god system

Chapter 275

Chapter 275
Hearing this, Xiao Xiaojia also became serious: "Brother Xiao Ye, don't worry, I will definitely do my best to help with this matter, and I will never let up."

The disappearance of Xiao Zhan is the biggest trouble. Once Xiao Zhan is found, the immediate crisis will be solved. Whether it is a branch of the Xiao family or a disciple of the Xiao family, they are all convinced by Xiao Ye. As long as Xiao Zhan appears, the members of the Xiao family The crisis will be resolved.

"Thank you." Xiao Ye thanked, and continued: "The crisis of the Xiao family is because the chief elder quietly told the Xiao family branch about his father's disappearance, which caused the Xiao family branch to drive straight in and almost occupied the peak of the Xiao family. But This matter is quite strange, the possibility of the Great Elder betraying the blood of the seller is not too high, so I will start the investigation from the Great Elder."

Regarding Xiao Xiaojia, Xiao Ye did not hide anything. He first told Xiao Xiaojia the ins and outs of the crisis in the Xiao family, so that Xiao Xiaojia would have an understanding in his heart, and it would be more beneficial for Xiao Ye to know what to do when the time came.

"Brother Xiao Ye wants me to look for the Great Elder? But the Great Elder has long since disappeared, so how do I find it?" Xiao Ye said, and a Spiritual Qi fist blasted past, making Xiao Ye regain consciousness again.

"What? I didn't hear clearly just now." Xiao Ye shook his head. When Xiao Xiaojia was talking just now, Xiao Ye's thinking was already occupied, so he didn't hear what Xiao Xiaojia said.

Xiao Xiaojia repeated the original words tirelessly.

"The Great Elder is looking for him, and to find the Great Elder, we must first start with the Great Elder's son." Xiao Ye said.

"The son of the Great Elder?" Xiao Xiaojia suddenly realized, and then frowned again: "Brother Xiao Ye, as far as I know, the Great Elder has always been at odds with his son, and he is very dissatisfied with his son. His whereabouts are so important. , will his son know?"

"His son really doesn't necessarily know about the elder's actions." Xiao Ye said with a mysterious smile.

"Brother Xiao Ye means..." Xiao Xiaojia was puzzled.

"The son of the Great Elder doesn't know the whereabouts of the Great Elder, but there are clues hidden in him. He may know the reason why the Great Elder betrayed the Xiao family, or know some clues about the whereabouts of the Great Elder. In short, there must be hidden clues in him. What are you wearing?"

Xiao Ye was so sure because of his conversation with Xiao Jun that day. From Xiao Jun's words, Xiao Jun should have asked Xiao Ye to find the son of the Great Elder.

"Brother Xiao Ye means to ask me to find the son of the Great Elder, and then dig out the information he knows from him? But brother Xiao Ye, have you ever thought about it? There must be many people who have looked for the son of the Great Elder before. He must have already told the news, so why wait until we go to find him?"

After following Xiao Ye for a long time, Xiao Xiaojia also learned to analyze, her words are very reasonable.

The information of the First Elder is very important, even if others don't know it, Xiao Ming will definitely think that he will look for the First Elder's son, and he must have already found it.

But Xiao Ming didn't tell Xiao Ye any news, and thought that the First Elder betrayed the Patriarch's blood, obviously he didn't get any information from the First Elder's son.

Even Xiao Ming didn't ask anything. It can be seen that although the son of the Great Elder is a bit useless on the surface, he still has some skills and can hide secrets.

"If there is no accident, the son of the First Elder should not have said anything, otherwise the First Elder will not reveal any news." After analysis and thinking, Xiao Ye said.

Xiao Xiaojia hummed, and then asked in doubt: "But brother Xiao Ye, how can I dig out the secret in his heart, will he trust me?"

Even Xiao Ming couldn't dig out the news, how could Xiao Xiaojia do it?
If Xiao Ye went there in person, perhaps because he was the only Patriarch's bloodline, he could still find out the news, but why should the son of the Great Elder believe in Xiao Xiaojia?

The Great Elder may have explained to his son, who he met, or under what circumstances he could tell the secret in his heart.But he must have never told him, tell the unknown Xiao Xiaojia about it!

Xiao Ye had already thought about this point, and when he woke up again, Xiao Ye said: "First of all, you have to tell him that you came to see him for me! The second thing is to tell him about the murderer of Xiao Qin's death." , Yang Shuo has been beheaded by me, let him feel at ease. The specific operation matters, you have to see the specific situation, so you have to adapt to the situation, on this point, I trust you!"

Xiao Ye has two bargaining chips, one is his identity, and Xiao Xiaojia represents himself, so it is possible for the elder's son to tell the secret.

The other is the dead Xiao Qin. Although there was no big disturbance in the family when Xiao Qin died, Xiao Ye understands that after a father loses his son, he will be extremely sad. He wants to know who the murderer is. Who wants revenge more.

