mind.

He said that he was looking for someone in the tomb mountain, but now he appeared in the blood coffin. He looked conscious and uninjured, and he appeared there voluntarily.

The devil who was with him didn't mean to hurt him, but was rather close to Lan Feng. Could it be that the person Lan Feng was looking for was the devil who stepped out of the third blood coffin?
Then why did Lan Feng appear in the blood coffin?How did he get in?How did it appear in this space?
"This person seems to be a disciple of Ziyun Sect. Brother Xiao, do you know him?" Hu Xiao also frowned, full of doubts.

"It's the same mountain." Xiao Ye answered very simply, not wanting to mention Lan Feng's identity.

Hu Xiao didn't ask any further questions, the two of them and the beast just observed the three monsters in the three spaces. In fact, [-]% of their eyes were on Lan Feng and the most normal monster.

The blood coffin was closed, and the devil sat on the blood coffin, but Lan Feng knelt down in front of the devil.


The two words that opened their mouths shocked Xiao Ye and Hu Xiao at the same time, and the magic weapon squinted the cat's eyes lazily, becoming very interested.

The devil didn't have much expression on his face, he seemed to be thinking for a long time, before he remembered something, and opened his mouth to spit out an extremely thick word: "Feng."

A simple word, like a call that has been silent for thousands of years, although there is not much emotion, it makes Lan Feng burst into tears, with incomparable pain.

"Father, don't worry, if there is no accident, the child will take you out of here today. A few years later, our father and son will join hands and we will definitely avenge your deep hatred. Those ungrateful guys in Tangmen should all be damned, and Zi Yunzong, I will make him disappear in Zhengyuan Continent sooner or later!"

(End of this chapter)

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