god system

Chapter 185 Fighting the Great Demon

Chapter 185 Fighting the Great Demon

As soon as the voice fell, a black shadow quickly flashed across the battlefield. The speed was extremely fast and very domineering. Wherever it passed, the zombies were blown to pieces.

In the blink of an eye, a black shadow appeared half a foot away from Yuxiao Qinglong Dugubai's side, the brilliance dissipated, and a green robe hung on his body, an old man as refined as a god of war.

The green robe on the old man was like a battle armor, majestic and majestic, his face was cold and stern, his eyes were piercing, even when facing Dugu Bai, he just nodded his head and didn't express much.

A gust of breeze blew through the crowd, and the emerald green light exploded, as if a spirit snake had escaped, the brilliance dissipated, and Fairy Sanqing appeared beside Venerable Hua Yuan.

"Hehe, my little girl has met Senior Lonely and Senior Hua Yuan."

As soon as Fairy Sanqing appeared, she pursed her lips and smiled at Lonely Bai and Venerable Hua Yuan with a humble look.

"Pay attention to the top, help me block a demon head." Dugu Bai's face was stern, and the two demon heads in the space between them had already been suppressed, and he couldn't stop the violent energy fluctuations alone.


With a soft shout, like the sound of the Nine Heavens Immortals, it landed down, and the light in the sky flourished, and the two rapid streamers overlapped everything, like a lunar eclipse, and quickly blocked Dugu Bai, Venerable Hua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing. superior.

In the void, Immortal Zixia stepped on the rays of light, and the staff in his hand shone with brilliance. The place where the magic was cast was fifteen feet away from the battlefield.

Zixia Immortal Venerable is shining with colorful lights all over her body, protecting her inside. As a spiritual master, distance is her greatest advantage.


Spiritual arts are not good at defending. The lunar eclipse was only resisted for a moment. After the sword demon and the beast demon blasted the lunar eclipse, the light of the lunar eclipse didn't stop. It turned into two halves, half wrapped with a knife The demon, half of the scroll beast monster, separated the distance between them by three feet.

Yuxiao Qinglong Dugu Bai immediately turned into a green dragon, roaring and charged towards the sword demon, while Venerable Hua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing fled away one after another, Venerable Hua Yuan took the main attack and attacked the beast demon.

Venerable Hua Yuan has strong true energy. Although there is still a big gap between him and the beast monster, it is not a world of difference. In addition, with the assistance of Sanqing Fairy, the two teamed up and collided with the beast monster.


The energy exploded in the void, even Venerable Hua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing were sent flying by the beast monster with one move.If the Beast Demon hadn't been blocked by Zixia Immortal Venerable before his momentum, this blow would have injured both Venerable Hua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing at the same time.

Before he could react, the Beast Demon roared towards Venerable Hua Yuan with its huge fist. It seemed that the Beast Demon had also noticed that it had dealt with Venerable Hua Yuan. Fairy Sanqing had nothing to fear.

Until now, the figure of the beast monster was still shrouded in the blood mist, Venerable Hua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing couldn't even see his appearance clearly, they could only feel the extremely terrifying coercion descending.


Seeing that the attack was about to come down, the light exploded violently in the distance, and two arrows formed by energy beams shot through the air all the way.

These two attacks are really too fast, and they are very well brewed, and the trajectory is extremely perfect. The most important thing is that the energy is still strong!

After the beast monster sensed the attack, it immediately withdrew its energy and stood in front of it.


The two arrows exploded in front of the beast monster, and the violent energy blasted away the blood light on the beast monster's body, and the constantly changing body of the beast monster was revealed in front of Fairy Sanqing and Venerable Huayuan.

"What kind of monster is this?" Fairy Sanqing was startled.

On the side, Venerable Hua Yuan seized the opportunity. On the front of the fist, it seemed to contain the universe and the earth. With such a punch, Fairy Sanqing felt that her vision was distorted.

Under the extremely fast coordinated attack, the Beast Demon didn't react quickly, and was slammed into the air.But before he was blown away, a thick layer of scales appeared on his body, and his body turned into a beast with strong defense.

So even though Venerable Huayuan's fist hit completely, it didn't hurt the beast monster. On the contrary, Venerable Huayuan's fist was stained with blood, and a bloody mouth appeared.

One move to subdue the enemy, but he was injured instead, Venerable Hua Yuan's complexion was incomparably dignified, and a pair of gleaming metal gloves appeared in Venerable Hua Yuan's hands, and he put them on.

"Senior Hua Yuan, in the face of such a powerful enemy and still concealing weapons, is it a little underestimating the enemy?" Fairy Sanqing was very dissatisfied when she saw this.

Venerable Hua Yuan didn't answer, the enemy they were facing was too strong, with Venerable Hua Yuan's strength, in fact, they couldn't hurt the beast monsters at all, at most they played the role of restraining them in the slightest.

If it is said that the beast monster can be hurt in the body, it is the spiritual master Zixia Immortal Venerable.The spiritual master is good at output, no matter how strong the beast monster's defense is, he dare not resist Zixia Xianzun's attack head-on.

"I'll contain the devil, Senior Brother Hua Yuan assists, Xiao Qing assists."