However, because of the special events that day, the Great Elder used strong means to suppress it, only saying that Xiao Qin was killed by a monster in a battle, and did not say much else.

Even though the elder's son asked many times, or even pressed him, the elder never said a word, and the only person who knew about it was Xiao Ye. For some reason, the elder's son never came to look for Xiao Ye.

The elder's son must have this incident deeply in his heart. He is eager to know the truth and revenge!

But now, apart from Xiao Ye, the only ones who know the truth are Ling Luo and Ling Chong. They should not tell the story. After all, Xiao Qin was killed by Ling Luo. will also suffer.

So they would keep their mouths shut, and the elder's son didn't know that the two of them knew the truth, so naturally he wouldn't look for them.

Apart from them, Xiao Ye is the only one who knows the truth. If he tells the truth and tells the son of the First Elder that Xiao Ye has avenged your son, how can the son of the First Elder not be grateful?

Throw all these things on Yang Shuo, a dead man, and when there is no proof of death, as long as Xiao Ye persists, then this matter will become a fact, and no one can change it.

"In this case, there are really some chances of success." After thinking about it, Xiao Xiaojia felt that there was some chance in this matter, so he could go and give it a try!
"Xiao Jia, the current Xiao family has a complicated form, and my every move is under the control of others, and it's not just a branch of the Xiao family. So I have to go step by step. Everyone is watching the matter of finding my father. I have to do it." , but I can’t let others know that I have found a clue, so I need help, and now only you can help me, thank you for your hard work.”

After explaining the loss, Xiao Ye had no choice but to thank Xiao Xiaojia again. You must know that without Xiao Xiaojia, Xiao Ye really didn't know how to find Xiao Zhan next.

"Brother Xiao Ye, don't worry, Xiao Jia will definitely go all out!" Xiao Xiaojia nodded her head viciously.

"it is good!"

Xiao Ye praised, and said again: "My abnormality will disappear in a short time. Regarding the changes on my forehead today, don't tell anyone, even the closest ones. And once my abnormality disappears, you go first Stay in the courtyard, don't act lightly. And I will inquire about the whereabouts of my father. During this process, I will definitely be watched closely. I will not find anything, but everyone's attention will be attracted by me Come here, when the time is right, you can go find the son of the great elder, remember, be careful!"

Xiao Ye's whereabouts were being monitored. Relatively speaking, Xiao Xiaojia beside him was also being watched. Even Dongzi's whereabouts were being investigated. It was extremely difficult to move freely.

Then Xiao Ye must act in the open, attract the attention of all parties, reduce the pressure on Xiao Xiaojia, and let Xiao Xiaojia look for opportunities to escape and act secretly.

The simplest strategy is often the most practical, the most difficult to replace, and the most difficult to guard against!
"I know Brother Xiao Ye, I will definitely cooperate. After I go out, I will quietly inquire about the residence of the First Elder's son, and I will definitely handle this matter properly."

Xiao Xiaojia knew how big the task Xiao Ye entrusted to her was, no matter what, she would treat it as her own business, and she had to do it seriously, not daring to make any mistakes.

Next, Xiao Ye discussed with Xiao Xiaojia again, and the two discussed together how to proceed with this matter to be more perfect.

During this process, Xiao Xiaojia brought into play a lot of her own opinions. Originally, Xiao Ye's understanding of Xiao Xiaojia was that this girl is too simple, has no intention, doesn't know how to think, and doesn't know how to analyze.

But after hearing Xiao Xiaojia's words, Xiao Ye couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and the way he looked at Xiao Xiaojia also changed.

This girl didn't know when she started, her scheming became so deep, and her methods and ideas in some aspects were even more mature than Xiao Ye's.

After some understanding, I found out that these were taught by Zixia Xianzun to Xiao Xiaojia. Zixia Xianzun not only taught Xiao Xiaojia how to practice, but also taught her how to face this complicated world and face different people as a spiritual practitioner. Use wisdom to protect yourself, how to survive better.

"Zixia Xianzun, a terrifying woman!" The image of Zixia Xianzun flashed across his mind, and Xiao Ye came to such a conclusion.

It is not unreasonable for Zixia Xianzun to gain a foothold in Ziyunzong, scare many people, and get the protection of the sect. Most people dare not touch her.

The more ruthless and useful people are, the more things they will naturally get.


When the door opened, it was already a day and a night later, Xiao Ye sent Xiao Xiaojia out, and the two sat in the courtyard for a while, and after eating a meal and some tea from Dongzi, Xiao Xiaojia directly Go back to the room and rest alone.

"Dongzi, today you accompany me for a walk at Xiao's house. I have to learn more about my father's affairs. As for some things, you who stay in Xiao's house may know more than I do. I know."

(End of this chapter)

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