The voice of Zixia Immortal Venerable came from afar, and then from Zixia Immortal Venerable's staff, beams of brilliance flashed and shot at the beast monster quickly.There are many attacks, covering all directions, and the momentum is huge.

At the same time, two yellow energy brilliance fell on Venerable Huayuan and Fairy Sanqing: "From now on, you can ignore my energy and attack the big demon with all your strength."

As the sound fell, Venerable Hua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing looked at each other, one in front of the other, ignoring the dense attacks of Zixia Xianzun, instead they merged into these attacks and killed the beast monster.

A strange scene happened, after Immortal Zixia's attack hit Venerable Zhonghua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing, it actually passed directly through their bodies, without causing any harm to them, but continued to kill the beast monster.

As Zixia Immortal Venerable said, because of the yellow light that enveloped the bodies of Huayuan and Sanqing Fairy before, the attack of Zixia Immortal Venerable has no effect on them at this moment.

This scene looks miraculous, but in the eyes of the strong, it can be completely explained.

With these energies restrained, it was difficult for the beast monsters to encounter Venerable Hua Yuan and Fairy Sanqing, and it was even more difficult to kill them.Venerable Huayuan and Fairy Sanqing can find opportunities to attack the beast monsters.

Bang bang bang!
Sure enough, when the two collided again, a stalemate was formed.

Beast monsters are amazing. There are many changes in his body, such as monsters with strong defenses, fast speeds, strong attacks, poisonous ones, huge or very small ones...

Beast demons are ever-changing, and their energy changes quickly. The only shortcoming is that the transformation takes time and cannot be connected smoothly. Otherwise, with his ability, even if Zixia Xianzun, Hua Yuanzun and Sanqing Fairy work together, they will not be his opponent at all.

"There is another team, ready to attack the big demon who came out of the third space."

In another battlefield, Lonely Bai and Sword Demon also fought together, and it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.At this time, the third dimension is about to move, and the third big demon is about to appear in the world.

The first two monsters were blocked, who will block the third one?

To be honest, among the strongmen of Ziyun Sect in Tomb Mountain at this moment, only Yuxiao Qinglong Lonely Bai has reached Wu Zun.

Since Immortal Zixia, Venerable Huayuan, and Fairy Sanqing were called out by Lonely White, it means that these three people are also very important, and it is reasonable for them to work together to entangle a big demon.

But at this moment, there is a third great demon who is about to appear in the world, who will resist?
The disciples looked at each other. It was inevitable for them to suppress the tide of corpses. As long as someone restrained the three big demons and created time for the disciples to kill all the zombies around them, they could finally work together to destroy the three big demons.

But now the question is, who will resist the third big demon?

For a while, no strong man stood up, and the disciples were all waiting for a capable master, but they were disappointed. At this moment, it seemed that no one could deal with the third demon.

In the middle of the team, there is a male spiritualist floating.Under the gorgeous purple robe, there must be a pair of dark and cold eyes hidden under the round hat.

Behind this person, there is a man and a woman floating, the woman is Mu Qing'er, and the one who is in trouble is naturally Mu Tianyang.

"Senior brother Dongli, this third big demon is about to break out, why hasn't a strong one appeared yet?" Mu Qing'er asked.

The corner of Dongli's mouth twitched, and he made an extremely cold voice: "The tomb mountain is just a mountain of Ziyun Sect. Those who come here are usually Yunzong experts below King Wu. It is rare for Venerable Wu to come here. Appearance is already rare, so why come No.2 Wu Zun?"

"As for King Wu, even his strength has reached the level of Zixia Immortal Venerable and Hua Yuan Venerable, and he doesn't even bother to come here. It is also due to luck that they can appear here. In today's team, there is no one who can compete with the big devil anymore. Existence, if one goes, the other dies, who is willing to take the lead?"

Dongli sent a voice transmission to Mu Qing'er, explaining the boulder on the tomb mountain.

After all, it was only a mere tomb mountain, so how could there be many real strong people from Ziyun sect entering here?
"Then what should we do? If the third big demon is not restrained, wouldn't we be in danger?" Mu Qing'er's pretty face changed slightly.

"Don't worry, the appearance of the third great demon will not cause any disturbances. At this moment, the outside of the tomb mountain is surrounded by strong men from the sect. If the big demon is ready to kill, someone from the strong men surrounding the tomb hill will enter Tomb Mountain, come and deal with him. After all, even the Purple Cloud Sect doesn’t want to have large-scale casualties.”

Dongli seemed to be a strategic strategist, seeing the situation very thoroughly.

"By the way, girl, I'm afraid that the disciple and the monster you mentioned will be transferred after leaving the tomb mountain. Now that the tomb mountain has changed a lot, I really don't have time to pay attention to them." Dongli said suddenly.

"Hehe! Brother Dongli has kept Qing'er's matter in his heart. Qing'er is already very grateful, so how dare he ask for more. The matter between the monster and Xiao Ye will be fine later." Mu Qing'er replied with a smile arrive.

"The third space is about to open." Mu Tianyang shouted suddenly, and Mu Qing'er and Dongli's eyes fell on the third space at the same time.

clack clack...

Cracks began to appear in the third space. What was surprising was that there was no powerful aura emanating from it, as if the space was empty and contained nothing.

The more this is the case, the more oppressed the disciples feel. They know that the one in this third dimension must be the strongest demon.

(End of this chapter)

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